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On 4/2/2024 at 5:52 PM, Malfatron said:



Thanks for playing ted, but you still have a chance to control who you think should win big brother on finale night as you join @Nazgul in the jury house.

As @Shady Slim didnt vote, he will not be joining us in the hoh or veto games.

@Whicker you are safe


Side note - I can only share 50 posts from a PM at a time. Never knew that until today, so this will be a two parter!

Our French Canadian fellow was making some waves early. Let's go to part one:

On 1/8/2024 at 7:00 AM, ET80 said:

Hey hey hey! It's our resident french speaker and Chefs fan, @TedLavie!


So... ¿Como estas?


On 1/8/2024 at 7:04 AM, TedLavie said:

Doing good. Feels like Big Brother is the perfect distraction for the upcoming disaster that's going to be the Chiefs playoffs. 

Do I have better odds at winning this vs Kadarius Toney catching the ball on a simple slant route?


On 1/8/2024 at 1:19 PM, ET80 said:

Maaaaaaaan, I am just happy to BE in the playoffs. From David Culley to Lovie Smith with Davis Mills to DeMeco Ryans and CJ Stroud? Oh yeah.

Next year is going to suck, because I'm going to have *expectations* and that's going to ruin me.

So, any initial thoughts on strategy this game? You're always the sharper of the knives in this particular drawer, so getting to see and hear how you manuver in this space is going to be a treat.

Any ideas to share in this interview space?


On 1/8/2024 at 3:21 PM, TedLavie said:

Well that's what our first Mahomes year felt like. It felt like that and the second year did get better! 

What I should do is team up with Shady and Gopher. Gopher brings skywind in. I bring the BDL crew (bcb and Whicker). Shady bring team MoL. Maybe we get Josh too. That's a 9 person alliance and if we get first HOH we can steamroll it. But nobody wants to see that. 

I want to team up with Outpost this year, or whatever his new username is. Use each other connection to advance our games while making a couple of flavourish blindsides along the way. Make it fun. I still want to open as many communication as I can to avoid being targeted too early. Because if one of the twins or Finn gets 1st HOH, that could spill trouble for me. 




On 1/16/2024 at 12:27 PM, ET80 said:

Onto Buffalo for you, onto Baltimore for me. Good luck! 

How's the game treating you so far? Any thoughts on this upcoming vote?


On 1/16/2024 at 2:49 PM, TedLavie said:

Freakin Texans. Almost had TLO winning just after I called him out for being slow on deadlines. 

Before the HOH I've been active to reach out to new people. I think I can have a working relationship with skywind, Dwight, Josh in addition to the usual suspects (Shady, the BDL guys, even maybe Gopher). But i'm committed to work with MacReady right now, and it paid off big time thanks to Jordan Love.

Him winning HOH isn't ideal because I'm losing a potential ally in bcb/gopher but tbh bcb is more of a lone wolf in these games and gopher isn't always active, so it could be worse. I think I prevented Whicker from touching the block but I can't tell him that because I don't know how loose his lips can be.

Thus far, I'm doing fine, but I can't let a team of people I don't talk to (MoL, Finn, JBurge) go too far unscathed. Need to take some shots or retarget some shots taken by others. This week is not the week though, I threaded the needle enough.

As for the vote, I won't die on the hill of either. So whatever the HOH wants (I know it's boring sorry) 


On 1/16/2024 at 3:29 PM, ET80 said:

Nothing boring about this early on, you have to kowtow to the powers that be before you can make moves - and I think you get that well enough.

Early on it's a wild frontier so your patience is key. I know that was a flaw of mine a few times in my times, so I salute your plans.

Appreciate the message, thanks again! I might ping you for an "early release" interview - I'm still working out the mechanics on how to do it, so I'll be in touch.


On 1/23/2024 at 12:56 PM, ET80 said:

SIX in a row. I'm jealous. Jealous

Non football related, how's the game going for you?


On 1/23/2024 at 6:20 PM, TedLavie said:

We're blessed for sure. But hey you guys aren't doing too bad either.

Look so far I'm aligned with a bit of everyone. I have a 6 people alliance with Naz, Dwight, Outpost, Skywind and Jburge. I immediately ratted it out to Scoundrel because I want the other side to take shot at the power structure - I think I'm 6th there. I have a natural alliance to him and Whicker. I have a F4 with Shady, Mission and TLO. I can't keep up my friend! 

As soon as Finn is out the game, I think I'll just throw every HOH until I see fit. More movie challenges would definitely help


On 1/25/2024 at 7:06 PM, ET80 said:

Tension with TOUCAN? Do tell!


On 1/26/2024 at 2:23 AM, TedLavie said:

Dude is parading around the house with his massive ***k. I was thinking okay, he might be worth my baguette so I left breadcrumbs all over the hours for him to eat out. But apparently mister is a cereal-hater plant-lover. Not worth my time honestly. But damn, what an impressive ***k. 


And by ***k I mean beak you pervert. 


On 1/29/2024 at 7:50 PM, ET80 said:

Speaking of phallic shaped meats... How's your brat lookin'?


On 1/30/2024 at 4:51 PM, TedLavie said:

After the whole TOUCAN debacle I decided to not show my weiner too much. Only a selected few should be able to bite it, and hopefully that will be enough to take me to the finish. 


On 2/4/2024 at 7:08 AM, ET80 said:

Congratulations on veto - any ideas?


On 2/4/2024 at 8:39 AM, TedLavie said:

Well, given that Finn was my #1 target in the early portion of the game, him volunteering for the block and being targeted by the rest of my alliance works out GREAT for me. I won the veto to avoid enticing JBurge with a backdoor plan that would have hurt my game.

Hopefully everything goes according to plan and I only have TLO left, maybe touch, on my hitlist pre turning on the Lion Kings. 



On 2/9/2024 at 3:48 AM, ET80 said:

Onto the next phase of the game and we have a double elimination on the horizon - your thoughts?


On 2/9/2024 at 4:41 AM, TedLavie said:

I have 6 persons in my house who probably wouldn't go after me. Why become a challenge threat when I can throw this and let others do the dirty work for me? 

If Julie lets me do it - I'll go on a bender and totally forget about this challenge - OOOOOOPS. If she doesn't I'll misread the instructions and take low risk/reward bets to avoid losing money on my bets. How silly!

I wouldn't mind Scoundrel leaving (I was dumb to rat out the alliance to him, I don't think he's serious about the game and will end up screw me over by sucking at it) or Burge (let's shake this up baby)


On 2/9/2024 at 4:53 AM, TedLavie said:

Btw do you want me to give you less game specific answers for the exit press release if I were to be eliminated prematurely?


On 2/13/2024 at 7:46 AM, TedLavie said:



On 2/13/2024 at 7:52 AM, ET80 said:

Like that, eh? Gimmie the play by play from your perspective!


On 2/13/2024 at 8:00 AM, TedLavie said:

Well I'm getting bored, so I'm putting things in motion so that Jburge might have to win that veto - and he has no idea.


On 2/13/2024 at 8:08 AM, TedLavie said:

If you want the play by play.

I'm close to Dwight here - he might actually become my #1 after this. And he's up for a big move. If I can convince Shady to do it (and I think I can- Shady and I are like two peas in a pod, which is why I love that dude). Scoundrel will do so in a heartbeat. And I think Whicker will do it as well.

This is a perfect week to strike against who I feel is the biggest threat of the game. And if I play my cards right and involve Skywind in it, it might not increase my threat level too much.



On 2/13/2024 at 9:10 AM, ET80 said:

Whoa... that would send shockwaves around he house. Wow!


On 2/14/2024 at 7:21 PM, ET80 said:

Yeah, so... that worked out! lol!


On 2/15/2024 at 5:39 AM, TedLavie said:

I'm not going to complain hehe. I do understand however that I will sound like a jackass. But again, can't complain.


On 2/15/2024 at 7:07 AM, ET80 said:

On one hand, I'm genuinely happy. I still remember when KC and Alex Smith won their first playoff game in 23 years in Houston, vs the Texans...

...23 years before, it was Joe Montana vs the Houston Oilers. That was sort of the beginning of the end of the Bud Adams era in Houston. Good riddance.

...now that I think of it, it was 2019 when Pat Mahomes hung up 51 points in three quarters, effectively ending the Bill O'Brien era for the Texans. Good riddance. 

KC beating Houston teams is sort of a traumatic event for me, it seems.


On 2/15/2024 at 2:50 PM, ET80 said:

So... This is happening. This is actually happening. And nobody really knows it was you all along.

Well played, sir. 


On 2/15/2024 at 4:47 PM, TedLavie said:

People know. I decided to be forward with everyone to salvage some relationships, even though it raises my target very much. It was a balancing act but I can act as a shield now for people while leveraging my relationships.

I do worry about MacReady and Burge efforts to save Burge. There aren't two better players for it - but this is why we do this game and have fun with it. I hope the people watching at home are happy with the show


On 2/17/2024 at 7:49 AM, ET80 said:

Bold proclamation at this point... but it sets the precedent that you aren't in a mood. Any new developments?


On 2/17/2024 at 8:43 AM, TedLavie said:

I think I'm losing this vote? Maybe it's paranoia but Skywind just isn't saying a word to be anymore. Dwight barely. And Whicker already told me he's considering his options. 

People will do what they want. But if it's 3 to 1 to save Burge, Dwight is going down with me.


On 2/17/2024 at 9:35 AM, ET80 said:

Oof, that's interesting...


On 2/19/2024 at 6:35 AM, ET80 said:

So... hi. 😀


On 2/19/2024 at 7:58 AM, TedLavie said:

If that makes you feel any better I already leaked the alliance to Shady Scoundrel and Whicker and was about to do so to Touch and Toucan (and therefore Boyle). So you're responsible for Mission knowing about it. Booooo 🤣

Nah look seriously they're all pissed at me. And to that I say f*** them all. They were all playing for 3rd place and I gave them a chance. I'm going to embrace my villainous side and go after everyone of them. And then Shady can win it because everyone else will hate me.

I'm waiting for HOH to be played out and then I bury Dwight first.


On 2/19/2024 at 9:19 AM, ET80 said:

Part of me felt bad, but... a good sorta bad. This was the twist we wanted! 

We'll connect after the HoH.


On 2/19/2024 at 12:44 PM, TedLavie said:

I hope you've seen I didn't edit anything from my interviews.

Bunch of chickens if you ask me. 

This is just the best big brother day. Naz is reportedly having a meltdown. Dwight is definitely having one because he knows his game is dead. Whicker was in the best position of the game and is suddenly having one too. MacReady and I are trying to hold it together the best we can. Meanwhile Mission probably doesn't Know TLO was evicted in the first place lol. 

It's f** great TV. Congrats to both on this twist.


On 2/19/2024 at 1:06 PM, ET80 said:

I genuinely appreciate the feedback! This has been quite the turnaround - they weren't my words, either. Why would they mad at ME is still beyond me, but I'm used to this heat.

Its been a roller coaster since yesterday, I love it!


On 2/21/2024 at 8:06 AM, TedLavie said:


Good chance I'm going home. Good chance Shady is going home. Maybe Whicker.

Tecmo Bowl sucks let me get that straight


On 2/21/2024 at 8:27 AM, ET80 said:

Oooooooooh, yeah. That's luck of the draw. Lady Luck is a *****. If you're up - you'll have veto power at your disposal hopefully.

Good luck boss.


On 2/27/2024 at 3:26 AM, ET80 said:

Great win there - how you feeling? You have any plans with this veto? Any thoughts on a vote?


On 2/27/2024 at 3:58 AM, TedLavie said:

I did ask Shady if he wanted me to use it on him because I'll have a ton of work the next few weeks and I can't promise to be super active here. But he seems to be in a similar situation so he told me to use it on myself - which I did.

Look I'm pretty clearly against Dwight at this point. He told me he wanted to put MacReady up. I highly doubt he goes through with it - fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me - but I'm still curious as to who he puts up between Whicker or Scoundrel I suppose.

I really didn't want to be battling someone at this point of the game because it only benefits the people who've been floating around. Nobody is going after Skywind. Nobody is going after Josh. Nobody is going after Boyle. Nobody is going after Mission. I still don't understand why Dwight played his cards the way he did, but hey, he's the HOH right now so I have to play nice with the hopes he puts up Scoundrel - who's willing to fall on his sword - over Whicker.



On 2/27/2024 at 4:08 AM, ET80 said:

Man, a MacReady backdoor would be something... and Whicker would only draw in greater rage. Tough choices all around.


On 3/1/2024 at 2:41 PM, TedLavie said:

Did I just offer a F3 deal to someone who wanted me out two days ago? Absolutely. Did it work? F*** yes


On 3/1/2024 at 4:08 PM, ET80 said:

Let's unpack that... shall we?


On 3/2/2024 at 2:17 AM, TedLavie said:

Unpacking unpacking 

So after the Burge vote I immediately formed a new alliance with basically everyone else. Whicker, Scoundrel, touch, Shady, toucan, Boyle and myself. But Dwight wins, Shady and I are nommed and we think OK there's that. 

Then I convinced Boyle and Josh to throw the veto to me, which they did. As I am about to create a huge thread feud with Dwight, he PMs me telling me he thinks about a MacReady backdoor, and asks me to not put him up next week if he does that, which I agree ofc. As I already told you I didn't think he would do it but he did. So I am confident that the new formed alliance will stick together for at least 1 vote right? Welp not so much.

Josh and Boyle (I assume) decide to throw away the best position in the game for a split vote lol. AFTER THEY THREW THE VETO TO PUT MR ON THE BLOCK IN THE FIRST PLACE. Amazing stuff. But it could have worked if Dwight sided with MR. But that's when I went to work. Took a page out of what MR did to me last edition, and told Dwight that his only path forward at this point was with me and I offered him a F3 deal. Which worked. 

Great stuff. Another fun nugget is, Josh and Boyle were throwing Naz name around just last week and you can be sure I already implied it to Naz lol. 

It worked out perfectly for me. I just hope I don't have too much damage control to do when MR interviews come out



On 3/2/2024 at 12:56 PM, TedLavie said:

Looks like it was actually touch and josh, so apologies to Boyle who had nothing to do with it. Which is even better because I can use that as an argument when I need to get rid of touch or boyle to my convinience. And I can make them target each other lol. Either way it's clearly Whick, Scoundrel, Shady and I moving as a group right now.

As soon as skywind is gone, I think I'll start to feel safe again for a bit. 


On 3/2/2024 at 3:14 PM, ET80 said:

Holy moly this is... what the? Any thoughts on why these two flipped?


On 3/2/2024 at 5:16 PM, TedLavie said:

Josh tells me it was a pity vote and touch tried to make a move. I was assuming Josh and Boyle were trying to get close to MR.

Fun fact also. I just leaked the discord link of my alliance with Dwight and Shady, with a name and everything, to a discord chat with Josh, Boyle, Touch and Whicker lol. I'm so f***** stupid haha


On 3/2/2024 at 6:47 PM, ET80 said:

Wait what!? Why??????


On 3/3/2024 at 1:04 AM, TedLavie said:

I didn't do it on purpose ofc 


On 3/3/2024 at 6:01 AM, ET80 said:


(Onto Part 2 next!)

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5 hours ago, ET80 said:

Onto Part 2 next!


On 3/16/2024 at 4:33 PM, ET80 said:

How goes it sir? Haven't been terribly active here (NFL FREE AGENCY has me occupied in Gen/News) but we have a chance to touch base here.


On 3/17/2024 at 4:29 PM, TedLavie said:

Got busy with IRL stuff and had to slow down on the scheming. So things are a bit stale right now.

If I could spice things up, I'd put toucan and touch on the spot. But since I forfeited the Breaking bad HOH, this isn't going to be the week... 


On 3/28/2024 at 12:32 PM, ET80 said:


Been busy with IRL stuff as well. Still busy, but wanted to check in with the crowd. What's good?


On 3/29/2024 at 10:25 AM, TedLavie said:


Look I've been busy as well - but it's been a slow roll so I don't think I've missed too much. Unfortunately, unless Shady pull off some miracle, looks like Dwight might have to renom - and I'm afraid I'm an easy backdoor target.

Good news is I've been so bad at challenges (in some cases on purpose, in others I just sucked lol) that maybe my threat level has lowered and Whick might be a bigger target than me? 

Tonight we shall have answers.


IRL got both of us, TBH. Going on early, I had Ted here as the potential winner, but his momentum really started to sag - might not be a bad thing given how his life away from this avatar was going.

Best of luck with your jury vote!

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39 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Looks like it was actually touch and josh, so apologies to Boyle who had nothing to do with it

This feels like a vindication

Daboyle is always a man of his word

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