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Mass Effect Mafia - GAME OVER! The Reapers are defeated!


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I'll try to be chill in the postgame.. but here's my spiel


This game was brutally stacked against me, and I came to resent it and took it out on others - for that I apologize

I took out the entire scum team in like 4 days, only for them to convert me into like an 11-1 ratio... at which point I IMMEDIATELY get hit with a host error which "catches me" for all the wrong reasons.. but you can't un-ring a bell, so even after the host correction, which theoretically should wipe things out, the damage was still done and couldn't get that stink off.. Then I pull a brilliant self-hit gambit, counting on @The Orca to drive me, which he did, but @Forge and @Bluescrewed it up by protecting me.. Then despite the fact that I ALSO had a role-blocking singularity, which I tried to counter with, but order of operations then screws me day after day.. Just brutal, tbh

I'll say that I'm sorry for gaslighting folks and crossing lines.. I can't do things like that, but ultimately I was playing to my wincon.. It was just super annoying that I was "got" on faulty information and then had to deal with it and the unfavorable mechanics for days

Definitely another long mafia break incoming for me

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Day 1 upgrade points:

Forge → Wolf
Mwil23 → Blue
Jlash → ET
TheKillerNacho → Blue
JoshstraDaymus → Orca
ET80 → Mwil
Raves → gopher
bcb1213 → Pickle* (missed move – not on track/watch)
Slappy Mc → Tk3
Blue → Gopher* (missed move – not on track/watch)
Tk3 → Raves
Tugboat → Tk3
The Orca → Tk3
Matts4313 → Nacho

wolfeyestrk → Gopher
Pickle Rick → Wolf
gopherwrestler → Wolf



N1 Upgrades:

Forge – [2 points] - upgrade lvl 1 Barrier (1 point) – 1 point saved
Mwil23 – [3 points] upgrade lvl 1 Dark Channel (1 point) – 2 points saved
Jlash – [2 points] upgrade lvl 1 Warp (1 point). Upgrade lvl 1 Singularity (1 point) – 0 points saved
TheKillerNacho – [2 points] - upgrade lvl 1 Pull (1 point) – 1 point saved
JoshstraDaymus – [2 points] upgrade lvl 1 Neural Shock (1 point) – 1 point saved
ET80 – [3 points] - upgrade lvl 1 Throw (1 point). Upgrade lvl 2 Throw (2 points) – 0 points saved
Raves – [3 points] upgrade Lvl 1 Warp (1 point) – 2 points saved

bcb1213 – [2 points] – no upgrades
Slappy Mc – [2 points] upgrade lvl 1 Flashbang Grenade (1 point). Upgrade lvl 1 Decoy (1 point) – 0 points saved
Blue – [4 points] – upgrade lvl 1 Fortification (1 point). Upgrade lvl 2 Fortification (2 points). - 1 point saved

Tk3 – [5 points] - upgrade Lvl 1 AI Hacking (1 point). Upgrade lvl 2 AI Hacking (2 points). Upgrade lvl 1 Energy Drain (1 point) - 1 point saved
Tugboat – [2 points] upgrade lvl 1 Reave (1 point) – 1 point saved
The Orca – [3 points] – lvl 1 Fortification (1 point). Upgrade lvl 2 Fortification (2 points) – 0 points saved

wolfeyestrk – [5 points] lvl 1 Dark Sphere (1 point). Lvl 2 Dark Sphere (2 points) – 2 points saved
gopherwrestler – [5 points] lvl 1 Repair Matrix – 4 points saved
Pickle Rick – upgrade lvl 1 Cryo Blast (1 point). Upgrade lvl 1 Sabotage (1 point) – 1 point saved


N1 Moves

Forge – lvl 1 Barrier → Forge [Forge protected from all non killing/upgrade points]
Mwil23 – lvl 1 Dark Channel → Forge [blocked due to Barrier]
Jlash – lvl 1 Warp → Orca [5 moves were used on/by Orca]
lvl 1 Singularity → bcb [Bcb will not spend or receive upgrade points tomorrow]

TheKillerNacho – lvl 1 Pull → Matts [Matts was lynched]
JoshstraDaymus – Lvl 1 Neural Shock → Orca [Orca will take away upgrade points tomorrow]
ET80 – lvl 2 Throw → Slappy (Concussive Shot) [Slappy will receive Lvl 2 Concussive Shot]
Raves – Lvl 1 Warp → Forge [blocked due to Forge's Barrier]
bcb1213 – not using
Slappy Mc – lvl 1 Flashbang Grenade [not using]

lvl 1 Decoy [activating – fails due to Pickle's Roleblock]
Blue – lvl 2 Fortification [Blue cannot be killed]

Tk3 – lvl 1 AI Hacking → Wolf [Wolf has receive 5 points]
lvl 1 Energy Drain → Wolf [Wolf won't give out upgrade point]

Tugboat – lvl 1 Reave → Tk3 and Raves [Tk3 has received more upgrade points]
The Orca – Lvl 2 Fortification [Orca cannot be killed]


wolfeyestrk – No move
Pickle Rick – lvl 1 Cryo Blast → Slappy.
Lvl 1 Sabotage → Switch Mwil and Orca

gopherwrestler – lvl 1 Repair Matrix – Protect wolf

Wolf kills Bcb



N2 Upgrade points:


Forge → Mwil
Mwil23 → Tk3
Jlash → Mwil
TheKillerNacho → Mwil
JoshstraDaymus → Wolf [failed. Moved to Pickle randomly]
ET80 → Mwil
Raves → Jlash
Slappy Mc → Pickle* (missed move)
Blue → slappy
Tk3 → Raves
Tugboat → Tk3
The Orca [takes away point] → Tk3

wolfeyestrk [cannot give away point] → Pickle
Pickle Rick → Tugboat
gopherwrestler → Pickle






N2 Upgrades


Forge – [2 points] Upgrade lvl 2 Barrier – 0 points remaining
Mwil23 [3 points] Upgrade lvl 2 Dark Channel (2 points). Upgrade lvl 1 Slam (1 point) – 0 points remaining
Jlash [2 points] Upgrade lvl 2 Warp (0 points remaining)
TheKillerNacho [2 points] – Upgrade lvl 2 Pull (2 points) – 0 points remaining
JoshstraDaymus [2 points] – No upgrade – 2 points remaining
ET80 [2 points] – [2 points] – Upgrade lvl 1 Dominate (1 point) – 1 point remaining
Raves [4 points] – Upgrade lvl 2 Warp (2 points) – 2 points remaining
Slappy Mc [2 points] – Upgrade lvl 2 Decoy (2 points) – 0 points remaining
Blue [2 points] – No Upgrade – 2 points remaining
Tk3 [3 points] – Upgrade lvl 3 AI Hacking – 0 points remaining
Tugboat [3 points] – Upgrade lvl 2 Reave – 1 point remaining
The Orca [5 points] – upgrade lvl 1 Carnage [1 point]. Upgrade lvl 2 Carnage [2 points] – 2 points remaining

Pickle Rick [5 points] Upgrade lvl 3 Sabotage
gopherwrestler [5 points] Upgrade lvl 2 Repair Matrix (2 points). Upgrade lvl 3 Repair Matrix (3 points)



N2 moves

Forge – Lvl 2 Barrier → Raves [Roleblocked due to Pickle]
Mwil23 – Lvl 2 Dark Channel → Blue [Blue will be added to neighborhood]
Jlash – lvl 2 Warp → Nacho [3 moves used on or by Nacho. No upgrade points]

lvl 1 Singularity → Josh [Josh will not receive or give upgrade points tomorrow]
TheKillerNacho Lvl 2 Pull → Mwil [3 moves used on or by Mwil. No upgrade points]
JoshstraDaymus – no move
ET80 – lvl 1 Dominate –> Tk3 [fails due to Gopher's protection]
Raves – lvl 2 Warp → Tugboat [2 moves used on or by Tugboat. No upgrade points]
Slappy Mc - lvl 2 Decoy [successful – all moves tomorrow night will target Decoy]

lvl 2 Concussive Shot → josh [cannot spend or receive upgrade points tomorrow]
Blue – no move
Tk3 – lvl 3 AI Hacking → Nacho [Nacho is Human]

lvl 1 Energy Drain → Forge [Forge won't give point tomorrow]
Tugboat – lvl 2 Reave – Tk3 and Pickle [fails because Tk3 was protected by moves from gopher]
The Orca – lvl 2 Carnage → Tk3 and Nacho. Redirected to Slappy and Blue [Any moves targeting Slappy or Blue will target the other instead]

Pickle Rick – Lvl 1 Cryoblast → Forge [Forge is roleblocked]

lvl 3 Sabotage → Orca [Orca's move will target Slappy and Blue]
gopherwrestler – lvl 3 Repair Matrix → tk3 [tk3 protected from all moves]

Pickle hits Mwil


D3 Upgrade points:

Forge → Raves
Jlash → Raves
TheKillerNacho → slappy
Mwil23 – [blocked]
ET80 → Missed move (moved to Gopher)
Raves → Tk3
Slappy Mc → ET
Blue → Tk3
Tk3 → Raves
Tugboat → Tk3
The Orca → Jlash

gopherwrestler → Tk3


N3 upgrades

Forge – [2 points] No upgrade
Mwil23 – [2 points][cannot spend points]
Jlash – [2 points] Upgrade lvl 2 Singularity
TheKillerNacho [1 point] – no upgrade
ET80 – [3 points] – no upgrade
Raves – [6 points] – Upgrade lvl 3 Warp (3 points). Upgrade lvl 1 Throw (1 point). Upgrade lvl 2 Throw (2 points).
Slappy Mc – [2 points] Upgrade lvl 2 Flashbang
Blue – [3 points] Upgrade lvl 3 Fortification
Tk3 – [5 points] Upgrade lvl 4 AI Hacking.
Tugboat [2 points] – no upgrade
The Orca [3 points] – upgrade lvl 3 Carnage

gopherwrestler – [2 points] Upgrade lvl 1 Biotic Focus



Forge – lvl 1 Barrier → Forge [Forge protected from all non-killing actions]
Mwil23 - lvl 1 Neural Shock → gopher [roleblocked due to Jlash Singularity – did not move]
Jlash – lvl 2 Singularity → Nacho [Redirected to Mwil]

lvl 2 Warp → Gopher [3 moves used on or by gopher] MISTAKE → SHOULD HAVE COUNTED FACTIONAL KILL
TheKillerNacho – lvl 2 Pull → Tk3 [5 moves used on or by Tk3] MISTAKE – SHOULD HAVE JUST BEEN ON TK3
ET80 – lvl 1 Throw → slappy [Slappy's Decoy will receive lvl 1 Barrier]
Raves – Lvl 3 Warp → Nacho [Redirected to Mwil]

Lvl 2 Throw → Tk3 [Tk3 will receive lvl 2 Singularity]
Slappy Mc – lvl 1 Flashbang → Gopher [Gopher and all players visiting him unable to spend points]

lvl 2 Flashbang → Forge [blocked due to Forge Barrier]
Blue – no move
Tk3 - level 4 AI Hacking → Nacho [redirected to mwil → fails due to Jlash singularity] MISTAKE

level 1 energy drain → Forge [fails due to Forge's barrier]
Tugboat – lvl 1 Reave → Tk3 and Orca [tk3 has received more points]
The Orca – lvl 3 Carnage → Mwil and Nacho

gopherwrestler → lvl 1 Biotic Focus → Forge [fails due to Forge barrier]




N4 upgrade points

Forge → tk3
Mwil23 → Jlash
Jlash → Blue
TheKillerNacho → Jlash
ET80 → slappy
Slappy Mc → tk3
Blue → nacho [Mwil]
Tugboat → tk3
The Orca → Jlash

Tk3 → Nacho [Mwil]



N4 upgrades:

Forge – [2 points] No upgrade – 2 points remaining
Mwil23 – [5 points] upgrade lvl 1 Incinerate. Upgrade lvl 2 Incinerate – 2 points remaining
Jlash – [4 points] [Cannot spend points] – 4 points remaining
TheKillerNacho [2 points] No upgrade – 2 points remaining
ET80 [4 points] Upgrade lvl 3 Throw – 1 point remaining
Slappy Mc [2 points] No upgrade – 2 points remaining
Blue [2 points] upgrade lvl 1 Concussive Shot – 1 point remaining
Tugboat [3 points] Upgrade lvl 3 Reave – 0 points remaining
The Orca [1 point]

Tk3 [5 points] Upgrade lvl 2 Energy Drain. Upgrade lvl 3 Energy Drain




Forge – lvl 2 Barrier → tk3 [driven to Blue. Blue protected from all killing actions]
Mwil23 – lvl 1 Incinerate → Orca

lvl 2 Incinerate → Tugboat

lvl 1 Neural Shock → Tugboat [Tug will take away point instead of giving]
Jlash - lvl 1 Singularity → Forge [Forge will be unable to give or receive upgrade points]

lvl 2 Warp → Tugboat [X moves used on or by Tug]
TheKillerNacho – lvl 2 Pull → Jlash [X moves used on JLash]
ET80 – lvl 3 Throw → Slappy [Slappy will receive lvl 3 Concusssive Shot]
Slappy Mc - lvl 2 Decoy [tomorrow all moves will target Decoy]
Blue – lvl 3 Fortification [Blue will not be killed]

lvl 1 Concussive Shot → Forge [Forge will not be able to spend upgrade points]
Tugboat – lvl 3 Reave → Tugboat and Orca [share an alignment]
The Orca – lvl 2 Carnage → Tk3 and Blue

Tk3 – Lvl 3 Energy Drain → slappy

lvl 3 AI Hacking → Slappy

kill Tk3 [driven to Blue. fails due to Forge's protection]


Forge [cannot give or receive points]
Mwil23 → Nacho
Jlash → Mwil
TheKillerNacho → Jlash
ET80 → Slappy
Slappy Mc → ET
Blue → ET
Tugboat → Slappy
The Orca → Slappy

Tk3 → Nacho




Mwil23 [4 points] Upgrade lvl 3 Incinerate (3 points) – 1 remaining
Jlash [6 points] Upgrade lvl 3 Warp (3 points). Upgrade lvl 3 Singularity (3 points) – 0 remaining
TheKillerNacho [5 points] Upgrade lvl 3 Pull (3 points). Upgrade lvl 1 Barrier – 1 remaining
ET80 [4 points] No upgrade
Slappy Mc [4 points] Upgrade lvl 3 Flashbang Grenade (3 points) – 1 remaining
Blue [2 points] No upgrade
Tugboat [1 point] No upgrade
The Orca [2 points] no upgrade

Tk3 [1 point] No upgrade




Mwil23 – lvl 3 Incinerate [attempt to kill Tug and Orca] [Tug cannot be killed due to Jlash singularity]
Jlash – lvl 3 Singularity → Tug [Tug protected and roleblocked]

lvl 3 Warp → Mwil [Driven to ET. ET visited X including points]
TheKillerNacho – lvl 3 Pull → Jlash [X visited Jlash including points]

lvl 1 Barrier → Nacho [Nacho protected from all non killing actions]
ET80 – missed move
Slappy Mc – lvl 3 Flashbang → Tk3 [tk3 is roleblocked and unable to give or spend points]
Blue – activate lvl 1 Fortification [Blue protected from non killing actions]

lvl 1 Concussive Shot → Tugboat [fails due to Jlash singularity]
Tugboat – lvl 2 Reave → Blue and Orca [fails due to Jlash singularity]

lvl 1 Overload → Jlash [fails due to Jlash singularity]
The Orca – lvl 2 Carnage → Mwil and ET [Mwil and ET will switch places]

activate lvl 1 Fortification [Orca protected from non killing actions]

Tk3 – lvl 4 AI Hacking → Tugboat

lvl 1 Energy Drain → Orca

lvl 2 Singularity → Slappy

kill → Jlash




Mwil23 → Blue
Jlash → Fails* (Fizzles – host discretion due to possible claimed points)
TheKillerNacho → Jlash
ET80 → slappy
Slappy Mc → ET
Blue → Nacho
Tugboat → Tk3

Tk3 [cannot give point due to Flashbang]



Mwil23 -
Jlash – lvl 3 Warp → Nacho [fails due to Nacho barrier]
TheKillerNacho – lvl 3 Pull → Jlash

lvl 1 Barrier → Nacho
ET80 → upgrade lvl 4 Throw → Concussive shot to Slappy
Slappy Mc → upgrade lvl 3 Decoy → Activate.

Lvl 3 Concussive Shot → tk3
Blue – upgrade lvl 4 Fortification → Activate

Tk3 → lvl 2 Singularity → Slappy [blocked]

kill Jlash [blocked]



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2 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Factional: Each night after N2, choose a player. If that player has visited a Reaper this game, they will become aligned with the Reapers and join your chat. Once a player has been converted, this move cannot be used again.


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Factional: Each night after N2, choose a player. If that player has visited a Reaper this game, they will become aligned with the Reapers and join your chat. Once a player has been converted, this move cannot be used again.

Well that's certainly one way of doing a cult

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I deeply apologize to everyone, especially @Tk3 for my mistakes this game. I told myself after my last game to double check everything when putting out night moves, but it turned out I only checked some surface level things and missed (such as confusing Nacho and JLash's move and believing Tk3 targeted Nacho). 

I thought this set up was great, but I definitely kind of rushed it out the door when I should have taken a bit more time to iron things out. I do think with the scum conversion, it ended up being a very high powered, swingy game, but not necessarily too horribly imbalanced since scum should have simply played better to start. 

This game got a little heated at the end, but I hope everyone enjoyed it. I really thought the upgrade point system and skill tree was a fun twist. 

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2 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I'll try to be chill in the postgame.. but here's my spiel


This game was brutally stacked against me, and I came to resent it and took it out on others - for that I apologize

I took out the entire scum team in like 4 days, only for them to convert me into like an 11-1 ratio... at which point I IMMEDIATELY get hit with a host error which "catches me" for all the wrong reasons.. but you can't un-ring a bell, so even after the host correction, which theoretically should wipe things out, the damage was still done and couldn't get that stink off.. Then I pull a brilliant self-hit gambit, counting on @The Orca to drive me, which he did, but @Forge and @Bluescrewed it up by protecting me.. Then despite the fact that I ALSO had a role-blocking singularity, which I tried to counter with, but order of operations then screws me day after day.. Just brutal, tbh

I'll say that I'm sorry for gaslighting folks and crossing lines.. I can't do things like that, but ultimately I was playing to my wincon.. It was just super annoying that I was "got" on faulty information and then had to deal with it and the unfavorable mechanics for days

Definitely another long mafia break incoming for me

Dude, I know it would ruin the game which sucks, but getting converted into that mess is absolutely horrible. I think you deserve a piece of the win pie. I played so many scenarios out in my head about why you would bus Wolf day 2, but it seemed like his role was pretty important. Once I blocked you the first time and no kill happened, I was locked in.

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2 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Forge – lvl 2 Barrier → tk3 [driven to Blue. Blue protected from all killing actions]
Blue – lvl 3 Fortification [Blue will not be killed]
The Orca – lvl 2 Carnage → Tk3 and Blue
Tk3 – kill Tk3 [driven to Blue. fails due to Forge's protection]

This was the ALL-TIME big brain move that was going to save me from the absolute mess I was dragged into

And y'all ruined it by protecting me

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