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1 minute ago, SkippyX said:

I think he is making a part 2 now.

I'd just make a movie based on the barbershop guys.  Every time I hear two black guys talking about boxing I barge in and bring up Rocky Marciano.  They usually just stop talking and look at each other and then they see me laughing and get the joke.  xD

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Just now, JAF-N72EX said:

You: Raw stats>>>everything.

Me: Football logic>>>everything. 

So the 3-5 start was ideal? The trade really supercharged the 2020 Vikings did it?

The Bills were missing 1 thing to fix their offense and it was Diggs.

Will Jefferson work out in the long term? Could be.

Did Diggs force the trade? Sure

Are the Vikings better for it? Only football logic bro seems to think so.


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