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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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3 hours ago, Shanedorf said:

Can I offer a small suggestion ?  
Nobody likes being told what to do and certainly not us fiercely independent Americans. Out whole country exists because our forefathers didn't want to continue under the tyranny of a govt telling them how to live their lives

And that's part of why people say: "I'm getting so sick of this"  because ALL of the focus is on what we can't do. And that drives people nuts
In another thread we talked about  Re-Directing Children's Behavior, its a child-raising strategy where instead of running around all day telling kids:

No, don't do that !    Hey, don't touch,    No ! No! No !  You instead focus on what they can do. If your child is playing with your car keys and you take them away, the child will react negatively. If instead you hand them something else that's shiny and interesting, they will let go of the keys without a flinch

Now, I am not saying we are a bunch of kids, but on some level - we are. We have the parent ( govt) telling us NO NO NO but there isn't anybody telling us what we can do. And our species needs to have positive outlets for our energy and creativity - and when we don't we suffer.

Uncle Sam isn't going to tell us what we can do, that's on us .
And I know how completely lame this sounds, but there's a million things we can do with the extra time & energy instead of "being sick of this ****"

Also; turn off the news

I like the analogy but I do not think it is really accurate here. 

First, kids are born to parents, as in the parents made a conscience decision to bring another human into this world.  It is their responsibility to help shape that child's behavior, it is literally one of their most important jobs as a parent.  Our Government is not our parents, we are not here because of them...they are there because of us, the tax paying citizens.  They have an obligation to the public and while I get extreme situations will at times call for extreme measures you also need to be open and clear with what is going on.  I think every person who is "sick of this" would feel a lot better if we had an end date in sight, a light at the end of the tunnel.  I also think that most of us understand why we won't get that, its just not something in the current situation that can be predicted and relied upon, things are changing weekly if not daily. 

NJ is a great example of things making sense to start and then going too far.  First we get our mandatory shelter in place, ok fine.  With that comes the closure of businesses where people are too close, I don't agree with forcing someone to shut their doors, but ok this is a very freakish and rare situation so ok, initial indication was "two weeks". It is still spring time and the weather is getting nice, so naturally people want to be outside more. Well now you can't do that because they have shut down all of the state parks, most beaches, etc. Now they also tell us we have to wear masks (yes masks, even though they meant face coverings) to go out and shop anywhere...this is 2 weeks after certain businesses/personnel were ordered to report any PPE stock they may have had...which was weeks after they told us we don't need masks they don't do anything for us.  At a certain people when its all take, take, take...people get tired of it.  


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3 hours ago, Xenos said:

I get where you're coming from. We can't wait a year or more for a cure or vaccine. But at the same time, there's a balancing act as well. It's only been what a month? It sucks but it's going to take a little longer than that to get things back to some semblance of normalcy. 

A month for you or me or other may be no big deal, what about those who have zero income this month.  What about next month? What happens if their place of employment no longer exists now in a month?  Unemployment and these government programs will only go so far. 

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3 hours ago, pwny said:

Also worth noting that gift cards for restaurants help the restaurant, but only in that it spreads out losses. You’re still going out to eat there just once, you’re just paying ahead. The best you can do is to actually order from there additionally. So ordering now and then also in 8 months or whatever is better than paying now for a meal you’re going to eat in 8 months.

It’s a simple concept, but I think a lot of people are just buying gift cards, thinking that’s helping a ton, when it’s not helping as much as they think. You’re simply helping to spread out how long they take their losses over, rather than creating additional revenue.

It’s not bad to buy gift cards, but it’s not the best option.

A lot of things I have been seeing, if people are nervous about getting delivery...try to get with a couple friends/family/etc. and have a local restaurant make up food for local police, EMT, fire, hospitals/etc... Great way to support both parties in one shot. 

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2 hours ago, pwny said:

Do we even know if it originally spread through eating and not by touching an infected bat and then that person touching their eyes?

I would think it would be similar to how a dog licking a humans face can technically get the human sick...apparently very rare but can happen.  So if there is fluids and other bacteria/virus and somehow they splatter or whatever, seems like that would have to be how. 

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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:


This is really, really promising.

And not to brag, but:


This has always been the MoL's #1 draft pick as well 

I seriously hope we are scaling production of this, its worth the risk that we end up with a bunch of less useful meds on the other side because it could save a bunch of lives  and help us avoid another lockdown in the fall

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39 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:
4 hours ago, Shanedorf said:

Can I offer a small suggestion ?  
Nobody likes being told what to do and certainly not us fiercely independent Americans. Out whole country exists because our forefathers didn't want to continue under the tyranny of a govt telling them how to live their lives

And that's part of why people say: "I'm getting so sick of this"  because ALL of the focus is on what we can't do. And that drives people nuts
In another thread we talked about  Re-Directing Children's Behavior, its a child-raising strategy where instead of running around all day telling kids:

No, don't do that !    Hey, don't touch,    No ! No! No !  You instead focus on what they can do. If your child is playing with your car keys and you take them away, the child will react negatively. If instead you hand them something else that's shiny and interesting, they will let go of the keys without a flinch

Now, I am not saying we are a bunch of kids, but on some level - we are. We have the parent ( govt) telling us NO NO NO but there isn't anybody telling us what we can do. And our species needs to have positive outlets for our energy and creativity - and when we don't we suffer.

Uncle Sam isn't going to tell us what we can do, that's on us .
And I know how completely lame this sounds, but there's a million things we can do with the extra time & energy instead of "being sick of this ****"

Also; turn off the news

I like the analogy but I do not think it is really accurate here. 

I like his analogy tbh.  I think its a great approach for us to take with our political leaders.

Instead of focusing on the things they can't do, like force Americans into a 12-18 month lockdown or deprive every human being on the planet the right to work and live their lives, maybe we focus on the things they can do, aka their jobs, and better.. .specifically scaling up testing capacity, tracking, putting a plan in place in coordination between federal, state, local and even international governments that allows life to return to normal

Edit: but seriously that's an incredibly condesending attitude toward people who can't see their loved ones or work or feed their family.  I dont know about you guys but the MoL isnt exactly in the mood to pick up knitting right now and both of us are enormously lucky to work in industries where our jobs and compensation are not negatively impacted by this situation.  I cant imagine what the vast majority of people are going through rn.  There is no silver lining, hate to break it to people 

Edited by mission27
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24 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

A month for you or me or other may be no big deal, what about those who have zero income this month.  What about next month? What happens if their place of employment no longer exists now in a month?  Unemployment and these government programs will only go so far. 

Too bad we never saw the UK carry through with their herd immunity strategy to see what would have happened.....

Being somewhat sarcastic with the above comment. But I think your post speaks more to the infrastructural weaknesses we have in place in the USA than it does to the actual virus. Besides the income problem, we also have a healthcare issue with a lot of people right now. All this virus has done is show our fragile our current set up is. And with that being said, I'm going to end it there since I don't want this to get too political.

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2 minutes ago, Xenos said:

Too bad we never saw the UK carry through with their herd immunity strategy to see what would have happened.....

Sweden is actually doing this sort of.  Not with the goal of achieving herd immunity so much as flattening the curve while balancing people's other economic and social needs. 

Limited distancing measures, people who can work remotely encouraged to, stores and bar and restaurants open but no gatherings over 50 people.

They aren't seeing quite the same blunting on infections that some other countries have seen but nor are they seeing the predicted exponential explosion in cases.  Basically they are doing what we all said we were going to do, before Conte shut down Italy and all the dominoes fell.  And they're getting the result we all said we wanted i.e. flattening of the curve.

Probably wasn't possible mid-March in New York with things so out of hand but I do wonder whether this would have been a more rational approach for the world to follow outside of the hot spots and I think its certainly what we need to shoot for in a month or two

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1 hour ago, Outpost31 said:

Looks like Gilead Sciences manufactures Remdesivir.  73 dollars a share.  WTH, I’ll buy one.  If they don’t become the sole manufacturer of the cure and go up to 100,000 dollars a share somebody owes me 74 dollars.

They'll make some money off it and mission is an investor but the upside is limited 

They are a very large company and will not be allowed to profiteer off of this at the expense of lives & overall economic well-being 

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Just now, mission27 said:

They'll make some money off it and mission is an investor but the upside is limited 

They are a very large company and will not be allowed to profiteer off of this at the expense of lives & overall economic well-being 

Long term I think Gilead cures HIV. 

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Something we will need to account for at some point in the MoLs is the ramp up in testing recently

Take a look at Italy for example, ~10% of new tests today were positive.  That compares to ~20% of new tests historically.  So they are clearly ramping up testing which is going to skew the case numbers as we always knew it would

5k new cases today may be equivalent to 3k new cases a week ago

MoL is currently searching for a good API that provides daily testing data and we will make an estimate of true number of cases based on % of positive tests day to day and rejigger the MoLs that way

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Regardless of what you think about AEI this is a pretty sensible set of guidelines


I think the key question is how do you coordinate between city, state, and national governments so that restrictions can be eased at different paces and still allow people to travel between metro areas, states, and countries once this is under control

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48 minutes ago, mission27 said:

They'll make some money off it and mission is an investor but the upside is limited 

They are a very large company and will not be allowed to profiteer off of this at the expense of lives & overall economic well-being 


100,000 dollars or bust.

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