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The Marvel Cinematic Universe- Robert Downey Jr. cast as Doctor Doom


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I think Shuri as the new BP is a bad idea, it doesnt fit the narrative. She would completely change how the Black Panther operates, turning it into Iron Panther. Unless they completely change her characterization, which is equally problematic IMO. 

As much as I HATE it, and I do, recasting T'Challa is the best option not only for the BP franchise but for the MCU as a whole. 

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37 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

I think Shuri as the new BP is a bad idea, it doesnt fit the narrative. She would completely change how the Black Panther operates, turning it into Iron Panther. Unless they completely change her characterization, which is equally problematic IMO. 

As much as I HATE it, and I do, recasting T'Challa is the best option not only for the BP franchise but for the MCU as a whole. 

T’Challa dies off screen. Shuri becomes Queen. Namor attacks. It could work.

I don’t know a lot about Shuri,  but I don’t think it be terrible. Tone down her gadgets, give her vibranium energy daggers, and strength from T’challa’s blood.

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2 minutes ago, Acgott said:

T’Challa dies off screen. Shuri becomes Queen. Namor attacks. It could work.

I don’t know a lot about Shuri,  but I don’t think it be terrible. Tone down her gadgets, give her vibranium energy daggers, and strength from T’challa’s blood.

The biggest problem is that there are no more heart shaped fruit to give her BP powers. 

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On 8/31/2020 at 12:06 PM, theJ said:

The Boseman thing is tricky because

  1. People aren't going to want to see him recast
  2. BP2 likely has some tie-ins planned for other movies
  3. It would be odd, in universe, for BP to just disappear

Re: #3, people would understand.  It would just be weird.  They're going to have to be very creative about whatever solution they choose.

TL; WR Version:
Agreed. I think Marvel should make N’Jadaka (who was not confirmed dead by the movie) as the eventual replacement for BP. Sacrifice T’Challa for him, make the story a redemption story for N’Jadaka to eventually take up the BP throne. Also Ororo Munroe (pre Storm) and a Charles Xavier (Pre X-Men) would be tie ins within the story to introduce the X-Men. Just like the first movie had 3 Villains, I would have this movie feature three as well: The Shadow King, Changamire and Salamander K'Ruel. The overarching theme would be T’Challa’s legacy as King being his big heart for the world and how that heart allowed many things within the world to heal, showing the true power of what a King of Wakanda can mean to the world.

Actual Post
Agreed. I think it’s also important to add that he can’t simply be “moved on from” as well. His death in the MCU should mean something.

Personally after ruminating on how they could handle it and debating between Shuri or M’Baku becoming BP... I don’t think either would present enough significance to truly allow T’Challa to live on. Both options would be akin to simply “replacing” him. For instance if he saves Shuri from some sort of explosion but dies in the process, his death will essentially be a sad moment that we then simply “move on from”. His death means an additional superhero for little black girls to look to, it means his sister has to “step up”. I don’t think it’s significant enough to do Boseman’s death and what he meant to the role/people, justice. Would be a level above writing him off of a soap opera, “the show must go on.” I don’t like it. What’s more T’Challa is far better trained than Shuri and there are no longer anymore heart shaped herbs to consume to amplify strength and durability, she would have to turn BP into more of an Iron Man costume for it to properly serve her... and that’s redundancy.

So if I were Marvel I would handle it by him sacrificing himself to save N’Jadaka, his cousin. We never saw Killmonger die. We just saw his “final words” of anger, rebellion, and in some ways... hopelessness. Many people identified more with Killmonger in that movie for his perspective on how one would look experiencing the traumas he had to face in order to survive. He would thus naturally make for an excellent anti-hero (think Vegeta). We know T’Challa’s quest in BP1 was to answer for the sins of his father and rise to become his own kind of King, leave his own kind of legacy. Thus a powerful way to end that arc would be him sacrificing himself and putting N’Jadaka on the path to hope and healing. T’Challa’s legacy wouldn’t simply be something as small as “being a hero” but rather healing hate... and that’s a sacrifice worthy of sending him off. Something we can be proud of.

Now in terms of how I would execute it, I would turn BP2 into an origin story of sorts. I would make the movie a redemption story for N’Jadaka as well as an origin story for one Ororo Munroe. We can’t ever get a T’Challa/Ororo wedding, but we could get a wedding for BP and Storm. Their is no comic precedent for this relationship nor any comic precedent for an enemy that would be after Killmonger that would be powerful enough to break into Wakanda.

However there was plenty of narrative changes for M’Baku and N’Jadaka as BP villains. I personally would introduce Amahl Farouk/Shadow King into the BP sphere. He would make a play against Wakanda and with his telepathic abilities could be the one to breach their security. Ororo could be under his control as a young woman and it could be that The Shadow King (TSK) knew of N’Jadaka and wanted him as his next vessel (because of his hate and his physical attributes) and Storm’s power and actions is what leads to T’Challa’s sacrifice/death. Interconnecting her in a different, but meaningful way with T’Challa.

During the retrieval as we head back to Egypt we get to experience moments where Ororo reveals her disdain for the methods employed by the Shadow King, methods similar to what Killmonger used as a leader... only this time watching as this young woman was forced to murder someone. Along with this and years of conversations that N’Jadaka could reveal T’Challa and Shuri had with him as a prisoner of Wakanda... could begin to heal some of his trauma, to begin to see some of the error in his ways.

Obviously we know Professor Xavier is the one to battle the Shadow King and this is the action that eventually leads to him forming the X-Men against powerful and evil mutants. We also know this is how the Professor meets Ororo for the first time before choosing to recruit her years later. This fight on the astral plane doesn’t have to be drawn out... as it’s not particularly relevant. What’s relevant is that he was working in consort with Changamire and Salamander K'Ruel to overthrow Wakanda. 

Which leads us back to Wakanda as N’Jadaka, this time goes back to his homeland to protect it from these allied forces, with Storm in tow... we could learn in retrospect that Ororo didn’t deliver the final blow to T’Challa and instead it was K’Ruel with Wakandan knowledge provided by Changamire. After it all, we get a funeral for T’Challa attended by all those prominent within Marvel and we see Ororo crying as N’Jadaka goes to hold her hand... putting us on a path for them to eventually become an item. Following this semi-origin story, this could set Marvel up for a legitimate Origin story for Storm. Where she learns her abilities from the Priestess and sets up for her recruitment by Professor Xavier.

All in all, with this direction they wouldn’t need to replace Chadwick Boseman, no scenes would be filmed without the suit (thus a stuntman could perform the role) and the death would take place within the first 10 minutes of the film, but the impact would obviously last the entire movie and beyond.

Edited by diamondbull424
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18 minutes ago, diamondbull424 said:

who was not confirmed dead by the movie

I mean, we don't see it because it's a PG-13 movie.  You wanted to see his eyes roll back into head or something?  We see him pull the knife out, then a far shot of him falling over.  BP makes no move to do anything.

He died.

If they bring him back, it's a soap opera move.  And i'll call him Zombie Killmonger.

EDIT: there has to be a sense of finality with "death" within this universe.  Otherwise deaths like Piettro Maximoff's are meaningless.  Plot twist and he's back!

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Haven't paid my respects to Chadwick Boseman here yet.  RIP. 

As far as Black Panther 2 is concerned, I think they have to either recast or have Shuri take over (those rumors have been floating around for a while now).  I wonder how much they've filmed or even if they have started, yet.  What if they've started filming a year ago with Boseman.  They'd pretty much have to scrap a bunch of stuff they have and start again.

If they did recast, I think there are probably plenty of people who can play the role of Black Panther as well as Boseman did it.  Boseman was awesome, but that performance wasn't some iconic or irreplaceable performance like Pacino in Scarface or Arnold in T2.  Someone here made a suggest that they show BP (Boseman) passing in the movie with his mask on and then they introduce whoever the new BP is.

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10 minutes ago, Acgott said:

She develops a memory foam suit that adapts her abilities to previous black panthers.

Yes, it’s cheesy, but it can be done

It's really cheesy.

For the record, i don't think either Shuri or Killmonger (because he's dead...!!) take over as BP.  The most likely scenario is that it's someone we haven't seen yet.  Maybe this next movie is the search for the next BP.  Maybe they introduce a son (T'Chama?) we didn't know about.  Who knows.  Just doesn't seem like Shuri is a good fit for the role.  It's not believable.

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Black Panther is going to be recast.  Really don’t see any other way.  

I love the actress who plays Shari, but that character has not been made to be a superhero.  As sad is it seems to recast Boseman, killing the character he played in costume seems a hell of a lot more cringey.

Let the character he helped bring to life continue.  

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