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The Seattle vs Jacksonville Incident


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At the end of the Seattle vs Jacksonville game two Seattle Defensive Lineman where ejected for throwing punches, and Micheal Bennet intentionally tried to injure Jacksonville Center, Brandon Linder.

I would only expect fines for the two defensive linemen, but Micheal Bennet? It's comical for the NFL to be preaching player safety, and suspending players for malicious hits and then they don't suspend Micheal Bennet for intentionally trying to take out a players knee and body slamming him?  

I know our fans acted disgustingly and threw objects at a Seahawks player, but what's with this inconsistency? 

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5 minutes ago, 4thDownHailMary said:


At the end of the Seattle vs Jacksonville game two Seattle Defensive Lineman where ejected for throwing punches, and Micheal Bennet intentionally tried to injure Jacksonville Center, Brandon Linder.

I would only expect fines for the two defensive linemen, but Micheal Bennet? It's comical for the NFL to be preaching player safety, and suspending players for malicious hits and then they don't suspend Micheal Bennet for intentionally trying to take out a players knee and body slamming him?  

I know our fans acted disgustingly and threw objects at a Seahawks player, but what's with this inconsistency? 

Everyone involved should be punished much harsher imo. Those fans should be banned from attending Jaguars games, and all the Seahawks players should be suspended for acting like children, especially Bennet who made as dirty of a play as I have seen this year outside of Gronk's.

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If there's one thing that will push me to give up the NFL despite my overwhelmingly love of it, It's Goodell and his cronies. The inconsistent enforcement and preferential treatment is getting very old. A Rams fan said last night that there's no way they'd suspend a Seahawk ahead of a pivotal game. Well, the NFL proved him right.

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1 minute ago, jrry32 said:

If there's one thing that will push me to give up the NFL despite my overwhelmingly love of it, It's Goodell and his cronies. The inconsistent enforcement and preferential treatment is getting very old. A Rams fan said last night that there's no way they'd suspend a Seahawk ahead of a pivotal game. Well, the NFL proved him right.

You believe that some teams/players get preferred treatment when considering punishment? 

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I'm more disgusted with the actions of the Jags fans. I know there are bad apples everywhere, but I've never seen such obnoxious and reprehensible behavior from a crowd sitting that low at an NFL game before. Security should find all of those fans and ensure they are banned from the stadium for life and properly prosecuted under the law, if possible.

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3 minutes ago, RavensTillIDie said:

I'm more disgusted with the actions of the Jags fans. I know there are bad apples everywhere, but I've never seen such obnoxious and reprehensible behavior from a crowd sitting that low at an NFL game before. Security should find all of those fans and ensure they are banned from the stadium for life and properly prosecuted under the law, if possible.


It appears they are looking into every bit of footage they have, and doing all they can to find the perpetrators.  They are also interviewing many fans they could identify in the area.  If found out they'll be banned from future Jags games, and possibly prosecuted under the law.

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12 minutes ago, RavensTillIDie said:

I'm more disgusted with the actions of the Jags fans. I know there are bad apples everywhere, but I've never seen such obnoxious and reprehensible behavior from a crowd sitting that low at an NFL game before. Security should find all of those fans and ensure they are banned from the stadium for life and properly prosecuted under the law, if possible.

Seahawk fans threw food at Bowman when he was getting carted off the field because he tore up his knee....


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This incident

Sherman launching his helmet into Mariota's

Sherman running after a ref, screaming (flagged twice)

3 illegal practice punishments

Tate goading the ram defender

pending punishment for not disclosing Sherman knee injury

Bennett losing his temper in SB final minute

Sherman nonsense with Crabtree and the interview

Browner cheap shot on Jennings

Sherman filth cheap shot on Bills kicker

Sherman cheap shot on Devante Adams


It's just endless filth with Seattle. It's not surprising though, if you've read any books that mention Carroll's laid back coaching style. 


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26 minutes ago, RavensTillIDie said:

I'm more disgusted with the actions of the Jags fans. I know there are bad apples everywhere, but I've never seen such obnoxious and reprehensible behavior from a crowd sitting that low at an NFL game before. Security should find all of those fans and ensure they are banned from the stadium for life and properly prosecuted under the law, if possible.

Dude...get real. Fans do that kind of stuff all the time. 

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