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The Binding of Isaac: Remafia (Delirium wins!)


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Just now, Raves said:

It most definitely will be.  Anyone else have information on @swoosh claims?  Especially since he changed it from 2 to at least 2 visitors?

lol what?

10 minutes ago, swoosh said:

I had at least two visitors last night, one of which was dome, one of which was up to no good. 

prefer not to say much more at the moment. 


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Just now, jasonwbantle said:

I couldn’t get anything more than names of moves with my current role. You don’t even know what my first role as Judas even was.

You are terrible at this game and I’m glad your one useless vote is something we can ignore. Bulletproof vest wearing protector that votes to lynch town every single lynch except yesterday. And that was only Bc you knew that everyone had orca Anyways.

Im through pretending it’s ok for him to behave like this @swoosh@Daniel. If you want to lynch hokie or racks. That’s fine. But I don’t see how this wouldn’t be a win for town to kill @raves as well. He’s useless.

No, with your original role as you described it where it seemed like only scum would die on the second day, you should've targeted potential scum so at worst they die on the 2nd day, at best you get a town you were wrong on that gives you a list with at least 1 not matching their alignment.

The updated role, yeah I don't know the exact specs on it but I doubt it's actually isaac-aligned based but it's fine you're not a good target tonight.  It's actually someone that I thought was town and might not be based on the "night moves" they tried to claim.

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2 minutes ago, Raves said:

No, with your original role as you described it where it seemed like only scum would die on the second day, you should've targeted potential scum so at worst they die on the 2nd day, at best you get a town you were wrong on that gives you a list with at least 1 not matching their alignment.

The updated role, yeah I don't know the exact specs on it but I doubt it's actually isaac-aligned based but it's fine you're not a good target tonight.  It's actually someone that I thought was town and might not be based on the "night moves" they tried to claim.

You don’t know the exact for any of them and I went by the suggestion nacho gave me.


Edited by jasonwbantle
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2 minutes ago, swoosh said:
3 minutes ago, Raves said:

It most definitely will be.  Anyone else have information on @swoosh claims?  Especially since he changed it from 2 to at least 2 visitors?

lol what?

13 minutes ago, swoosh said:

I had at least two visitors last night, one of which was dome, one of which was up to no good. 

prefer not to say much more at the moment. 


I can see certain scenarios where this plays out favorably to you, but none that you would leave up to chance as town.

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14 minutes ago, swoosh said:

I had at least two visitors last night, one of which was dome, one of which was up to no good. 

prefer not to say much more at the moment. 

my first post on the matter. bolded the "at least two visitors" part. 

11 minutes ago, swoosh said:

that's correct. I know dome visited me because he tried giving me a double vote. I know there was at least one other visitor, not the pleasant type.

said dome was one visitor. bolded the part about there being at least one other visitor. 

10 minutes ago, swoosh said:

at least two.

one being dome. 

once again, saying at least two visitors, one of which was dome. 


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1 minute ago, swoosh said:

my first post on the matter. bolded the "at least two visitors" part. 

said dome was one visitor. bolded the part about there being at least one other visitor. 

once again, saying at least two visitors, one of which was dome. 


Don’t waste your breath swoosh. Daniel, I, and the rest of town got your back

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Just now, swoosh said:

where did I change my story?

the scenario you're playing out is that we have multiple issues for isaac-aligned.  one that there was a faction kill it seems still on Dome as well as teh fact that someone tried to do something to you.  So that's 2 potential non-isaac aligned individuals we need to remove still after 4 are already removed.  That means 6+ non-town IIRC.

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Just now, Daniel said:

I’ll rephrase for @Raves: No one’s gonna lynch swoosh. Waste of time.

i woudl like explanation from someone then how Dome died, there is someone with ill-intent on @swoosh, oh and IIRC how the hell did @Matts4313 not die when I didn't protect him but he's supposed to die when Player B is voting him but wasn't hte lynch?

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