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John Dorsey named GM


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Also another thing 

they’ve been successful with their high picks

its much different to go 

4/8 hitting on your first and second round picks is much different than 4/8 missing on your first and second round picks

GB has consistently been successful drafting high and getting UDFAs to produce 

Aaron Rodgers or not they’ve had top talent evaluations

Haha , Davange Adams, Rollins, Mike Daniels, Corey Linsley, Eddie Lacy, 

that’s some good drafting 

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42 minutes ago, freakygeniuskid said:

My question is how the hell is this evaluated? I'm sorry, I'm not taking taking card carrying members of the old boys' club statements as God's own truth on this one. There is a disturbing trend in the NFL that the most important thing is how connected you are to the media/FO/coaching cadre, rather than how good you are at your job. It's how at least a few coaches/FO staff/etc. get hired every year and you look at it and say, "but they sucked at the same or lesser role elsewhere..."

It's possible that Highsmith is good, but I want to know what the evidence of that is. The Packers are good at drafting OL, but that has been known for a decade to be Thompson's specialty and at least in part is because he was the first to identify a set of testing criteria (short shuttle, 10 yard split, and broad jump I think) that are highly predictive of success (uh oh, analytics being useful for a good franchise, Kathouse just stopped reading). So, outside of being great at drafting OL, where is the evidence of Highsmith's accumen? 

Looking at GB's draft history, I'll ignore 2016/17 because those are way too early to judge. By my count, GB hit on 4/8 picks in 2015, 3/9 in 2014 (but with two guys who stuck on the bottom of their roster as well), 5/11 in 2013, and 4/8 in 2012. So that's a 40-50% success rate. That's solid, but nothing special. And we just have no clue what Highsmith's exact role was there.

My point isn't that this is a bad hiring. My point is that trumpeting it as a good hiring is strange when most of those who are excited for it just rode Sashi out of town on a rail despite the early returns on his draft picks looking like about 15/24 on being long term depth players at least, for a 62.5% success rate, which is waaaaay higher than normal for the NFL.

I guess I just don't look at an old boys' club member (Dorsey, gets a pass for bad drafting and cap mismanagement in KC because he's tight with a number of prominent media members and the FO fraternity) hiring an old buddy and say, "Yeah! This is clearly exactly what we needed and not cronyism/nepotism at all!"

Guys like Highsmith, Ray Farmer, any personnel guy hired that isn't the GM himself are hard for fans to evaluate.  It's just as possible that Highsmith as an ol' boy of Dorsey's that isn't great at his job as he is great at his job and Dorsey recognized that.  He doesn't really have an acumen available to us.

I think that's mostly what you're saying just without really having a take on whether it's a good hire.

I'm fine with Dorsey's resume though.



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Just now, Rod Johnson said:

Guys like Highsmith, Ray Farmer, any personnel guy hired that isn't the GM himself are hard for fans to evaluate.  It's just as possible that Highsmith as an ol' boy of Dorsey's that isn't great at his job as he is great at his job and Dorsey recognized that.  He doesn't really have an acumen available to us.

I think that's mostly what you're saying just without really having a take on whether it's a good hire.

I'm fine with Dorsey's resume though.

Yep, this is pretty much it. I just don't get praising it while villifying our previous FO. I feel like it's a weird juxtaposition.

I'm still on the fence on Dorsey. Hoping for the best though.

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7 minutes ago, brownie man said:

Also another thing 

they’ve been successful with their high picks

its much different to go 

4/8 hitting on your first and second round picks is much different than 4/8 missing on your first and second round picks

GB has consistently been successful drafting high and getting UDFAs to produce 

Aaron Rodgers or not they’ve had top talent evaluations

Haha , Davange Adams, Rollins, Mike Daniels, Corey Linsley, Eddie Lacy, 

that’s some good drafting 

Plus best man plays on that team because they are contenders yearly.  You seemingly miss more draft picks if you cut your losses faster with them than the Browns do.

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On 1/4/2018 at 1:40 PM, freakygeniuskid said:

Yep, this is pretty much it. I just don't get praising it while villifying our previous FO. I feel like it's a weird juxtaposition.

I'm still on the fence on Dorsey. Hoping for the best though.

Vilifying our previous FO makes perfect sense when they got us to a record stretch of atrocious football.

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4 minutes ago, sdrawkcab321 said:

To be fair, he might not be. He’s still very young and relatively inexperienced. He shouldn’t get a job because of his name. 

I agree with you. I think pissing off the old man who definitely influences his sons decisions probably wasn't a good idea if they think Eliot is worth anything.  They should have addressed him by now with some sort of a position title change and raise if they expected to keep him.  Especially since that seems to be what they are doing with almost everyone else in the organization.  It could still happen though.

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