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Mortal Kombat Mafia: TOWN WINS. KSJ/Counselor lose. Malf is still crying.

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8 minutes ago, Dome said:

To me it means any sort of mechanic that is unusual or hasn’t been seen in a number of games already 

Interesting. I define it as any game where the host passes on any kind of information that is false 

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1 minute ago, Counselor said:

I never catch on like you bat eaters do

I’m the hidden child 


I can confirm my role to 2 people and chose the two best players in the game... first i picked malf, then swag 

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9 minutes ago, Counselor said:

I don’t know. Just not normal mafia. It’s why I’m asking questions about set up. Most of you guys have played more games than me and hosted games and all of you remember more than I do about these past games. They’ve all become a blur to me.

We have a host declared innocent child. That’s not something that plays well with the idea of reassigning alignments after day 1 

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8 minutes ago, Whicker said:

We have a host declared innocent child. That’s not something that plays well with the idea of reassigning alignments after day 1 

There isn’t one definition, either if us could correct. And since Matts isn’t likely to expand on it now it’s probably better to move this topic down the list 

Bastard Mod, usually shortened to Bastard, can ambiguously refer to a type of role, a type of game, or a mod who runs bastard games and/or uses bastard roles.


The exact definition of "bastard" varies from person to person according to their likes and dislikes; however, the following traits are usually common.

The moderator lies to players, either in their Role PMs (as in Falseroles) or in their revealed information (as in Death Miller). 

The game incorporates significant game-changing mechanics (Cultbeing a notorious example) that affects players who may not know about them.

The game incorporates roles that are inconvenient to play with, such as Voteless or Suicidal.


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