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Okay, so its done.

Lets prove to @MacReady that we can organize a game better than him and submit for these teams 


















Player List:

1. @Daboyle
3. @Malfatron
4. @Pickle Rick
5. @theuntouchable
6. @adamq
8. @skywindO2
9. @TedLavie
10. @FinneasGage

11. @bcb1213

12. @ET80

13. @Scoundrel

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### Battle in the Marshlands: Viper vs. Osprey

#### Setting
In the heart of a secluded marshland, teeming with life and buzzing with the sounds of insects, a dramatic encounter unfolds. Tall reeds sway gently in the breeze, while the water's surface glistens under the afternoon sun. This is the battleground for an unexpected clash between two fierce predators: a sleek, venomous viper and a powerful, agile osprey.

#### The Combatants

- **Species**: Eastern Cottonmouth
- **Length**: 3 feet
- **Strengths**: Stealth, potent venom, constriction ability
- **Weaknesses**: Limited mobility, relies on ambush tactics

- **Wingspan**: 6 feet
- **Strengths**: Exceptional vision, powerful talons, aerial agility
- **Weaknesses**: Vulnerable on the ground, dependent on speed

#### The Encounter

The viper lies in wait among the reeds, its mottled skin blending seamlessly with the muddy ground. Patient and motionless, it waits for the perfect moment to strike, relying on its excellent camouflage to remain undetected.

Above, the osprey circles high in the sky, its keen eyes scanning the water for fish. Suddenly, a flicker of movement catches its attention—something not quite fish but interesting nonetheless. The osprey, driven by curiosity and the instinct to hunt, begins its descent.

As the osprey approaches, the viper senses the shadow overhead. It coils itself, muscles tensing, ready to defend if necessary. The osprey, now just feet above the viper, hesitates, unsure of its next move. 

The viper seizes this moment of indecision. With lightning speed, it strikes upwards, fangs bared and ready to inject its venom. The osprey reacts with equal swiftness, flapping its wings furiously to gain altitude. The viper's strike misses by mere inches, and it retracts quickly, preparing for another attempt.

Realizing the ground is not its domain, the osprey retreats momentarily, hovering just out of reach. It circles around, planning a new approach. This time, it swoops down with talons extended, aiming for the viper's vulnerable back.

The viper, sensing the impending attack, coils tighter and hisses loudly, trying to ward off the airborne predator. The osprey, undeterred, strikes with precision, its talons finding purchase on the viper's scaly body. The viper writhes and thrashes, attempting to wrap around the osprey's leg in a desperate counterattack.

In a dramatic flurry of feathers and scales, the osprey lifts the viper off the ground. The viper’s tail lashes out, but its venomous fangs cannot reach the osprey’s vital areas. Higher and higher they go, until the viper’s struggles weaken. The osprey, feeling the slackening resistance, releases the viper into the air.

The viper falls back to the marshland with a splash, stunned but not defeated. The osprey, victorious but wary, circles once more before heading back to its nest, leaving the viper to recover from the encounter.

#### Outcome

While the osprey emerges victorious in this skirmish, having showcased its aerial superiority and tactical prowess, the viper survives, retreating to the safety of the reeds. Both predators live to hunt another day, each a testament to the fierce and unforgiving laws of the wild.

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Not seeing a PM from @Malfatron, @ET80, @TOUCAN.

I might be missing one though. If ET gets Bernie'd to the final selection I won't care.

But since the point of this thing was to allow people the opportunity to make a mockery of best laid plans, we'll go until I get submissions from those three (or those three point out I've missed something).

Also, like half of you forgot to do the challenge part. The point of that was to match yourselves up in the upcoming Immunity Challenge.

I'll let you pick which part you want to do when the Immunity Challenge comes up. 


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13 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Not seeing a PM from @Malfatron, @ET80, @TOUCAN.

I might be missing one though. If ET gets Bernie'd to the final selection I won't care.

But since the point of this thing was to allow people the opportunity to make a mockery of best laid plans, we'll go until I get submissions from those three (or those three point out I've missed something).

Also, like half of you forgot to do the challenge part. The point of that was to match yourselves up in the upcoming Immunity Challenge.

I'll let you pick which part you want to do when the Immunity Challenge comes up. 


You missed my pm. I responded so its in the front of your pms

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We have new tribes.


1. Pickle Rick
2. Adam Q Viper
3. Scoundrel
4. Skywind 
5. Ted 
6. Toucan

1. Daboyle 
2. Finn 
3. BCB 
4. Touch  
5. Malfatron
6. ET80

Since the majority of you did not correctly submit your challenge preference, you can assign them as tribes.

1. Bad Movie Descriptions (10 movies). I provide a very bad movie observation or description. With a very poor description, you have to guess the movie. These are generally super easy or super hard. I'd say of the 10, one of them is super easy. The others might take some time. But these click differently for different people. 
2. Paper Rock Scissors (Rounds until someone wins best of 5).
3. Emoji Mad Gabs. Like Mad Gabs, but I use Emojis instead of words. I have no idea how hard this one will be. I could only come up with 6 phrases for this one, so this one's tiebreaker is number correct followed by submission time. 

You have to have at least one player per challenge per tribe. Players can only help in the challenges they're a part of. Whichever tribe wins 2/3 of these challenges wins immunity. Paper Rock Scissors can only have one player. 


1. @Daboyle
3. @Malfatron
4. @Pickle Rick
5. @theuntouchable
6. @adamq
8. @skywindO2
9. @TedLavie
10. @FinneasGage

11. @bcb1213

12. @ET80

13. @Scoundrel

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