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Horror Movie Mafia Sign up and Game thread


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3 minutes ago, james.mcmurry13 said:

If I'm being honest, I think its most likely that you don't understand something about your move. You said you used it most of the game on mookie. Are you sure it doesn't only work on mafia?

100% sure

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4 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

I've explained this as well. If you were in cahoots like I suspect, its all WIFOM. Maybe he visited me, maybe he didn't of course you can claim he didn't because nothing happened. 


So now you think I was in cahoots with him, told him to claim he had visited you that night and then went against him by pointing out his lie? 

And if that's the case then what person visited you that night if it wasn't me?

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Just now, domepatrol91 said:

Thank god Hannibal doesn’t TRULEY care who lives or dies

Did you say something like this several days ago? This is basically what I was thinking, an "evil" lone wolf who would try to kill everyone else even after the threats to evil are dead.

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Well, once this game continues just remember that utley lied about visiting me. I may not be alive but at least I can point you in the right direction with my death.

If he’s got a night hit it’s ovah 

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Just now, james.mcmurry13 said:

Did you say something like this several days ago? This is basically what I was thinking, an "evil" lone wolf who would try to kill everyone else even after the threats to evil are dead.

Yeah. I’m just getting into character a bit. I do want town to win, but hiding my emotions behind my character is easier than maybe losing.

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Since the posturing is mostly over, I'll acknowledge that you guys were right to lynch pats. Nobody seemed to realize it (or at least they weren't sure enough to say?), but its clear in hindsight that hockey was redirected onto him. So if we let him live, anyone with a known move was subject to being redirected and killed. Just wanted to see if anyone was willing to point that out or at least how you guys would react to it, but I didn't really get anything out of it.

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