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1980s Drama - Official FF BMET (Poll + Tie Breaker)



40 members have voted

  1. 1. 1980s

    • Do The Right Thing
    • The Outsiders
    • The Thing
    • Glory
    • Rain Man
    • Stand By Me
    • Field of Dreams
    • The Breakfast Club
    • Mississippi Burning
    • Amadeus
  2. 2. 1990s Tiebreaker

    • Good Will Hunting
    • The Shawshank Redemption

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  • Poll closed on 06/28/2020 at 08:00 PM

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7 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Top Gun would clearly be the vote had it been nominated 

But we all need to flood the vote for The Thing, so a movie with 5 "teenagers" whining about their problems doesnt win

How could you all vote the Thing and Breakfast bunch over Glory, Outsiders, and Field of Dreams...this poll was a fail xD

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1 hour ago, The Orca said:

How could you all vote the Thing and Breakfast bunch over Glory, Outsiders, and Field of Dreams...this poll was a fail xD

Says the dork who has never seen The Thing but thinks Outsiders is a great movie.

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@Ozzy, my next mission is to change your mind on The Thing.  What was it that you had a problem with again?  Was it the practical effects?  I think it was.  Let me start by asking why you give the original Star Wars trilogy a pass for lesser practical effects but not The Thing.  It’s also cited by every single person who got into that field as a minimum of top 3 inspiration.  It’s considered a landmark for practical effects.  

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4 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

@Ozzy, my next mission is to change your mind on The Thing.  What was it that you had a problem with again?  Was it the practical effects?  I think it was.  Let me start by asking why you give the original Star Wars trilogy a pass for lesser practical effects but not The Thing.  It’s also cited by every single person who got into that field as a minimum of top 3 inspiration.  It’s considered a landmark for practical effects.  

That will not happen, no way is The Thing a better movie and or drama than Stand By Me, Glory, Rain Man, Field of Dreams or Mississippi Burning.  I will never believe it is better than any of those films, no freaking way, but it beat The Breakfast Club and if put in a phone booth with those two yeah The Thing is better as a drama sure.  Hell could throw in Do The Right Thing and The Outsiders as well as better overall films arguably.


This is the main reason for my dislike of the film.  The thought and use of ones own imagination of what was happening and what was going on with the Thing was more scary that what they came up with creatively.  It could have arguably been a better movie without these stupid extremes which did not add to the allure of the monster and the film, it only took away from it and make it stupid in my book.


Also in terms of being a Sci Fi film based in a winter environment, yeah Star Wars Empire Strikes back did it in 1980 before The Thing was ever made and did it better and more creatively.  And no freaking way the visual effects aka the ships and vehicles in Star Wars were not far better done than this Thing above here.  Gooey and gore will never be more impressive to me than straight quality animation that is wildly realistic which was absolutely done with the models in the original Star Wars.  The winter environment does work well in many ways and if done correctly can greatly help a film and be a character itself almost as in The Storm of the Century.  



Good for you it got in, but honestly it has been a running joke throughout and took a mass call to arms by you for it to get through.  Not sure how much of it was this movie is great or one cannot have The Breakfast Club win in a male dominated poll.  Like I said if The Breakfast Club would have won it would have been arguably the biggest upside in this entire thing. 


Maybe it is one of those films one has to watch a lot to like it more, but first impression yeah I was not impressed and have no desire to watch it again.  Maybe if it comes along on TV one day but that rarely happens so will see.   



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1 hour ago, Outpost31 said:

This is the best accomplishment of my life.  Thank you, @Malfatron and @Daniel and everyone else for the help.

As a voter for Amadeus, I spit on your thanks.

As someone who really didn’t want The Breakfast Club winning, I spit on your thanks as politely and respectfully as I can.

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