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Mike Tomlin - 3 Year Extension

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I am not really in agreement with this. I have mixed feelings about Tomlin, but to be honest they used to be more negative. On the field, he's never been a great strategic coach, and there have been some iffy personnel decisions that were the head coach's calls the last few years (i.e. it wasn't all Colbert). What I do like is his leadership and his verbal ability. Particularly now, as the solid person he is has led to players wanting to come here. I am starting to get the vibe that he is really a great recruiter, may have blown all the other schools out of the water if he was an NCAA coach. A couple years ago, players wanted to come here, to be with him, but only because they were past their prime and couldn't expect that much money. I am now seeing near prime players wanting to play for him, and some are taking less money to do just that. However, I am still torn and thought they should have waited until after the season. This is a big year for Tomlin. 

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This was as close to a guarantee lock as you could get. 

Not really trying to throw a wrench in it, but it's worth the conversation for a team that's without a playoff win in 6 seasons with the same coach. The Steelers are not going to fire Mike Tomlin, but that also doesn't mean there won't be a "mutual" ending before the end of this extension. Retirement, TV, trade -- both*? No cap or payment ramifications for any of those things with coaches so the length of the agreement or even the fact that it happened doesn't necessarily mean anything. 

I very genuinely think he has 2 seasons to win 1 playoff game. 

Edited by Dcash4
Forgot to add that pretty much all coaching contracts have off-setting language if fired and they get another job the firing team won't owe up to that amount due...but again, Steelers aren't firing Tomlin but it should be added
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I thought this already happened?  

with this new roster and OC I am expecting tomlin to have one of his better seasons.  Getting legit QB and OC  and fixing the OL will  also help (a bit?) 

no more canada/fichner type hires and keep a legit OL+run game ,  playoffs and wins should be in store. 

he might be in the process of removing the last bit of colberts rough last years, salvation for the franchise is in order


Edited by 3rivers
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14 hours ago, 3rivers said:

with this new roster and OC I am expecting tomlin to have one of his better seasons.  Getting legit QB and OC  and fixing the OL will  also help (a bit?) 

no more canada/fichner type hires and keep a legit OL+run game ,  playoffs and wins should be in store. 

he might be in the process of removing the last bit of colberts rough last years, salvation for the franchise is in order

I admire your positivity, and tend to agree.  I'm one of the few who are perfectly fine with this extension; keeps him locked up for 3 more seasons.

I'm not worried about HC extensions, because they mean little, at the end of the day.  If Tomlin 'flops', and turns in a poor season, (and by that, I mean anything that doesn't result in a Playoff win), he'll be on the 'hot seat', at best, but he wouldn't have been let go, at the end of the season, as he'd still have at least, signed a 1 year extension.  If he fails to produce a Playoff win, again, in 2025, he'll likely be let go, regardless of whether he has 2 years left on his contract, or not...and as this money isn't tied to a salary cap, who cares??  My point being, is I don't think this gives Tomlin any more security, than if he signed a 1 year extension.

What this does do, is give the team security, and honestly, if he remains 'mediocre', he'll likely be worth something in trade, no??

Maybe I'm looking at this wrong, but to me, this is a win for us, and yes, with finally getting a couple of decent drafts and FA periods, I too, expect a better team, and result.

Edited by Ward4HOF
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Tomlin will not be fired as long as AR2 is the boss.  He may "retire" if there are issues but never fired.  I am hoping he goes out with AR2 and Dan Jr gets to pick a new coach.

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2 hours ago, Ward4HOF said:

I'm one of the few who are perfectly fine with this extension; keeps him locked up for 3 more seasons.

if tomlin is the one who made Khan dispose of chuks, harvin and mitch asap finally I might as well. If smith makes the offence and OL top notch and tomlin hired him, then it's looking more legit. The trash we had though, isn't forgotten, but colbert gets credit for much of that from me anyways. 

1 hour ago, jebrick said:

Tomlin will not be fired as long as AR2 is the boss.  He may "retire" if there are issues but never fired.  I am hoping he goes out with AR2 and Dan Jr gets to pick a new coach.

what IF the team actually does end up being legit, why change anything?  Problem was it was not legit, just a fraud for the last several years and I know I was tired of it. Finally made enough changes in the offseason to have a chance anyways.  Finally will have a good OL again, the main reason for the turnaround as well as OC.  

Was smith a tomlin hire or did someone else make that call?

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Interesting timing, but the Athletic Football Pod had a coaches draft (link). 

Tomlin was 10th on the list via the draft, but ranked 8th with Mays and 10th with Rodrigue. 

Random notes from my listen:

- Kinda surprising to me how much "culture" and "players love him" came up for the guys ahead of Tomlin on the list. That's always been the top trophy on the Tomlin mantle. He may very well be the best in the business, but it came up A LOT with the top guys who also lead their respective groups as innovators and play callers. 

- Ranked below other CEO styled head coaches in Campbell, Harbaugh, and McDermott. Big Dan because of the culture he created and his in-game decision making turning out some quality statistic based results, but big questions about what he looks like post-Ben Johnson and what that transition will be. Harbaugh because he has been really, really good at continually finding improvements via the staff moves and innovation. McDermott (odd Mays pick) due to his ability to keep a high level offensive side of the ball through multiple coaches. 

- Tomlin got great marks for defense and culture, but huge dents in the armor for what that offensive staff and game has looked like through Fichtner and, specifically, Canada. Other people just found better answers. Makes it seem like Tomlin is either going to rocket up this rankings next year or potentially fall out of the top 10 depending on the offensive success. 

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15 minutes ago, Dcash4 said:

Ranked below other CEO styled head coaches in Campbell, Harbaugh, and McDermott

I listened to this as well and didn’t really disagree with much of their assessments, but the Campbell one - well I think it’s too soon on him as it’s been 2 season and Ben Johnson has called a flawless offense (BTW you catch his interview where he stated his reasoning for turning down jobs? Basically said he’s refusing to go to a rebuild because those coaches get fired).

Anyways. I found their conversation around McDermott fascinating. Sure he’s continually built high level offenses through multiple coaches, but he’s also pulled the cord on some of them when performance wise they were fine. The issue with the Bills (IMO) is that they just can’t run the ball worth a damn, so if you want to credit him for the offense, you should also knock him for failing to improve the reason they haven’t advanced.

Now for your shocker - I do agree with the thought of Harbaugh over Tomlin because of his willingness to continually change. I do think he’s plagued at times with the inability to generate a pass rush. I forget who on the 33rd Team wrote it but they said the reason why Harbaugh is the perfect prototype of a “CEO” coach (they called them “THC’s” AKA true head coaches since they don’t focus on calling plays for a side of the ball) is that he came up in Special Teams. Meaning he needed to be able to communicate with all positional groups, get time with them whenever he could, and would spend most of practice watching everyone and helping the positions that needed it the most. So they felt that they are some of the best when it comes to time management in team meetings and practice load.

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I wonder when Harbaugh is going to start getting the playoff woes talk tomlin has(rightfully) gotten

3 playoff wins in 11 years and arguably had the biggest postseason choke in AFC playoff history in 2019 vs tenn....

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