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Week 12 Thread: The Turkey Bowl with Dallas and we're the stuffing. GIF THEME: John Madden 4:30 PM / Thanksgiving


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1 minute ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I am sure a point of that evaluation will be the lack of talent on the coaching staff as well.  You want to succeed, you cant be afraid of not being the smartest guy in the room. 

I mean, anyone with a pulse can evaluate Ron. He isn't a leader. He isn't a good head coach. He isn't a good GM. He has spearheaded a losing team for 7 straight season. Seriously, bring in Jeff Saturday for all I freaking care, just stop trotting Ron Rivera out there. It has to be over.

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55 minutes ago, Tony7188 said:

EB should probably take over as the new HC. The screaming frustration with Rivera was at an all time high after the Giants game. Now it’s multiplied by 100.

RR and JDR will probably be fired in the locker room.

Nope. I want them all to stay so this burns into the ground. Why fire Ron and Jack and have whomever get meaningless wins that push us back in the draft order? The season is toast anyway.

Remember Harris said he'd have the whole season.

This way we leave the guy in place, secure a better position and Harris doesn't look to future GM and HC candidates like a guy who will go back on his word and even worse, an owner who fires headcoaches/GMs midway through the season. Because that last part will be in the minds of prospective candidates when deciding which teams are the right fit for them

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4 hours ago, lavar703 said:

He was getting burnt last year too. He’s too slow. 

I'm thinking/hoping Juice can transition to SS. He's certainly got the size for it, but it's true if if he doesn't get to reroute a WR at the line then he's too slow to keep up with them.

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