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The Acolyte - June 4th


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10 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

SW fans then:  “The prequels are terrible!  George Lucas is ruining his legacy!”

Those same fans now: “Disney should’ve followed George Lucas’ plans!  They’re ruining his legacy!” 

Ive never had a problem with the prequels honestly. Its the SW i grew up on and prefer the prequels to the sequels. (i know hot take)

With that said fans have turned around to the prequels. Dunno the rhyme or reason but they have.

Edited by Sad People
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The prequels are bad because 90% of the acting and 99% of the writing/dialogue is god awful. The story overall is fine.

Not sure what to expect from this show. If the bad guys are sith in this, it makes the council statement that the sith have been extinct for a millennia only work if every jedi in this series who comes across the sith dies. I'm not super up to date on ages of characters, but we know for sure Yoda would be alive during this, so he'd be aware of any news of a sith presence(or a suspected one).

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38 minutes ago, TitanLegend said:

The prequels are bad because 90% of the acting and 99% of the writing/dialogue is god awful. The story overall is fine.

Not bringing back Lawrence Kasdan was Lucas’ biggest mistake with the prequels.  Kasdan is the main reason that Solo is in my top 5 favorite SW movies bcuz the characters talk like they do in the OG trilogy.  Hes also the reason that TFA is by far the best episode of 7-9. 

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1 hour ago, TitanLegend said:

The prequels are bad because 90% of the acting and 99% of the writing/dialogue is god awful. The story overall is fine.

Not sure what to expect from this show. If the bad guys are sith in this, it makes the council statement that the sith have been extinct for a millennia only work if every jedi in this series who comes across the sith dies. I'm not super up to date on ages of characters, but we know for sure Yoda would be alive during this, so he'd be aware of any news of a sith presence(or a suspected one).

Yoda and Yaddle both appear as supporting characters in the High Republic novels. Chances are a few longer living species could have minor crossovers (like Wookiees, Togruta and a few others.)

while technically true that the characters who encounter the Sith have to die, one prominent channel on YouTube mentioned this could be how Yoda comes to know about the Rule of Two. 

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12 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Yoda and Yaddle both appear as supporting characters in the High Republic novels. Chances are a few longer living species could have minor crossovers (like Wookiees, Togruta and a few others.)

while technically true that the characters who encounter the Sith have to die, one prominent channel on YouTube mentioned this could be how Yoda comes to know about the Rule of Two. 

Which SW content creators do you watch? The ones i watched are going down a weird road and woulda like to find some others. If you dont mind me asking.

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6 hours ago, MacReady said:

Let’s be honest, Kathleen Kennedy ruined it when she didn’t have Dave Filoni take all creative control with a plan from the minute the ink was dry on the deal to buy it from Lucas.

She compounded that mistake by not listening to Lucas’ advice on where to take the series.

Meh when the deal closed Dave was literally just a dude who did animated series and while he *gets* star wars he's far from the best voice in star wars.

Kathleen just greenlights way too many projects before they're close to actual production.

Outside of the movies star wars has been in a very good place lol.

6 hours ago, Sad People said:

This times a billion percent.

I thought it was the dumbest thing when she and anyone else involved in the decision decided not to use the trilogy Lucas had planned out or wrote. It was easy money, and an easy decision. And on the off chance it stunk they could use the excuse without publicly saying it "well it was Georges idea, not ours".

Remember people in 2015 hated the prequels and while we enjoy them for being solid films anything written by Lucas has been not well received if he's directed. I think his ideas work when he has another creative to balance him out. Fresh vision was the correct call, having three different visions was not. 

2 hours ago, thrILL! said:

SW fans then:  “The prequels are terrible!  George Lucas is ruining his legacy!”

Those same fans now: “Disney should’ve followed George Lucas’ plans!  They’re ruining his legacy!” 

The grass is always greener. 

9 minutes ago, Sad People said:

Which SW content creators do you watch? The ones i watched are going down a weird road and woulda like to find some others. If you dont mind me asking.

Star Wars explained, dude covers even the smallest star wars thing and is usually pretty good with reviews and news. 

I have like the idea of the acolyte but this trailer gives me *nothing* I'm more excited for fallout.

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27 minutes ago, Sad People said:

Which SW content creators do you watch? The ones i watched are going down a weird road and woulda like to find some others. If you dont mind me asking.

The one I referenced was The Stupendous Wave, but I’ve been absent a lot of his content over the past couple months.  I also like Eckhart’s Ladder, but I have noticed he’s been pretty infrequent lately.  

Some other channels pop up, but besides Star Wars Theory I couldn’t name you any off the top of my head, and I rarely listen to that one.  

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41 minutes ago, Xmad said:

Star Wars explained, dude covers even the smallest star wars thing and is usually pretty good with reviews and news. 

I have like the idea of the acolyte but this trailer gives me *nothing* I'm more excited for fallout.

I’ll have to check it out. I’ve seen their videos be suggested but I haven’t ventured. 


28 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

The one I referenced was The Stupendous Wave, but I’ve been absent a lot of his content over the past couple months.  I also like Eckhart’s Ladder, but I have noticed he’s been pretty infrequent lately.  

Some other channels pop up, but besides Star Wars Theory I couldn’t name you any off the top of my head, and I rarely listen to that one.  

I used to watch SWT but he’s going down a weird road imo. I like The Den of Nerds but he doesn’t do much SW content anymore.  

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11 hours ago, JonStark said:

Rose/Finn stuff aside, TLJ is a great movie. 

200w.gif ?cid=6c09b952xw4u88zz21sx18mh8eqn12ciqbynau8c0xblcuot&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w. gif&ct=g

Is it though?  Is it really?

I still just don't even really understand what happens in TLJ.  It feels like the entire movie existed mostly to "undo" a bunch of things that TFA set in motion, and then had a whole bunch of weird pointless side stories and things that also just didn't matter at all.  It's just a bizarre "filler" movie to me.  I don't like any of the Sequel films...but that one stands out to me as just...not even having a clue what part of the story it's trying to tell.  It's like Rian Johnson didn't like the direction things were heading so he tried to wrest control away and assert his own vision...but ended up spending the whole movie just swimming against the current and got absolutely nothing done.  Especially since he felt the need to throw in all that completely unfocused peripheral stuff.


Honestly...the only one of the "New Movies" that i genuinely, unapologetically enjoy is Rogue One.  I think it's great.  But i'm clearly out on a limb with that one.  Only real gripe is lack of many Bothans.


3 hours ago, TitanLegend said:

The prequels are bad because 90% of the acting and 99% of the writing/dialogue is god awful. The story overall is fine.

Not sure what to expect from this show. If the bad guys are sith in this, it makes the council statement that the sith have been extinct for a millennia only work if every jedi in this series who comes across the sith dies. I'm not super up to date on ages of characters, but we know for sure Yoda would be alive during this, so he'd be aware of any news of a sith presence(or a suspected one).

I've never really had any issue with the Prequels.  Yes, there's some cringy stuff and some of the CGI especially early, is pretty bad.  It was an obvious limitation where they were trying to push beyond what the technology could really handle at the time.  But i find that kind of endearing in a sense.  To me, that's a hallmark of Star Wars, where the originals were pushing the envelope on a lot of things, including special FX of their own time.

And let's be honest...real good quality classic "Star Wars dialogue" is inherently awkward and honestly kind of bad in an objective "serious acting" sense.  It's quotable and memeable and memorable...and not even remotely how "normal people" speak.  But that's part of what makes it so incredibly great.  It's stilted in a way that just creates a rich, strange, different galaxy where interactions take an entirely different form.

The Sequels and most of the TV series (especially Ahsoka) just adopt this overly casual, familiar sort of tone in the acting and dialogue.  It takes away from the gravitas of everything and doesn't really feel authentically like awkward Star Wars dialogue.

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Excuse me, but I NEVER disliked the prequel trilogy.


I pointed out legitimate flaws, but the prequel trilogy I have always loved.

So I have every right to say the things I’ve said because I have been the biggest defender of Star Wars until Disney took over.

The sequel trilogy is bad.

What I’ve seen (so far) of the television has been stellar. I just struggle watching anything new because of how jaded I am over The Rise of Skywalker. It all feels tainted.

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1 hour ago, MacReady said:

Excuse me, but I NEVER disliked the prequel trilogy.


I pointed out legitimate flaws, but the prequel trilogy I have always loved.

So I have every right to say the things I’ve said because I have been the biggest defender of Star Wars until Disney took over.

The sequel trilogy is bad.

What I’ve seen (so far) of the television has been stellar. I just struggle watching anything new because of how jaded I am over The Rise of Skywalker. It all feels tainted.

Still waiting on the third movie in the sequel trilogy tbh.

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9 hours ago, Tugboat said:

Is it though?  Is it really?

I still just don't even really understand what happens in TLJ.  It feels like the entire movie existed mostly to "undo" a bunch of things that TFA set in motion, and then had a whole bunch of weird pointless side stories and things that also just didn't matter at all.  It's just a bizarre "filler" movie to me.  I don't like any of the Sequel films...but that one stands out to me as just...not even having a clue what part of the story it's trying to tell.  It's like Rian Johnson didn't like the direction things were heading so he tried to wrest control away and assert his own vision...but ended up spending the whole movie just swimming against the current and got absolutely nothing done.  Especially since he felt the need to throw in all that completely unfocused peripheral stuff.

IMO it is.

The Luke stuff is great. The Kylo stuff is great. The overall progression of the movie from point A to point B tells an awesome story for those who aren't fighting it. There were pointless side stories for sure that should've been changed, but the movie is about the end of Luke's arc and to set up the final movie of the trilogy (which is a separate discussion and I'd agree with that one being trash). People don't like his arc because they just wanted him to follow the same "good" path they had in their head that he had, but he's always been the guy we saw in TLJ whether people want to admit it or not. Same reason people hated the end of Dexter or Daenerys in GOT. People build up their idea of what they want a character to be and willfully ignore what they actually are, and when they don't turn out to be what they wanted to be, they say it's because the character "never would've done that". In reality, Luke was always a somewhat immature and impatient idealist who second guessed himself and in the end, he was able to overcome his flaws and go out as the Luke we all were hoping he would go out as. 

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