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JLA Mafia Game Thread DAY 4


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8 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I'm bored.  Forge is the role cop.


8 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Oh, and amac is purple.

tbh, I thought this would get more fanfare seeing as I just outed at least one scum, and potentially two.

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

There's no way around the thread posture.  Either Rick gambled and it paid off huge, or the investigation was manipulated.

And also pushed for the flavor of daboyle's roleblock to make sure he wasn't faking it and gonna say the same flavor as mwil (whom I did roleblock)

Did i do that just on the off chance that I was investigated lmao.  Some of this is starting to become funny xD

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Well he came out with a result and you’re calling him a liar 

No, I'm not calling him a liar.  I'm saying that he is being ignorant, and he is proudly declaring that ignorance.

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If you clowns can’t see Swag and Pickle are together I don’t know what to tell you. Pickles first reaction was to push a vote on me because he didn’t know how to respond. After some coaching from Swag in chat he changed his tune to focus elsewhere. They have both jumped on a framer claim together because they know I’m town and if I am lynched it will show I am telling the truth and Pickle goes next. So they decide to turn the heat elsewhere off of me and off of pickle. 

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I've been absolutely clear in my thoughts: I think Rick was framed, and the thread posture and what is known does not support the existence of a fourth or fifth scum group, which is what he is claiming.  Just remove yourself from the game for a moment, and think about it from a hosting perspective.  You have two alignments that look like they can recruit.  You have at least three known members for Legion of Doom, and the Joker, with the possibility for a fifth, who are killing people in write-ups.  And then you want to think Crime Syndicate is in the game, not killing anyone, and not recruiting anyone because they have like five total members in the DC universe.

That strains the bounds of what is reasonable to expect.

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1 minute ago, Counselor said:

If you clowns can’t see Swag and Pickle are together I don’t know what to tell you. Pickles first reaction was to push a vote on me because he didn’t know how to respond. After some coaching from Swag in chat he changed his tune to focus elsewhere. They have both jumped on a framer claim together because they know I’m town and if I am lynched it will show I am telling the truth and Pickle goes next. So they decide to turn the heat elsewhere off of me and off of pickle. 

Batman, crime syndicate.

Or maybe the frame actually fits and you're scared because it's me saying it.

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