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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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2 minutes ago, squire12 said:

@rackcs  I am not sure this is complete.   Maybe @Heimdallr and some others can fill in some gaps or correct things if I missed/am wrong




  character/ability 1 2 mass roleblock by Wolf 4
1. MWil Godfather Local baddies aligned investigated by orca lynh list page 70 and 84    
2. Counselor agent Lanealignment compare???? failed aligment compare on orca attempted on Mwil, failed with daboyle death    
3. Daboyle Alignment cop goverment aligned alignment compare on pickle attempted on matts, dies via PGO    
4. Rack Michael weston JOAT        
5. Bcb flavor cop unlikely ally   Mookie has violent past, Not sure of date obtained    
6. Sanchez watcher watched slappy watched counselor    
7. Pwny male        
8. Glen SK (Even)Independent aligned   visited PGO    
9. Dome Nuissance - westen aligned        
10. Forge          
11. Rick          
12. Heimdallr (Female)        
13. Matts Carmelo Dante PGO        
14. Josh Incompetent JOAT westen aligned watched slappy, did nothing?? watched PGO    
15. Orca Ghost ninja unlikely ally
investigated Mwil, ninja, could not be found by counselor
16. Mookie          
17. Mission jailor - westen aligned        
18. TLO
Drug Dealer Independent aligned
19. Squire          
20. Touch bly        
21. Malfatron Lucy Chen- Odd N tracker Tracked josh ->slappy N1      
22. Ragnarok Sam Axe Invest?? invested mookie invesed squire    
23. Slappy unlikely ally watched by josh, went no where      
24. Wolf Lightning rod (female)     lightning rod  
25. Swoosh Barry -- background cop pwny, no shady business malf, shady business    


Seriously... ANYONE find me one post where I ever claimed or talked about myself being an unlikely ally? Did we find out what Josh did when he used his ability on me? If so, point me to that post.

And as an FYI, my move has never failed any night including last night.

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

Seriously... ANYONE find me one post where I ever claimed or talked about myself being an unlikely ally? Did we find out what Josh did when he used his ability on me? If so, point me to that post.

And as an FYI, my move has never failed any night including last night.


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(DEAD)  Dome -- Sophie Stagner (The Nuisance)
(DEAD)  Josh -- Nate Westen (Incompetent JOAT)
(DEAD)  Mission -- Virgil Watkins (The Jailor)
Ragnarok -- Sam Axe (invest abilities)
Malfatron -- Lucy Chen (Odd Night Tracker)
Swoosh -- Barry (Money Launderer)
Rack -- Michael Westen (JOAT)
Wolf -- Madeline or Fiona (Lightning Rod) 
Pwny -- Nick Lam (???)
Heimdallr -- kidnapped, female, vouched for by Malf
Squire -- cleared by ragnarok
Matts -- Carmelo Dante (PGO)
-----GOVERNMENT (need Michael dead)----------- 
(DEAD) Daboyle -- Agent Harris (Alignment Cop)
Counselor -- Agent Lane (Alignment Cop?)
Touch -- Agent Bly (day hit + ???) 
------MANAGEMENT (need Michael alive)----------
Orca -- Carla (???)
(DEAD) Glen -- Jan Haseck (Serial Killer), Independent-Aligned
(DEAD) TLO -- Sugar (Drug Dealer), Independent-Aligned
(DEAD) MWil -- Glenn Harrick (Godfather), Local Miami Baddies-Aligned
(DEAD) Sanchez --  ???? (hidden by Janitor)
Mookie -- clear by ragnarok? possibly unreliable
BCB -- claimed unlikely ally (flavor cop)
Pickle -- ?
Slappy -- ?
Forge -- ? 

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Night 4:

Ragnarok was at Carlito's downing his usual 40 mojitos, as he does every night.  Weakened by potential alcohol poisoning and fatigue from thoroughly enjoying enjoying the rich-divorcee scene, he was a prime target for cowards that couldn't handle these guns of steel at full stamina.  When he returned with a fresh drink, he sat down and began to happily glug.


Ragnarok paused.  He was sure he had heard a beep.  He looked under the table, and was then engulfed in an explosion.

Ragnarok is dead.  He was Sam Axe, Mojito and Recon Specialist, Westen-Aligned.


Swoosh's body was found with fatal injuries.  The injuries are reflective of the skillset of a highly-trained operative and marksman.

Swoosh was Barry Burkowski, The Money Man, Westen-Aligned.


The autopsy report on Sanchez revealed that he was Mr. Pyne, Watcher, Local Miami Baddies-Aligned.


Quite mad!  I don't know how, but eight of us did nothing last night!  What are y'all doing?!


It is now Day 5.  You have until 10 p.m. on Saturday, April 11, 2020.  

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5 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Did we find out what Josh did when he used his ability on me? If so, point me to that post.

he strongly hinted that you were town

im not ruling out incompetent joat being a insane cop

but your threadplay feels civ to me.

like the game you beasted

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