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JLA Mafia Game Thread DAY 4


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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Except it was me (and whicker) and you’ve made a couple mentions about me already. 

how did you forget? 

I remember a couple people voting for forge but i was focused elsewhere so i didnt remember who voted him.

i feel like even with the votes, forges nose has been fairly clean

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1 minute ago, Dome said:

I’ll give 250 likes for whickers address and phone number 

Like seriously this was the whole reason I checked out in the first place. Someone could do something like this and find me very easily. Why play a mafia game with no upside when this is a potential downside?

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

FWIW I’m 100% positive it was a joke 

And I really don’t give one iota flip what anyone else thinks about it. It was said. To me. And it changed the way I think about my online presence here 

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

I remember a couple people voting forge.

i didnt recall that it was you.

my suspicion for you involves you prodding people in a certain direction

I dont remember many of your early posts, but im feeling a deep dive may be in order

Deep dive away my friend. 

it’s kinda odd for someone to say a couple times how interested they are in me but yet they don’t recall who I voted? 

then factor in that person is you ...... 

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

I remember a couple people voting for forge but i was focused elsewhere so i didnt remember who voted him.

i feel like even with the votes, forges nose has been fairly clean

He literally admitted to being the killer lol 

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Just now, Whicker said:

And I really don’t give one iota flip what anyone else thinks about it. It was said. To me. And it changed the way I think about my online presence here 

I’m not blaming you for your reaction at all or saying that it’s an incorrect reaction to something like that. 


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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Deep dive away my friend. 

it’s kinda odd for someone to say a couple times how interested they are in me but yet they don’t recall who I voted? 

then factor in that person is you ...... 

You have mostly fallen off my radar only to come back today.

and will probably fall off again now

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok said:

Why weren't you going to vote Biggio at any point despite saying you would hammer?

You're being very inconsistent and trying to put that off on a joke.

I have now said last night and today that it was solely a gambit to see if someome would hammer biggio before it was up to the hammer.  If he was town, scum could have been eager to hammer him (especially if malf is scum)

I have been 💯 consistent on EVERYTHING I have said.  You cannot point to one thing that has been inconsistent, why you gotta lie and try and spin that? 

I already told mwil and I will tell you.  Do not ever try and get something by me in regard to my posts bc it ain't gonna happen.  

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Vote Count

Whicker - 1 - Pickle Rick

Ragnarok - 1 - Swag

Dingo - 4 - Dome, Touch, Counselor, Whicker

Dome - 2 - Malfatron, Matts

Pickle Rick - 2 - Mwil, Ragnarok

With 19 alive and 19 voting, it's 10 to lynch. Day will end at 11:59pm tomorrow.

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

You have mostly fallen off my radar only to come back today.

and will probably fall off again now

So I steer towards mwil (which you said you didn’t like) and I “come back to your radar today” until I question you and “will probably fall off again now” 


does that sound right? 

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