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Really proud of myself for “not playing with a full deck the halls”

Never would have gotten the scratch and sniff one. 

I probably could have gotten the Bruce Springsteen one but ugh I was also trying to convince myself it was another song somehow 

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Posted (edited)

Well everyone. Its been a fun 10 years. We had some great times together, lotta ups and downs but i have been here every step of the way 

I couldnt have done it without every single one of you. You enriched my life for these 10 seasons and i like to think i played a large role in yours.

And now for the bad news. Production has informed me that they are moving in another direction. Apparently, a lot of viewers called in about this mistake and they are questioning whether i remain mentally fit to host this game.

I will carry out my duties for the next 24 hours, after which time i will be no longer part of this game that means so much to me.

I would say to honor my replacement and treat them well but im not quite at that mental state right now. And i will not be mentoring my replacement either.

Its of my opinion that nobody would have gotten the not playing with a full deck the halls

if you disagree with my firing please write to BigBrotherProductions.com.

Im sorry it had to end like this.

I love you all, 

-Julie Chen

Edited by Malfatron
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Let me check my math...today is Tuesday so yes we give about 24 hours for choices, so yeah, 8pm wednesday sounds right

But i hope @Whicker you make your choice before then because i was only given 24 hours and i want to at least make one final announcement on the 2 final nominees. Since I stuck my neck out for you and got fired because of it, surely you will find it in your heart 

If not, oh well, we will see how my replacement handles it. Im told shes efficient as if that automatically makes someone a good host 

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And also, forget about super HOH.

That was my idea and that leaves with me. Don't even ask about it because obviously production doesn't care about continuity of the game.

They already brought in Alec Trebek and Howie Mandel to boost ratings off of their tired IP 

They dont care about a good game with great twists. The double house twist  you all loved so much would have never happped without me. Think of that when you write a scathing yet respectul letter to BigBrotherProductions.con

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