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58 minutes ago, TitanLegend said:

It's not really important to me what Fulmer has or hasn't done. All that matters is Haslam is done. Maybe Fulmer sucks as AD, and that's entirely fine. Our football program is more than likely screwed for the immediate future regardless. However Tennessee at least actually has a future with Haslam being gone.

I think this is a great idea. Driving away your biggest booster will surely make your team better. Nobody thinks Haslam is some great football mind who should be intimately involved in the coaching hire, but it makes a little sense to not cut off your nose to spit your face.

It also makes a lot of sense to think critically about this thing. You've spent the last few pages claiming that Currie is trying to spin things. But doesn't Fat Phil have more to gain by killing two birds with one stone here?(Currie for his job and Haslam's meddling)

1 hour ago, TitanLegend said:

Yes, because Clay really toed that Tennessee line when he was one of the lead guys behind protesting the Schiano hire. Or when he bashed Butch Jones at every turn the last year/year and a half. Give me a break. Clay can be a bit of a tool given his ego but the guy knows his **** regarding UT.

It's not a good look when you try and talk about something you've clearly done no research on. I've laid out for you in posts previous on this thread how ****ty the UT athletics department has been for about 15 years. I've told you why that is, and what needs to be done to change it.

What I said needs to be done is being done and I couldn't be any happier.

If Clay's sources are the same people undermining Currie (which is exactly what people are telling you), it would make absolute sense for him to attack the Schiano hire. And then it makes even more sense for him to protect his sources while blaming everything on Currie. It makes even more sense to do this when he's trying to increase his visibility for a political run.

These are all easy conclusions to come to when you're not a Tennessee fan.

If you want to talk about not a good look, take a look in the mirror. You've been trying this spin throughout the thread. Nobody is buying what you're selling. Nobody buys that this is all Currie's fault.

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11 minutes ago, catcheryea said:

sooooo obviously i missed a lot

would someone like to give me the cliffs of this thread in the past 7 hours

who got made fun of, etc.

We talked about how great Gus is and how Auburn is lucky to have him.

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7 minutes ago, THE DUKE said:

So how many losses before Vol Nation turns on Tee Martin?

My expectation from experience with Vols fans is:

Start of Year 1: Tee is the greatest. He's going to lead us to the promise land.

Start of Year 2: Yea, Year 1 was tough, but that was because Butch sucks. Tee is still great.

Start of Year 3: Okay, Year 2 wasn't ideal, but Tee is just now getting his guys here. Butch was such a bum.


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32 minutes ago, jrry32 said:

My expectation from experience with Vols fans is:

Start of Year 1: Tee is the greatest. He's going to lead us to the promise land.

Start of Year 2: Yea, Year 1 was tough, but that was because Butch sucks. Tee is still great.

Start of Year 3: Okay, Year 2 wasn't ideal, but Tee is just now getting his guys here. Butch was such a bum.


In year 4, if this year is any indication: 101715wagn-utrockpaintermiller4.jpg

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2 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

He's in Aggie recovery dear god man go easy on him.

not sure what you're talking about

MY georgia bulldogs are set FOR LIFE with our FEARLESS leader Kirby Smart

after we CURBSTOMP the barn this weekend and WIN the CFP you all will see


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