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John Dorsey named GM


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1 hour ago, NateDawg said:

Nice possible hire. I hear the Browns need more “football guys” and less “smart people.”

What the Browns need is someone to identify quality NFL talent and get it onto the roster. Highsmith will be a tremendous help in this regard, if he is indeed hired. 

The “smart people” weren’t too smart in that area. Acquiring picks and assets?Yes. Using picks to identify NFL talent?No.

As for coach Jackson, things could change, but it does appear he will be back for another season. He’s our coach. Now there is the possibility that a line from the movie “Stripes” could come into play sometime next season, with John Dorsey’s name being substituted for General Barnacky, as in, “(Hue), when General (Manager) Dorsey sees what a complete and total - - - up you are, you’ll be coaching a team in Siberia.”

I’m not all in on Hue, but l’m willing to see how 2018 goes. However, if he doesn’t fire Tabor, like, pronto, then that’s bogus, and he’ll be bogus, too. Failure to fire Tabor immediately is a fireable offense in and of itself. It indicates igernance and failure to see the obvious incompetence of that Pee Wee League Punt Pass and Kick no talent. 

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Reason Ive always hated corporate types, they dont know what they dont know, they change for change sake, and think they can reinvent the wheel. Ignorant entirely of their new industry, they suddenly think theyve had a brilliant idea, not knowing that their brilliant idea was tried and failed for a myriad of reasons that theyd know about if they bothered to study the history of whatever product theyre making or service theyre providing. 

Im not going to go into the specifics of my field other than to say it is a field involving two types of people, the creatives and the money guys. Im a creative. Never fails, a young money guy has brilliant suggestions for my projects that theyd know has been done or plain doesnt work if they cared enough about our industry to learn the history, learn our language, and stop trying to be a creative when they should be focused on the money. But unfortunately, every jagoff with a connection and some money thinks theyre Spielberg. 

Now, Im not saying Sashi was one of those, but sometimes the smart guys are actually a hindrance. Joe Banner was one of those guys, at least in my mind.

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5 hours ago, Fatgerman said:

Reason Ive always hated corporate types, they dont know what they dont know, they change for change sake, and think they can reinvent the wheel. Ignorant entirely of their new industry, they suddenly think theyve had a brilliant idea, not knowing that their brilliant idea was tried and failed for a myriad of reasons that theyd know about if they bothered to study the history of whatever product theyre making or service theyre providing. 

Im not going to go into the specifics of my field other than to say it is a field involving two types of people, the creatives and the money guys. Im a creative. Never fails, a young money guy has brilliant suggestions for my projects that theyd know has been done or plain doesnt work if they cared enough about our industry to learn the history, learn our language, and stop trying to be a creative when they should be focused on the money. But unfortunately, every jagoff with a connection and some money thinks theyre Spielberg. 

Now, Im not saying Sashi was one of those, but sometimes the smart guys are actually a hindrance. Joe Banner was one of those guys, at least in my mind.

I feel your pain. Try being a teacher. Since everyone went to school, they think they know what it takes to be a teacher or how education really works. You might be a tax payer or a board member but you don’t know jack squat what Happens in the classroom and etc

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2 hours ago, buno67 said:

I feel your pain. Try being a teacher. Since everyone went to school, they think they know what it takes to be a teacher or how education really works. You might be a tax payer or a board member but you don’t know jack squat what Happens in the classroom and etc

I hear you, but regardless of what you say, I’m 100 percent convinced I could walk into a school right and be a gym teacher.

Roll a dodgeball into the middle of the gym and make sure the fat kid doesn’t wheeze too much. It’s not rocket surgery.

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3 hours ago, buno67 said:

I feel your pain. Try being a teacher. Since everyone went to school, they think they know what it takes to be a teacher or how education really works. You might be a tax payer or a board member but you don’t know jack squat what Happens in the classroom and etc

Wait, dont the books do all the work? Arent you just a glorified paper-passer? Ha! :DJust screwing with you, buddy.

But seriously, what do you teach? I originally went to school to teach history, but was convinced that the education system would cut out teachers and go completely online before I reach 50. One of my old mans wives was a third-grade teacher, and I envied the idea of Christmas and summer vacations for the rest of my life, plus I love history. 

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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I hear you, but regardless of what you say, I’m 100 percent convinced I could walk into a school right and be a gym teacher.

Roll a dodgeball into the middle of the gym and make sure the fat kid doesn’t wheeze too much. It’s not rocket surgery.

Where the hell were you when I was that fat kid? The guy I had was a sadistic jagoff who loved to make me wheeze. Loved to make me run so he could watch my man-boobies jiggle. Now that would be considered sexual harrassment.

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2 minutes ago, Fatgerman said:

Where the hell were you when I was that fat kid? The guy I had was a sadistic jagoff who loved to make me wheeze. Loved to make me run so he could watch my man-boobies jiggle. Now that would be considered sexual harrassment.

I was probably still just a kid throwing the dodgeball at kids faces as hard as possible.

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3 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I hear you, but regardless of what you say, I’m 100 percent convinced I could walk into a school right and be a gym teacher.

Roll a dodgeball into the middle of the gym and make sure the fat kid doesn’t wheeze too much. It’s not rocket surgery.


2 hours ago, Fatgerman said:

Where the hell were you when I was that fat kid? The guy I had was a sadistic jagoff who loved to make me wheeze. Loved to make me run so he could watch my man-boobies jiggle. Now that would be considered sexual harrassment.


2 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I was probably still just a kid throwing the dodgeball at kids faces as hard as possible.


2 hours ago, Fatgerman said:

So that was you! Dbag, you owe me a retainer! 


1 hour ago, Dawgpoun8017 said:

*Drills German in the back of the head with a dodgeball *


1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Not my fault you have awful reflexes fatty.



58 minutes ago, Fatgerman said:

reflexes hell! Dont matter how fast you move a dump-truck, its still a big ash target. Besides, gym teacher wasnt the only one watching boobies jiggle.


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