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It has been brought to Jeff’s attention Jeff missed a roll for the Raven in round two.

Jeff feels he needs to do a roll for the Raven. See if the roll would have changed the outcome of the game.

A roll for the Hairy Frog would have changed nothing.

Certain other animals would have changed nothing.

But this error could have drastically changed the outcome of the reward challenge.

Jeff has to wake up at 4 AM tomorrow.

Jeff will be leaving the castaways in suspense for the night. However, Jeff, in good conscience, cannot ignore this error.


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This also starts a new rule:

There are two more dice roll games. If a mistake is noticed after the end of the game in either of them, Jeff calls Tough Tiddies.

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2 minutes ago, MacReady said:

This also starts a new rule:

There are two more dice roll games. If a mistake is noticed after the end of the game in either of them, Jeff calls Tough Tiddies.

Have fun with the butterfly effect in this one hahaha

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I asked chatgpt


Give a power ranking for the remaining players in this survivor thread?


Based on the current state of the FF Survivor 4: Mortal Kombat game, here is a power ranking of the remaining players:

  1. Malfatron - Known for his strategic play and high activity levels. He’s a veteran with a good understanding of the game dynamics (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).

  2. theuntouchable - Highly active and involved, consistently performing well in challenges and maintaining strong social connections (FootballsFuture.com).

  3. Forge - Despite being new to Survivor, Forge has quickly adapted and shown strong challenge performances and good strategic moves (FootballsFuture.com).

  4. Whicker - A solid competitor who has navigated the social game well, balancing alliances and challenge contributions effectively (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).

  5. bcb1213 - Demonstrates strategic awareness and has been a crucial part of several key moves. His ability to stay under the radar while influencing decisions has been notable (FootballsFuture.com).

  6. Daboyle - Although not always in the spotlight, Daboyle has shown resilience and strategic thinking, particularly in crucial moments of the game (FootballsFuture.com).

This ranking considers each player’s challenge performance, strategic moves, social gameplay, and overall activity in the game. Each player brings a unique set of skills, making the competition highly dynamic and unpredictable.


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Just now, Malfatron said:

I asked chatgpt


Give a power ranking for the remaining players in this survivor thread?


Based on the current state of the FF Survivor 4: Mortal Kombat game, here is a power ranking of the remaining players:

  1. Malfatron - Known for his strategic play and high activity levels. He’s a veteran with a good understanding of the game dynamics (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).

  2. theuntouchable - Highly active and involved, consistently performing well in challenges and maintaining strong social connections (FootballsFuture.com).

  3. Forge - Despite being new to Survivor, Forge has quickly adapted and shown strong challenge performances and good strategic moves (FootballsFuture.com).

  4. Whicker - A solid competitor who has navigated the social game well, balancing alliances and challenge contributions effectively (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).

  5. bcb1213 - Demonstrates strategic awareness and has been a crucial part of several key moves. His ability to stay under the radar while influencing decisions has been notable (FootballsFuture.com).

  6. Daboyle - Although not always in the spotlight, Daboyle has shown resilience and strategic thinking, particularly in crucial moments of the game (FootballsFuture.com).

This ranking considers each player’s challenge performance, strategic moves, social gameplay, and overall activity in the game. Each player brings a unique set of skills, making the competition highly dynamic and unpredictable.




What about the rest of them


Based on the information gathered from the FootballsFuture.com forum, here is the power ranking for the remaining players in the "FF Survivor 4: Mortal Kombat" game:

  1. Daboyle: Demonstrated strong gameplay and strategic thinking, involved in key alliances (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).
  2. Whicker: Known for a fiery and passionate gameplay style, making significant moves (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).
  3. Malfatron: A strategic player with a long-term vision and solid alliances (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).
  4. The Orca: Consistently involved in the game, contributing to challenges and strategic discussions (FootballsFuture.com).
  5. Pickle Rick: Active participant with good challenge performance and alliance management (FootballsFuture.com).
  6. theuntouchable: Showing strong gameplay, involved in crucial decisions and strategic alliances (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).
  7. Forge: Demonstrates good strategic insight and challenge capability (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).
  8. Nazgul: Strategic player but may face trust issues within the tribe (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).
  9. Slappy Mc: Competent in challenges and strategic discussions (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).
  10. TOUCAN: Strong in challenges and maintains key alliances (FootballsFuture.com).
  11. skywindO2: Strategic but needs to solidify alliances to climb the rankings (FootballsFuture.com).
  12. TedLavie: Solid participant with good strategic thinking, though needs stronger alliances (FootballsFuture.com).
  13. FinneasGage: Active in discussions and challenges, but needs to improve alliance strength (FootballsFuture.com).
  14. bcb1213: Strategic player but may need to strengthen alliance ties (FootballsFuture.com).
  15. ET80: Competent but relatively lower visibility in strategic moves and alliances (FootballsFuture.com).
  16. Scoundrel: Engaged in the game but may face challenges with forming strong alliances (FootballsFuture.com) (FootballsFuture.com).
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