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Mass Effect Mafia - GAME OVER! The Reapers are defeated!


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We hurried down the hallway before we were once again intercepted by a Collector Army. We could tell this time, they were throwing everything at us.

I noticed an open doorway on the other end of the room. That was it! I gestured over to Slappy and told him I was going to try and make it there. She nodded at me, cloaked, and successfully distracted many of them. I ran as fast as I could, barely making it through the door before it shut. I was soon alone and ready to make this last push count.

I approached the core of the Collector base and stood in awe at the technology. No doubt, these machines were much more advanced than us, and I had to put an end to this, now.

Suddenly, I felt a gun press against my temple.

I'd like to thank you, Whicker,” Tk3 said. “I don't think I could have made it here on my own.”

Tk3, what are you doing? How did you get here?” I said, trying to remain calm. “Have you been indoctrinated this whole time?!”

No, Whicker, I merely realized that the Reapers are doing good for the galaxy. It's not something you humans can understand.”

Listen to yourself, Tk3! You helped us nail Wolf! You practically gave us Pickle! Everyone here trusted you!”

Yes,I suppose I did help with those... but that's why I'm here, to make it up to them. There's thousands more Reapers in dark space. Wolf and Pickle mean nothing.”

I knew it was over. I had been tricked. I closed my eyes and waited for the end. A gunshot rang out.

I opened my eyes. Somehow, @MWil23, @Blue, @Slappy Mc, @ET80, @Jlash and @TheKillerNacho had found a way through.


@Tk3 has been killed! He was Tali-Zorah vas Normandy [AI Hacking, Energy Drain] (indoctrinated by the Reapers)


Surprised, I finished planting the bomb and began the countdown. With the Collector Army defeated, we were able to make it back to the Normandy mostly unharmed. The Reaper threat had been thwarted... For now...


Edited by Whicker
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Kasumi Goto

Race – Human

Specialty – Combat/Tech

Title – Master Thief


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.


Flashbang Grenade:
Lvl 1 (1) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player and all players visiting him will be unable to spend upgrade points the following night.
Lvl 2 (2) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player and all players visiting him will be roleblocked, except upgrade points, the following night.
Lvl 3 (3) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player and all players visiting him will be roleblocked and unable to give or spend upgrade points the following night.
Lvl 4 (4) - Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player and all players visiting him will be roleblocked and unable to give or spend upgrade points the following night.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, you may activate your Decoy. If you do, the following night, any moves, except kills and upgrade points, will target your Decoy instead. The user of the move(s) will be told they were successful in visiting you. You may not activate your decoy on consecutive nights.

Lvl 2 (2) – At night, you may activate your Decoy. If you do, the following night, all moves, except upgrade points, will target your Decoy instead. The user of the move(s) will be told they were successful in visiting you.You may not activate your decoy on consecutive nights.

Lvl 3 (3) – At night, you may activate your Decoy. If you do, all moves targeting you, except upgrade points, will target your decoy instead. The user of the move(s) will be told they were successful in visiting you.You may not activate your decoy on consecutive nights.

Lvl 4 (4) - At night, you may activate your Decoy. If you do, all moves targeting you, except upgrade points, will target your decoy instead. The user of the move(s) will be told they were successful in visiting you.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.



Jacob Taylor

Race – Human

Specialty – Biotic/Combat

Title – Cerberus Operative


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. You will learn how many moves were used on that player, including upgrade points.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. You will learn how many moves were used on that player, excluding upgrade points.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s) visited that player, including upgrade points.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s) visited that player, excluding upgrade points.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all night actions, except kills and upgrade points.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all killing actions. You may NOT choose yourself. You may not use this move on consecutive nights.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all night actions, except upgrade points. You may NOT choose yourself. You may not use this move on consecutive nights.
Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, choose a player. As long as you are alive, that player will be protected from killing actions. You may NOT choose yourself.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.


Garrus Vakarian

Race – Turian

Specialty – Combat/Tech

Title – Turian Rebel


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. That player will begin the day with (+1) votes.
Lvl 2 (2) – During the day phase, your vote will count with a weight of 2.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player will begin the day with (+1) votes. During the day phase, your vote will count with a weight of 2.
Lvl 4 (4) – During the day phase, your vote will count with a weight of 2. Once during the game, at night, choose up to two other players. Those players' votes will count with a weight of 2 for the following day phase.


Proximity Mine:

Lvl 1 (1) – Once during the game, at night, you may place your Proximity Mine. If you do, all players visiting you that night will be unable to spend upgrade points the following night.
Lvl 2 (2) – Once during the game, at night, you may place your Proximity Mine. If you do, all players visiting you that night will lose all unspent upgrade points.
Lvl 3 (3) – Once during the game, at night, you may place your Proximity Mine. If you do, all players visiting you that night will be roleblocked the following night.
Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, at night, you may place your Proximity Mine. If you do, all players visiting you that night will be killed.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.


Urdnot Grunt

Race – Krogan

Specialty – Combat

Title – Krogan Berserker


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, you may activate Fortification. If you do, all moves targeting you, except kills and upgrade points, will fail.
Lvl 2 (2) – Once during the game, at night, you may activate Fortification. If you do, all killing actions targeting you will fail.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, you may active Fortification. If you do, all killing actions targeting you will fail. This move cannot be used on consecutive nights.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, you may activate Fortification. If you do, all actions targeting you except upgrade points will fail. This move cannot be used on consecutive nights.


Concussive Shot:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. The following night, that player will be unable to spend upgrade points. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. The following night, that player will be unable to spend or receive any upgrade points. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked. The following night, that player will be unable to spend or receive upgrade points. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.



Race – Human

Specialty – Biotic

Title – Subject Zero


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.



Lvl 1 (1) – No effect
Lvl 2 (2) – Once during the game, at night, choose up to three players. The following night, those players will be unable to spend upgrade points.
Lvl 3 (3) – Once during the game, at night, choose up to three players. The following night, those players will be unable to spend or receive upgrade points.
Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, at night, choose up to three players. That night, those players will be roleblocked.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. You will learn how many moves were used on that player, including upgrade points.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. You will learn how many moves were used on that player, excluding upgrade points.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s) visited that player, including upgrade points.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s) visited that player, excluding upgrade points.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.


Mordin Solus

Race – Salarian

Specialty – Tech

Title – Salarian Scientist


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.



Lvl 1 (1) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be marked.
Lvl 2 (2) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be marked.
Lvl 3 (3) – You will attempt to kill all marked players.
Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player.


Neural Shock:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. The following night, that player will take away an upgrade point from their target instead of give one.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. That player's moves, excluding upgrade points and kills, will target themselves. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player's moves, excluding upgrade points, will target themselves. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
Lvl 4 (4) - At night, choose a player. That player's moves will target themselves.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.




Race – Asari

Specialty – Biotic

Title – Ardat-Yakshi


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.




Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player and choose one of Warp, Pull, Concussive Shot, Barrier, or Singularity. That player will receive a Lvl 1 version of that move. You may NOT choose yourself.
Lvl 2 (2) - At night, choose a player and choose one of Warp, Pull, Concussive Shot, Barrier, or Singularity. That player will receive a Lvl 2 version of that move. You may NOT choose yourself.
Lvl 3 (3) - At night, choose a player and choose one of Warp, Pull, Concussive Shot, Barrier, or Singularity. That player will receive a Lvl 3 version of that move. You may NOT choose yourself.
Lvl 4 (4) - At night, choose a player and choose one of Warp, Pull, Concussive Shot, Barrier, or Singularity. That player will receive a Lvl 4 version of that move. You may NOT choose yourself.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. The following night, you will choose the target of that player's upgrade point. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. You will choose the target of that player's move(s). You may not choose the same player twice. You may not use this move on consecutive nights.

Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That night, you will choose the targets of that player's move(s). The following night, you will choose the target of their upgrade point. You may not choose the same player twice. You may not use this move on consecutive nights.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. That night, you will choose the targets of that player's move(s).The following day phase, you will control their vote via PM. The following night, you will choose the target of their upgrade point. You may not choose the same player twice. You may not use this move on consecutive nights.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.


Tali-Zorah vas Normandy

Race – Quarian

Specialty – Tech

Title – Qurian Mechanist


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.


AI Hacking:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. You will learn how many upgrade points that player has received so far in the game.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. You will learn the name of one of that player's moves.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. You will learn that player's race.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. You will learn that player's alignment. This move cannot be used on consecutive nights.


Energy Drain:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. The following night, that player will be unable to give another player any upgrade points.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose two players. The first choice will not receive any upgrade points the following night. The second choice will receive those points instead. You may NOT choose yourself.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player will lose all unspent upgrade points and be unable to receive upgrade points the following night. You may not choose the same player twice.
Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will lose the highest level of one of their abilities.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.


Thane Krios

Race – Drell

Specialty – Biotic

Title – Drell Assassin


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player and choose one of Warp, Pull, Concussive Shot, Barrier, or Singularity. That player will receive a Lvl 1 version of that move. You may NOT choose yourself.
Lvl 2 (2) - At night, choose a player and choose one of Warp, Pull, Concussive Shot, Barrier, or Singularity. That player will receive a Lvl 2 version of that move. You may NOT choose yourself.
Lvl 3 (3) - At night, choose a player and choose one of Warp, Pull, Concussive Shot, Barrier, or Singularity. That player will receive a Lvl 3 version of that move. You may NOT choose yourself.
Lvl 4 (4) - At night, choose a player and choose one of Warp, Pull, Concussive Shot, Barrier, or Singularity. That player will receive a Lvl 4 version of that move. You may NOT choose yourself.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. You will learn how many moves were used on or by that player, including upgrade points.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. You will learn how many moves were used on or by that player, excluding upgrade points.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s) that player visited, including upgrade points.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s) that player visited, excluding upgrade points.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.


Liara T'Soni

Race – Asari

Specialty – Biotic

Title – Asari Scientist


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. That player will not give or receive any upgrade points the following night.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. That player will be simultaneously roleblocked and protected from all night actions, excluding upgrade points. This move cannot be used on consecutive nights.
Lvl 3 (3) - At night, choose a player. That player will be simultaneously roleblocked and protected from all night actions, including upgrade points. This move cannot be used on consecutive nights.
Lvl 4 (4) - At night, choose a player. That player will be simultaneously roleblocked and protected from all night actions, including upgrade points. This move cannot be used on consecutive nights.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. You will learn how many moves were used on or by that player, including upgrade points.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. You will learn how many moves were used on or by that player, excluding upgrade points.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s) that player visited, including upgrade points.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s) that player visited, excluding upgrade points.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.



Race – Prothean

Specialty – Biotic

Title – Vengeful Ancient


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.


Dark Channel:

Lvl 1 (1) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will join your neighborhood.

Lvl 2 (2) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will join your neighborhood.

Lvl 3 (3) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will join your neighborhood.

Lvl 4 (4) – You will learn the alignments of all the players in your neighborhood.



Lvl 1 (1) – No effect
Lvl 2 (2) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will lose all of their unspent upgrade points.
Lvl 3 (3) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player.

Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player. This move is unaffected by protection.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.


Kaidan Alenko

Race – Human

Specialty – Biotic/Tech

Title – Alliance Officer


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose two players. You will learn which of those players has received more upgrade points.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose two players. You will learn if those players share an alignment. You may not choose yourself. You may not use this move on consecutive nights.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose two players. You will learn if those players share an alignment. You may not use this move on consecutive nights. You may not choose the same player twice.
Lvl 4 (4) - At night, At night, choose two players. You will learn if those players share an alignment. You may not choose yourself more than once.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. That player will begin the day with (+1) votes.
Lvl 2 (2) – During the day phase, your vote will count with a weight of 2.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player will begin the day with (+1) votes. During the day phase, your vote will count with a weight of 2.
Lvl 4 (4) – During the day phase, your vote will count with a weight of 2. Once during the game, at night, choose up to two other players. Those players' votes will count with a weight of 2 for the following day phase.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.


Urdnot Wrex

Race – Krogan

Specialty – Combat

Title – Krogan Battlemaster


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all night actions, except kills and upgrade points.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all killing actions. You may NOT choose yourself. You may not use this move on consecutive nights.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all night actions, except upgrade points. You may NOT choose yourself. You may not use this move on consecutive nights.
Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, choose a player. As long as you are alive, that player will be protected from killing actions. You may NOT choose yourself.


Stimulant Pack:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. The following night, that player will receive an extra upgrade point.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. The following night, that player will receive 2 upgrade points from other players instead of 1.
Lvl 3 (3) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will receive an extra use of one of their moves. You may NOT choose yourself.

Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. That player will receive an extra use of one of their moves. You may not choose the same player twice.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.


James Vega

Race – Human

Specialty – Combat

Title – Arms Master


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, you may activate Fortification. If you do, all moves targeting you, except kills and upgrade points, will fail.
Lvl 2 (2) – Once during the game, at night, you may activate Fortification. If you do, all killing actions targeting you will fail.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, you may active Fortification. If you do, all killing actions targeting you will fail. This move cannot be used on consecutive nights.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, you may activate Fortification. If you do, all actions targeting you except upgrade points will fail. This move cannot be used on consecutive nights.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose two players. Any upgrade points given to one will instead be given to the other.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose two players. Any moves targeting one of those players will instead target the other.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose two players. Any moves and any upgrade points targeting one will isntead target the other.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. You will choose the target(s) of that player's move(s).



Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.





You may share a chat with ____


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random town player will receive this upgrade point.


Factional: Each night after N2, choose a player. If that player has visited a Reaper this game, they will become aligned with the Reapers and join your chat. Once a player has been converted, this move cannot be used again.


If investigated, you will return Artificial Intelligence as your race.


Dark Sphere:

Lvl 1 (1) – No Effect

Lvl 2 (2) – No Effect

Lvl 3 (3) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player. This kill will not show up on watcher/tracker reports.

Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player. This kill is not affected by protection. This kill will not show up on watcher/tracker reports.


Energy Drain:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. The following night, that player will be unable to give another player any upgrade points.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose two players. The first choice will not receive any upgrade points the following night. The second choice will receive those points instead. You may NOT choose yourself.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player will lose all unspent upgrade points and be unable to receive upgrade points the following night. You may not choose the same player twice.
Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will lose the highest level of one of their abilities.






Race – Artificial Intelligence

Specialty – Combat

Title – Unshackled AI


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.


Defense Matrix:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. If that player is lynched the following day, that player will be pardoned. You may NOT choose yourself.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose up to two players. If one of those players is lynched the following day, that player will be pardoned. You may not choose the same player twice.
Lvl 3 (3) – Once during the game, at any time, you may activate Defense Matrix. The next lynch will be pardoned.
Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will survive their first lynch.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, you may activate your Decoy. If you do, the following night, any moves, except kills and upgrade points, will target your Decoy instead. The user of the move(s) will be told they were successful in visiting you. You may not activate your decoy on consecutive nights.

Lvl 2 (2) – At night, you may activate your Decoy. If you do, the following night, all moves, except upgrade points, will target your Decoy instead. The user of the move(s) will be told they were successful in visiting you.You may not activate your decoy on consecutive nights.

Lvl 3 (3) – At night, you may activate your Decoy. If you do, all moves targeting you, except upgrade points, will target your decoy instead. The user of the move(s) will be told they were successful in visiting you.You may not activate your decoy on consecutive nights.

Lvl 4 (4) - At night, you may activate your Decoy. If you do, all moves targeting you, except upgrade points, will target your decoy instead. The user of the move(s) will be told they were successful in visiting you.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.




Human Reaper Larvae


You may share a chat with ____


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random town player will receive this upgrade point.


Factional: Each night after N2, choose a player. If that player has visited a Reaper this game, they will become aligned with the Reapers and join your chat. Once a player has been converted, this move cannot be used again.


If investigated, you will return Human as your race.


Cryo Blast:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked that night.

Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked that night. That player will be unable to spend upgrade points the following night.

Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked that night. That player will be unable to spend, receive, or give upgrade points the following night.

Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked for that night. That player will lose all unspent upgrade points. That player will be unable to spend, receive, or give upgrade points the following night.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose two players. Any move, except upgrade points, targeting one will instead target the other.

Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. You will choose the target of his highest lvl move that night.

Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. You will choose the target of both of his moves that night

Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. You will choose the targets of both of his moves that night. The following night, you will choose the target of his upgrade point.




Zaeed Massani

Race – Human

Specialty – Combat

Title – Mercenary Veteran


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.


Concussive Shot:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. The following night, that player will be unable to spend upgrade points. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. The following night, that player will be unable to spend or receive any upgrade points. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked. The following night, that player will be unable to spend or receive upgrade points. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.



Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose two players. The following night, any upgrade points given to one will instead be given to the other.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose two players. Any moves targeting one of those players will instead target the other.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose two players. Any moves and any upgrade points targeting one will isntead target the other.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. You will choose the target(s) of that player's move(s).



Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.





You may share a chat with ____


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random town player will receive this upgrade point.


Factional: Each night after N2, choose a player. If that player has visited a Reaper this game, they will become aligned with the Reapers and join your chat. Once a player has been converted, this move cannot be used again.


If investigated, you will return Geth as your race.


Repair Matrix:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all killing actions. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights. You may not choose yourself.

Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all killing actions.

Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all moves, excluding this one and upgrade points. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights. You may not choose yourself.

Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all moves, excluding this one and upgrade points.


Biotic Focus:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. You will learn that player's character and the name of their moves.

Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. You will receive that player's full role PM.

Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. You will receive that player's full role PM as well as which moves are currently at which level.

Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. You will receive that player's full role PM, the current level of their moves, as well as all previous nights' targets and results.





Race – Geth

Specialty – Tech

Title – Geth Infiltrator


You begin the game with 1 upgrade point. You will receive 1 upgrade point every night. You may spend upgrade points and use moves in the same night. You can use all moves available to you in a night. The number in parentheses next to the move shows its cost to upgrade. You must start with Lvl 1 of a move and upgrade in order.


Each day phase, choose a player. That night, that player will gain 1 upgrade point. You may NOT choose yourself. If you fail to use this move, a random scum player will receive this upgrade point.


AI Hacking:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, choose a player. You will learn how many upgrade points that player has received so far in the game.
Lvl 2 (2) – At night, choose a player. You will learn the name of one of that player's moves.
Lvl 3 (3) – At night, choose a player. You will learn that player's race.
Lvl 4 (4) – At night, choose a player. You will learn that player's alignment. This move cannot be used on consecutive nights.


Shield Boost:

Lvl 1 (1) – At night, you may activate your shield boost. That night, if you are targeted by exactly one move, excluding upgrade points, that move will be reflected back onto its user. You may not activate this move on consecutive nights.
Lvl 2 (2) – Once during the game, at night, you may active your shield boost. If you do, all moves, except killing actions, will be reflected back onto their users.
Lvl 3 (3) – Once during the game, at night, you may activate your shield boost. If you do, all moves, except killing actions, will be reflected back onto their users. You will learn the names of all players attempting to visit you that night.
Lvl 4 (4) – Once during the game, at night, you may activate your shield boost. If you do, all moves will be reflected back onto their users. You will learn the names of all players attempting to visit you that night.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated the Reaper threat.

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