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TABT - HuskieBear Edition


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Barstool sportsbook giving out free money lol. +105 for Justin Fields to have over 2925 yards passing and +105 for DJ Moore to have over 825 yards receiving. I think season ending injuries void out bets so this is just easy money 

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31 minutes ago, Ty21 said:

Barstool sportsbook giving out free money lol. +105 for Justin Fields to have over 2925 yards passing and +105 for DJ Moore to have over 825 yards receiving. I think season ending injuries void out bets so this is just easy money 

I think they only void for preseason season ending injuries, but I definitely got in on DJ over 800.5 yards (-110 at the time) and also Fields over 18.5 pass TDs (+110), both at DK.

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9 hours ago, chisoxguy7 said:

So, so many self tapping wood to metal screws. So many hole saw bits. As we were closing up the walls my Mom was generous enough to put a screw where she shouldn't have and totally fried the first inverter/charger, which of course had been easy to install initially but now was accessible, but extremely inconvenient to service (which can probably be said about most, if not all things RV/camper related). We had such bad luck with the thing overall. We had a mouse start a small electrical fire, went through a few fuel lift pumps before identifying what was burning them out, new front suspension, we had our water pump freeze up literally days before we were going to leave town, I have so many stories.

The one I like to tell most of all is this one: we had just wrapped up staying at Glacier National Park. We were there for six weeks, it was incredible. While there, we hiked the Highline Trail, the longest hike I've ever done, I think it was 17 or 18 miles for the day. Up at 4am, on the trail by 6AM, and the parking lot at that point was already almost full. I digress (but absolutely do go see GNP before all the Glaciers have melted away, estimated to be 50 more years at most).

At this point we were very tired as we had just finished three little expeditions, my Aunt flew out and lived and travelled with us for three national parks (Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Mesa Verde, and Great Sand Dunes), then my brother flew out and did the same with four national parks with us (Great Sand Dunes, Rocky Mountain, Grand Teton, Yellowstone), then we met my mother-in-law and her boyfriend at Glacier. And of course all of this was on a very tight timeline (exacerbated by the fact that we REALLY didn't like huge travel days, we generally scooted along 50-200 miles in a day, stopped and checked things out, slept, and then moved on until we reached our final destination. We had travelled east out of Glacier and had spent a little bit of time at a place called Nelson Reservoir.

Well, as we left from there to head into North Dakota, we're going down Montana Highway 2, a 2 lane country highway. Our bus wasn't that fast, so getting passed was a regular occurrence. We didn't mind. A car passed us and merged back over pretty close in front of us, not unsafely close but a little closer than I would have liked. In a flash, the car kicked up a rock directly into the windshield right in front of me. Luckily it didn't shatter, and the breakage was such that I could still drive safely. That was a real bummer. 

Not even half an hour later, an ONCOMING truck kicks up ANOTHER rock, directly into the other, UNBROKEN windshield (our windshield was flat, and two pieces of glass with a center partition, it was a flat nose bus). All I could do at that point was laugh. That's life, especially bus life.

A couple years ago I did a food sensitivity test (which many say is pseudoscience). I took the results of the test and did an elimination diet to determine how much the things on the list actually affected me.

Long story short, I can no longer eat beef, or broccoli (and I was a beefaholic to begin with). My wife's results revealed allergies to cucumber and avocado. Weirdly enough, if you have an avocado allergy, you ALSO have a latex allergy. They contain the same chemical compounds, something like that, I forget the whole reason why but if you're allergic to one, you're definitely allergic to the other.

Anyways, here are some photos of our former skoolie, today is one of those days that I'm really missing it. The one photo that is clearly very different from the others is the state of the interior when we bought it. Someone had started converting it, we ended up stripping a lot of it back down and starting from scratch.















Really like the interior, and pretty impressive to take on someone else's project and make it work,  that does not seem to be the usual trajectory!  Sounds like you made the absolute most of some weird years. Not to make light of a bad time for a lot of families but there were ways to turn catastophe into opportunity and I'm glad you got to see more of the country.  

As for the allergy thing it's pretty baffling.  We knew she didn't respond well to cats but the Dr. said it was a deadly allergy with reaction levels she'd never seen.  In trying to help we cleaned our ducts and made everything worse for a week.  Likely she'll grow out of it but for now it's just trying to make things work.  I would be pretty gutted (ha) to develop a beef allergy as while I try to be better for the planet, red meat is one of my holdouts.  Can't quite seem to do a step forward without a step back as I moved my business to be within walking distance but the rest of the time drive a truck that does 1 brontosaurus per mile. Sorry. 

I know a bunch of people who have moved to Florida in the last couple years, and only one (used to be in my industry but now seems to be dedicated to drugs, very pretty ladies and weird looking parties in swamps) seems to be happy.  My aunt and uncle used to have Steinbrenner's old house in CT and loved it but wanted lower taxes and easier living and now seem to be constantly pissed off about all the new developments in their hood, as well as most everyhing else around them.  Personally I feel like electric utility costs are about to lose their protected status and would factor that into any move.  I like the NE as well, but would probably add Maine to those lists.  We just came back from upstate Michigan and were talking about how well we'd actually like to live there (a lot) but also comparing it to other places we like and Portland Maine was up there as well. I work in RI a lot and feel like for a spread out rural place it's actually too dense in terms of traffic and extremely expensive.  I actually really love our place in Chicago but we're (scary!) starting to think about places to retire after our kids are grown.  NH and VT (they LOVE it when you consider them one place) would be cool as well. Check out the towns just north of the Mass state line for some cool places near the water. We have land in SW Wisconsin and while I loved it as a kid it's just too hot the last couple years, the farmers are all talking about what to do instead of corn right now.  Whatever we do is probably going to involve heading north and with spring or well water in a strong water table. 

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13 hours ago, blkwdw13 said:

You guys talking about places to move and retire too, I can’t wait to retire in like six years and move to Hawai’i. 

Wife and I have talked about places like Portugal, Panama, or a handful of other places to retire early. Nothing concrete and probably a pipe dream but it pops up pretty regularly.

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1 minute ago, Sugashane said:

Wife and I have talked about places like Portugal, Panama, or a handful of other places to retire early. Nothing concrete and probably a pipe dream but it pops up pretty regularly.

Same but after going to Hawai’i for a month it has everything we want. And with my wife working 100% remote she’s not stuck any where. 

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31 minutes ago, blkwdw13 said:

That is that one other place we have seriously considered. Even found a nice property there. 

They're all nice! I also love what they are doing culturally. No military, pushing towards clean, renewable energy. I already speak a lot of Spanish, just a matter of getting finances and life in order. Lots of areas there too that are packed with expats.

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2 hours ago, Sugashane said:

Wife and I have talked about places like Portugal, Panama, or a handful of other places to retire early. Nothing concrete and probably a pipe dream but it pops up pretty regularly.

my buddy rented an entire house in portugal for like, $800/month

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6 hours ago, blkwdw13 said:

Same but after going to Hawai’i for a month it has everything we want. And with my wife working 100% remote she’s not stuck any where. 

I just started my first day of remote work. Had to do it in the office since I was setting up the tablet. I'm happy you already know where you want to be.


4 hours ago, chisoxguy7 said:

Costa Rica is incredible.

That was one of them I forgot all about. Wife has a lot of favoritism towards it. While on the other side of Mexico it is also one of the closest back to the States too, so it would be easier to get back if/when we need to.


3 hours ago, HuskieBear said:

my buddy rented an entire house in portugal for like, $800/month

Sounds great. A lot of these places offer almost the exact same benefits for about 60% the cost of living. I've been looking at places where universities are free or extremely low cost and trying to make an argument to sway the kids.

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30 minutes ago, Sugashane said:

That was one of them I forgot all about. Wife has a lot of favoritism towards it. While on the other side of Mexico it is also one of the closest back to the States too, so it would be easier to get back if/when we need to.

Yeah, when we flew to Costa Rica from Chicago it was only I think 6 hours including the layover in Fort Lauderdale, I know they sometimes route them through Texas as well, I forget which city.

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