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zombie survival mafia: Day three ends 3/10 6pm PST 8pm cst

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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Take a step back then assuming you are telling the truth.

IF you were redirected to Malfatron, that would be a risky town play. If scum did it, it's also extremely risky IF Malf is scum. What if you were a vig? An investigator? 

I dont need to take a step back. I know I am telling the truth. I intended to visit player X and I arrived at Malf instead. 

You would need the person who redirected me to answer the WIFOM questions you are asking. I simply peddle my goods. 

jay and silent bob dancing GIF

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15 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Ok so it's pretty obvious that Wolf is using roles from here:


That is where I found the John Doe role that BCB is claiming. Also there is this:


"The Jailkeeper may each night put a player in jail, which will protect that player from death, but also prevent them from being able to succesfully perform any night actions on that same night."

There is no reason that BCB should have been able to perform a night action. 

Sure, but if bcb was scum and knew he was jailed, would it be easier for him to just say he was jailed at couldnt do his move?

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7 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Not voting Raves is in and of itself an arbitrary possibility. Not voting is the same as voting, just like not gambling is the same as gambling.

I'll vote anyone here without hesitation if they're scum. :) 


6 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Even if Raves is scum, I will not vote him. I'll gladly die keeping that promise intact. 

Yup me and Slappy got our super secret bestie pact where we won't vote for the other or hit the other regardless of our alignments, though we don't have to prevent our teammates from doing the same if they feel it's the best option.

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7 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Even if Raves is scum, I will not vote him. I'll gladly die keeping that promise intact. 

You're free to play any way that you want and I support that decision. However, I personally think:

1. Mafia bets are lame

2. Mafia truces are lame

Simply because:

1. It's a game predicated upon deception

2. It has the potential to be contrary to your win con/everyone else's win con

6 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

My vote is my own to use. If he is alive tomorrow, there is no reason it shouldn't be locked onto him. 

You're absolutely free to do this

6 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Not my problem you dont like my way of thinking.

It doesn't have anything to do with liking it, but more or less gauging how legitimate you're being since PUSHING someone and LOCKING someone are not the same thing. 

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5 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

You would need the person who redirected me to answer the WIFOM questions you are asking. I simply peddle my goods. 


Well, if you are indeed a gift giver, then @Malfatron will have something else to answer to that has now gone unnoticed by him TWICE, and I have an issue with him on then.

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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

It doesn't have anything to do with liking it, but more or less gauging how legitimate you're being since PUSHING someone and LOCKING someone are not the same thing. 

I will be LOCKING my vote and PUSHING for his death if he is alive tomorrow. 

The legitimacy only hinges on whether him and/or I are alive tomorrow. 

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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Well, if you are indeed a gift giver, then @Malfatron will have something else to answer to that has now gone unnoticed by him TWICE, and I have an issue with him on then.

I read you. I initially thought slappy had done that, but then second guessed it after slappys later posts

(Note: i was sent more than one thing last night)




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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Well, if you are indeed a gift giver, then @Malfatron will have something else to answer to that has now gone unnoticed by him TWICE, and I have an issue with him on then.

He has acknowledged receiving something from me many times. Maybe reread? 

The issue that I take with his acknowledgement of it however was how quick he was to say I almost gifted scum and insinuated that by it reaching him, that was not the case.

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13 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:


This seems pretty personally motivated and less game motivated. 

I still think it's a Wolf game and Josh is probably the solo cultist again. 

I'll be interested to see what happens to BCB tonight. A claim on day 1. Who would have thunk it?

We have had the most exciting day 1s for like the past 5 games. 


12 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Thats going to motivate me to dust off my vcr and watch Clerks again.

Love that movie.



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2 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

He has acknowledged receiving something from me many times. Maybe reread? 

The issue that I take with his acknowledgement of it however was how quick he was to say I almost gifted scum and insinuated that by it reaching him, that was not the case.

At that time, raves had a guilty on him.


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9 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

I will be LOCKING my vote and PUSHING for his death if he is alive tomorrow. 

The legitimacy only hinges on whether him and/or I are alive tomorrow. 

to be fair, if he is town, why the hell would mafia hit him knowing this then

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