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again thinking about end game. shouting out @adamq as a likable fellow lol 

On 5/19/2024 at 6:34 PM, FinneasGage said:

confessional 4: that was a big win for the tribe and for myself. i was pretty vocal in wanting to really attack the 100 pointers even though it was risky. tribe eventually was just kinda like you can go ahead and just submit this finn, whatever happens happens. i don't think my life at all was on the line, but i was like **** this is the first thing that's really all on me. ended up being a **** strategy as they put all their defense on the 100 pointer lol. but sometimes the good guys just come out on top even when they're not supposed to. so that was big for me. definitely my biggest resume fodder to this point. 

anticipating them voting out adam next. but i hope not, seems like one of the few likable guys over there. 

we're prepping for zoology already. scoundrel is a freak at identifying animals, so pretty sure we take the next reward. 

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Just now, FinneasGage said:

again thinking about end game. shouting out @adamq as a likable fellow lol 

That he is

In another reality where i chose touch over you, i would be honored if he was the one to beat me.

He deserves it and is truly a fun guy to play with

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starting to actually play the game here a little, but realizing guys didn't wanna work with me just based on how they were responding, so then committing to just kinda ******* around 

On 6/7/2024 at 1:30 PM, FinneasGage said:

confessional 5: at the moment i'm pretty much solely teamed up with malf, but i'll have to turn on him eventually. he could be plotting a pretty great backstab right now on myself honestly. but i think as of now the plan is do our best to sell scoundrel that he's safe and then vote him out here. not that we need to convince him, we have numbers. just seems funner to have him thinking he may not be going home. the thing is i wanted to blindside malf when we merged, but i didn't really get a good feel from anyone we could pull it off. there's an all-time low of shenanigans guys playing these games. scoundrel seemed like a shenanigans guy so the plan was to grab him as my running mate to start doing some blindsides and what not, but his lack of enthusiasm and any kind of anything turned me completely off to working with him. and has ultimately led to this.... he's going home unless malf orchestrated a move against me lol. scoundrel has been a bust in terms of trying to put together some in-thread drama, he gives you nothing. and really looking at who's left there's not really anybody that would put a fight and go back at the **** talking

which led me to proposing to malf that after scoundrel, we backstab untouchable.

if nobody else has mentioned i guess i will, there's a core 4 discord with myself, malf, untouchable, and adam. 

but the game needs life. so the plan is to put together the most convoluted for no reason betrayal of touch next. we'll have to see how it shakes it with immunity and **** and go from there but that's the rough plan.


so as of now, we'll keep trying to add layers to the scoundrel vote-out. we're selling him that touch is going home. i'll check back in more frequently now probably  

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Just now, FinneasGage said:

starting to actually play the game here a little, but realizing guys didn't wanna work with me just based on how they were responding, so then committing to just kinda ******* around 

Yep, finn was the catalyst for me going against touch

If finn wouldnt have been all in there, i might have wavering

Finn was the vision

I was the execution

With a shared goal

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me being disappointed scoundrel wasn't more enthusiastic about making moves. he really did become the guy I wanted to work with to make moves with once I realized he was cool just hanging in the discord. but he was just completely untrustable with how little he was giving me when I was dm'ing him. i don't know what happened first, whether or not that alliance he was in with malf and whoever else was already in formation when I reached out or what... but yeah whatever, it was fun working with malf, it just became I thing where the motives were beginning to change where I was unconcerned about winning because I was realizing I had no pull with people, so I was like **** it I'll just blow it up then 

On 6/11/2024 at 2:03 AM, FinneasGage said:

confessional 6: so i can't remember everything that's happened since friday when i did confessional 5...

we had the numbers, we didn't really have to "sell" a touch vote out to make a scoundrel vote out possible. but we tried to sell it just because it'd be funnier. 

i was originally just gonna go at him in the thread and create a really hostile back n forth, but he was kinda not engaging and it was boring. so i was like **** it and decided it'd be funner to do our best to blindside him. 

and i should say again i thought scoundrel was more down for shenanigans and i really did actually wanna work with him on a malf blindside, but when i hit him up he just gave me nothing, so i'm like this isn't gonna work. 

we did some light trolling. at one point i sent him a fake discord convo where it was like me ******* up and slipping up that i might be trying to backdoor touch. scoundrel said "say in thread" so i proceeded to post in the discussion. and then i hit him back like "ok we're all good now, posted in thread" lol. i told malf to quote it, so when i edited it, it'd still be up. and then i was like ah **** man i'm so sorry dude i don't know what the **** i'm doing i'm so ******* confused.

he ended up going home

we could've done special things together scoundrel. if you didn't come with 0 enthusiasm and 1 word responses and **** lol. 

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this is where me and malf begin to lose our humanity and plot the untouchable blindside and plot an Adam vote-out, which didn't come to fruition. I forget why, but we had to pivot away from that plan. my next post will probably remind me why that happened 

On 6/11/2024 at 2:34 AM, FinneasGage said:

confessional 7:

with scoundrel now gone we celebrate our first move together...

we thank untouchable for being the bait in the scoundrel vote-out and he comes at us with this...

untouchable: "I admit, it wasn’t the easiest thing to feel but I’m glad I was right in trusting you guys. I think this is probably the most fun and most solid final 4 I’ve ever been in." 

untouchable: "I do gotta say that this is easily the most fun I’ve had in one of these games. I ****in love this group." 

me and malf ponder what's the most dastardly thing we could do at this point.

blindside untouchable. 


untouchable who said this about skywind "I’m not worried about that part. Just disappointed that I had read him wrong is all." 

to which i responded "you wanna do some elaborate set up to send him home next?"

and he responded "Does a scoundrel eat ***?"


so that leads us to where we're at... we're selling untouchable on the fact that we're gonna vote out skywind next. what we're saying in the core 4 discord is that we're gonna do a fake scheme where we tell people that malf had came to me wanting to blindside theuntouchable, to which i turn on malf and sell people that we're gonna vote him out. malf came up with the narrative we're selling to the group, i'll just copy n paste it in case malf didn't 

MALF IN DISCORD: "I "try" to have finn vote touch but i finn basically turns on me. Suddenly i think finn and et are voting me. And then touch/adam a bit later connect with dabs/josh to evicting a common enemy in skywind (but you frame it as "who voted me out, sky or malf". You know finn/et are with you) Talk it out and they will think skywind voted touch. You kinda think malf played you but you arent sure. Maybe they convince you it was skywind (let them convince you as i will be telling them to do so after finn talks fail) Declare a mutual ceasefire and vote skywind. Meanwhile, et and finn vote malf.

So the end result is Touch/adam/dabs/josh/malf- skywind (5) and Et/finn/skywind- malf (3)"

that is what we're selling touch on. 

i posted a fake DM to boyle in the discord: ""ok so i lied a little before (this is finn interjecting for the confessional... i had told boyle i was voting out touch) lol but i figured you were with scoundrel. i did obviously vote for him. so i'll tell you everything... i was loosely working with touch and malf because i was just wanting to **** around because the game was getting a little stale. they're the only guys that seemed down for complete shenanigans. but now malf came to me saying we should try and get touch out next and that got me thinking that i think we should get malf out. if he's gonna immediately turn on touch now, i can't ******* trust him as a partner in my tomfoolery. i'm down to go to the end with you man. i think getting malf out now is neccessary, he wins if gets to final 3 based on reputation alone imo. i'm gonna stay true and tell you everything i know man and i hope you can do the same.""




* We're going to sell that fake malf/skywind plot to theuntouchable in discord. 

* I'm going to tell adam that touch wants to blindside malf. I'm gonna tell adam the idea was floated to me and that theuntouchable wanted me to get adam on board. the idea being to vote out malf with me, touch, adam, ET and getting skywind on board. i'm still debating how to do this because if adam reaches out to touch privately, the plan is ****ed... so maybe something else. i'm still thinking. 

* touch gets voted out and he's probably gonna make it very known that me and malf ****ed him over. in which case we're gonna have to really sell to adam that touch was gonna **** us over despite how much he's selling the fact that we're the bastards lol.

* the idea then is that we have a new core 4 with me, malf, adam and skywind with a new discord

* we will be a big new happy family with no bastards. sell to adam that are safe now and can move on with our lives.

* and then backstab adam the following tribal

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everybody once again not wanting to vote out @Malfatron when I was trying to lol 

On 6/15/2024 at 2:01 AM, FinneasGage said:

confessional 8: 

the plan is to drag an inactive guy that barely cares about even participating in ET to the finale and hand delivering him the win on a platter, but boy, let me ******* tell you, this guy just refuses to win lol. i tell him the plan about how me and malf are just gonna be completely unlikable and force the jury to vote for a guy who didn't even really play. he's like heehee that sounds awesome. or something like that. i'm like yeah, just vote touch. what does this guy do he tells touch i'm backstabbing him (allegedly) and then votes for skywind. what a dumbass lmao. i love ET, he's my boy forever. but pal. please. let me give you the ******* trophy and don't blow the plan up. one of the silliest things i've ever seen. it almost makes it that much ******* better if he just goes against us and ****s up all of our plans for the rest of the game and we just keep on dragging him as he continues to make it harder and harder for us to do so lmao. what a champion he is. let me tell you there's nobody that i want to be champion more. just a guy barely showing up and choosing to ******* gnaw on the hand that feeds him and gives him ******* the finest food in the land. he's like **** you. i don't want it. i want a small amount of overcooked rice and to be killed. 

but whatever

the touch blindside was still successful and very satisfactory. even though he was onto me, malf kinda saved it and told him i was just going rogue. he also sold boyle/josh on it. i had to dm boyle and sent him a long message where i was gonna actually try to build a relationship with him. he just responds back like "sounds good" after i said a bunch of ****. let me tell you dude people in this game are ******* atrocious at playing lmao. holy **** is this group washed up. we used to have warriors on this forum. so whatever the touch vote was sold and we just decided to move on because it was getting to be a lot. so anyway we do all that and then boyle takes credit for the blindside lmao. which kinda peeved malf so that leads us to where we're at now...

boyle is the next target. he's going home next. he seems to think he's in control. it's currently the funniest move besides me turning on malf or malf turning on me. but honestly, i'm pretty powerless at this point of the game. nobody really trusts me. they think i'm a wildcard number only, not somebody to work with. 

truth is, if ANYBODY, gave me anything besides like 5 word responses they'd be my riding partner in a malf blindside. that's the ******* move obviously. but these ******* don't make big moves. it's unbelievable. 

i go to boyle and say this... just to gauge... if he gives me ANYTHING... he's safe and we can do a malf blindside. i told malf about this and said let me know if boyle says anything... so i send this to boyle...

"boyle, i know we haven't been super close this game... we need to do something big and you absolutely have to keep this to yourself or neither of us are gonna win this game. go to malf with this and we're done. we're losers. they'll LAUGH at us. 

we gotta figure out a way to vote out malf. he's completely running the game and if he gets to the final jury he's absolutely going to win. we don't have a chance. this is the time to get rid of him, right now. 

me, you, (can you get josh? i'm pretty sure he's your guy), i'm pretty sure i can convince ET. i'll also try to work adam. it just makes no sense to keep him in the game. 

i'm coming to you with this before anyone because i think us being on the same page is the most important part of this. are you down?"

he says... "i'm down" that's it. and then not joke... less than 2 minutes later spills it to malf. lmao. alright man. you're outta here. if he gave me something and didn't spill to malf i would've probably just actually worked to get a malf blindside in, but boyle sucks at this game. no chance of winning. can't sell a ******* thing lmao. nobody in this ******* game can. 


i'll leave with some parting words i received from touch: "Finn you're a snake piece of ****." 

i responded with some half-assed bull**** like "ET duped me, sorry" just to see if he would go at me, but he didn't lol.

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a pretty lame final confessional here

On 6/26/2024 at 4:44 PM, FinneasGage said:

confessional 9: 

we did the boyle blindside. i don't remember what came of that.

anyway now we're planning on surprising adam. i hit him with a fake attempt to blindside malf. he was loyal to him and said he couldn't take part in that. also went to malf and told on me lol.

we're expecting this to be 5-1 i think

i'm not sure i think malf is up to something though he's talking about the vote being a weird different number like 3-2-1 or something. i dunno. i didn't even ask. honestly him "blindsiding" me would be the play, but i wouldn't be that surprised. i do still think we're on the same page that our end game is the funnest scenario, but he may've changed his mind

i'm expecting adam to go home though

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9 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

this is where me and malf begin to lose our humanity and plot the untouchable blindside and plot an Adam vote-out, which didn't come to fruition. I forget why, but we had to pivot away from that plan. my next post will probably remind me why that happened 

See @Scoundrel finn did moves

He wasnt my maid or patsy, hes been my partner in crime and we used the fact that people think hes braindamaged to humerous effect throughout the game

Finn has been my scheming buddy through it all

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11 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

i'm not sure i think malf is up to something though he's talking about the vote being a weird different number like 3-2-1 or something. i dunno. i didn't even ask. honestly him "blindsiding" me would be the play, but i wouldn't be that surprised. i do still think we're on the same page that our end game is the funnest scenario, but he may've changed his mind

This was done so there would be plausibke denyability on my part on my role, but it didnt work as both josh and adam seen through it im sure

I did vote myself here and trusted the process

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that's it from me. i really did have a really good time playing this game. it's been a while since I had a partner / crew that wanted to do a bunch of silly ****. not since I was always teaming up with @mission27 and @TLO and whoever else was part of the crew at that time, have I had a good time playing a game like this. i think guys that know me on this site know I'm always ******* around and it's never serious and all I really wanna do is try and make these games funner and try and raise the emotional stakes / stir the pot, etc. 

but yeah there was discussions between myself and malf about just ousting ET as one final blindside / backstab, but that would ensure a malf win. so I'm gonna go out here.

and at this point malf has turned his back on our cause and is kinda pining for the win because he has no loyalty to anything lol jkjk it's a good move 

I don't think anyone REALLY took it personally that I was a lying ******* the whole game, but it was all just a thing I wanted to do and committed to once I realized I was gonna essentially have to work with malf to advance my game because nobody was wanting to really work with me. It was a blast and in future games I'm not gonna repeat this, if I survive past the first couple vote-outs lol

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9 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

See @Scoundrel finn did moves

He wasnt my maid or patsy, hes been my partner in crime and we used the fact that people think hes braindamaged to humerous effect throughout the game

Finn has been my scheming buddy through it all

don't sell me like a dog lol 

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12 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

See @Scoundrel finn did moves

He wasnt my maid or patsy, hes been my partner in crime and we used the fact that people think hes braindamaged to humerous effect throughout the game

Finn has been my scheming buddy through it all

He was a chud. I will take it back. I’ll vote you over Finn

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