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Jacksonville City council approves new Jaguars Stadium


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3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I’d say the Browns, Oilers, and Colts fans can also weigh in. 

Well those cities all got franchises again, I was trying to think about cities without a team now.

1 hour ago, FrantikRam said:


I could be wrong but I believe most fans on here were fans BEFORE the Rams moved to STL in the first place or became fans while living in neither LA nor STL. I was younger when that happened, but my dad has been a lifelong Rams fan and never wanted them in STL.

I would cease being a fan if they became a new franchise though

Yeah I think the bolded is why I excluded them. They're still the Rams, just in another city.

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39 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Well those cities all got franchises again, I was trying to think about cities without a team now.

Baltimore disowned the Colts, Cleveland sued for rights to the Browns and hated Art so much they cancelled the NFL mandated moment of silence in Cleveland just before kickoff after he died because of the scene, and Houston disowned the Oilers and Titans all well before it was guaranteed they’d have other teams.

39 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Yeah I think the bolded is why I excluded them. They're still the Rams, just in another city.

@ramssuperbowl99 disowned them, and Cleveland fans did too which is why they sued for rights to the Franchise and name. Same with Baltimore disowning the Colts and I’m not sure about Raiders fans tbh.

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On 6/29/2024 at 9:51 PM, MWil23 said:

That’s the crux of my question. So you’d still be a fan if the team became a new franchise altogether with a new mascot and city.

I wouldn’t/was not and would wager most are. You’re entitled to that and it’s not wrong, it’s just an outlier.

I haven’t thought about this since Pegula bought the Bills and I knew they were staying put 10 years ago. So I was 20 years old when that happened, at that time I would’ve said I would’ve followed the team anywhere, but as I’ve grown older I just wouldn’t have a team. It’s about way more than the guys on the field, how much that team means to Western New York can never be overstated. A mass portion of the community would be completely heart broken. I couldn’t root for any man or woman that took that from us.

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On 6/27/2024 at 5:48 PM, FrantikRam said:

Its just bizarre to me that people think a billionaire should pay billions for something because they have the money.

Now replace “a billionaire” with “business owners”, and “something” with “their own business expenses” - now you’re onto something!

Almost nobody thinks a random tech billionaire should be paying for the stadium in Jacksonville. They think the billionaires who own the teams that’ll be employing the players that play games in that stadium & keeping all the profits for themselves/their business, should be the ones paying for the stadium in Jacksonville. 


On 6/28/2024 at 1:18 PM, FrantikRam said:

I'm just a fan of consistency, and I'm not a fan of holding rich people to a different standard just because they are rich.

Take the richness out of it - who wants to foot the bill for any privatized business expense?

Things that’ll generally benefit a massive portion of the public, sure. New railroad? New subway line? New buses? Re-worked public roads? More funding dumped into schools? Into hospitals? Into the local fire department? I get it. Those things are either objectively vital to the community or provide a service that is integral to the economy (integral being a keyword).

272 regular season games across the entire league, let’s say they sellout every week (which they don’t) at around 70,000 stadium capacity (high estimate) - that’s just 19M fans. The NYC subway system sees more than that number of people in a week. MTA buses (NYC) see that in less than two weeks. Less than half of the number of yearly Long Island Railroad riders (a railroad that strictly covers Long Island, NY -> NYC), over 50M. Then there’s the number of kids in public schools. The number of patients admitted to government funded hospitals. The number of people who get services provided by garbage men, law enforcement, politicians. The sheer scope of who/how many people get impacted by these other industries completely dwarf the amount of people who go to football games (and yes, let’s ignore that…they still have a stadium, it’s not like the private Jags franchise is homeless).

We’re cool with tax dollars going towards things that benefit many. Not the privatized sports league that will be gracious enough to only charge me $500 for some tickets for me and my kids, $50 for parking, and an extra $40 for a hot dog and beer. 

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14 hours ago, MWil23 said:

@ramssuperbowl99 disowned them, and Cleveland fans did too which is why they sued for rights to the Franchise and name. Same with Baltimore disowning the Colts and I’m not sure about Raiders fans tbh.

As someone who disowned the team, I think this is an unfair standard to hold fans to.

The system should be set up so that fans are able to fully support the team without needing to constantly monitor at what point the owner is exploiting their emotions.

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On 6/25/2024 at 11:45 PM, Football_Bachelor08 said:

Basically the first phase works exclusively on the upper decks, which will reduce capacity to 43,000 for one season. The second phase will be more extensive and require the Jags to play at a different venue for one season, either in Orlando or Gainsville.

Daytona 500 please

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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

As someone who disowned the team, I think this is an unfair standard to hold fans to.

The system should be set up so that fans are able to fully support the team without needing to constantly monitor at what point the owner is exploiting their emotions.

Yeah, I’m not saying it “should” be the standard, but I am saying that typically that’s how we react organically.

Art Modell fired 2 of the 3 best coaches in NFL History and moved the team behind everyone’s backs and then got what he wanted and won a ring, and the price he paid was to literally never return to Cleveland, so yeah, life isn’t fair. You don’t have to be a good owner or person to get what you want…and guys like Ralph Wilson you just feel so bad for on the football realm of things.

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On 7/1/2024 at 1:53 PM, RuskieTitan said:

Well golly gee, that must mean all CEOs act in the same exact fashion. At any rate, you've posted enough for me to understand this isn't a debate anyone can win with you.


That is exactly my point. They aren't all the same, so its pretty discriminatory to make sweeping statements about all of them. There are going to be good and bad people in there, like with any other random group.

And that's why I'm being stubborn about it. Obviously its just anyone's opinion for whether tax dollars should pay for a stadium....but its another thing to trash rich people because they're rich making statements like ".....the rich pissing on you".

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1 hour ago, FrantikRam said:


That is exactly my point. They aren't all the same, so its pretty discriminatory to make sweeping statements about all of them. There are going to be good and bad people in there, like with any other random group.

And that's why I'm being stubborn about it. Obviously its just anyone's opinion for whether tax dollars should pay for a stadium....but its another thing to trash rich people because they're rich making statements like ".....the rich pissing on you".


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SO are they getting an whole new stadium, or just doing a major renovation of the one they are currently playing in?  A while back, I know they were talking about doing a renovation.  It looked pretty good from the concept drawings, so maybe that's all they need to do.  I just hope they keep the swimming pool in there.  That's one of the best features of any stadium in the country, and it fits in perfectly with a Florida team.

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