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Mass Effect Mafia - GAME OVER! The Reapers are defeated!


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3 minutes ago, Forge said:

I killed Raves 

Popped right between the eyes. 


2 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I actually ignore you as scum. Its fun to see what you do in the end 

I dont think you are scum this game 


Just now, Forge said:

I also converted TK3. But you didn't hear that here. 

That's why I know about the "indoctrination" move. 

Awkward No Way GIF

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9 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I actually ignore you as scum. Its fun to see what you do in the end 

I dont think you are scum this game 

If you don't have to actually deal with me, I'm entertaining, I imagine. 

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7 hours ago, ET80 said:

Wasn't trying to concuss you, was trying to GIVE you a Concussive Shot so YOU could concuss someone.

FTR - I'm a Biotic, and my skill treeis giving people different one-shot abilities. (Not sure the Mafia name for this role...)

That seems weird, but also seems to be somewhat verified.  Could make sense with what you quietly claimed previously.



5 hours ago, MWil23 said:

@Tk3 this could also explain something. I used a level 1 ability on Orca, so instead of him giving you a point, he took one away.

This seems like an interesting power.  'Causing a subtractive "stealing" mechanic, rather than a buff?  Something about that feels a little scummy to me.  But maybe not.  Probably reading too much into that.


3 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

I'm just going to out my useless information. Maybe it will help people piece **** together.

3 people visited Mwil 1.0 the night he died. Including me, but excluding upgrade points. Obviously one is who killed him, leaving exactly one more person.

5 people visited Tk3 last night, including me, but excluding upgrade points. A busy man; likely town.


3 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:


Only 3 people visited Tk3 last night including me. Don't want to say more than that.

Doesn't really do much for me piecing anything together at the moment, but good info to have.


2 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

no. he seems to get the number of moves to and from. I only get the number of moves used on him. Although this is why I said I was suspicious of his ability earlier.

Now I'm pretty sure he's town and telling the truth and we both just have similar abilities, at least at low level. I'd imagine the higher level ones are more distinct

I was kind of wary of this initially, with someone claiming a power very similar to one that i have, but different.  But it's been pretty much verified.  So obviously this game has not only some shared "same name" powers, but some closely overlapping but mechanically different ones as well.  Things definitely seem to diverge more as you climb the skill tree though.






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2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

If anyone has a gun tonight they should use it on tugboat 

Rude.  Why?


2 hours ago, The Orca said:

If you ignore Blue being loco and Tk3 being omitful/lying

Gopher and Tug are the least known. Tug semi connected to Pickle as well given his questioning of him about moves and tokens 

I'm "connected" to Pickle, in that he tried to fish for information from me.  lol.  That little fishing expedition was part of what sent him spiraling into that bizarre elaborate web of made up powers that essentially outed him as scum.


2 hours ago, ET80 said:

It's a major, major component of the universe - in essence, sentient AI that is trying to cleanse the universe every 50,000 years use Indoctrination to convince organic life that the AI is the good guy, so to speak. (It's so big, the game has an urban legend/fan theory that the events of the entire game reflect that Shepard was indoctrinated the entire time).

I really can't tell whether or not it's in the game, but I guess that's the purpose.

Kinda meta tbh.


40 minutes ago, Forge said:

we've also seen overlapping abilities. Rave claimed the same ability as ET in giving out abilities. 

Jlash and Nacho seem to have overlapping abilities. 

Let me know when you decide to help out. 


38 minutes ago, Blue said:

Overlap between two players is one thing. But not a single one of the four dead Town players have had any overlapping abilities. Three out of 8 remaining Town having the same ability that works the same way smells like bull****.

Yeah.  That's fair.  There are absolutely shared abilities in Town players.  And probably closely overlapping but slightly different ones too.  And it's not really surprising, considering two powers each.  But you're right, that even with two powers each, having it spread 3 ways seems a bridge too far.  Someone's probably lying there.

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