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You’re never going to be able to eliminate this situation unless you reduce the contract lengths.  You can find loop holes in literally every way of grading a 6 year contract.

If you want to elimate this, reduce the years.  5 years is okay, but 4 is really more ideal.   

Reduce the years, emphasize the signing bonus.  Keep the formula same.  Someone prove me wrong.

I’m moving on from this now 

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Just now, jch1911 said:

 I don't think you would have won the player because I still offered a bigger SB than anyone for both of the players.  I have had those numbers pinned to those players since the mock started.  I asked the question about guaranteed $$$ because it was my intention from when I signed up to try to guarantee at least $15M APY to Solder & $11M APY to Fuller either via signing bonus or guaranteed contracts. I asked if there was a way to guarantee $$$ outside of signing bonuses.  So I went with high SB to ensure the players would sign with Houston.  I actually thought the roster bonuses & workout bonuses didn't really count in the equation - because they are not guaranteed. It is one of the reasons I included them because they only count if the team keeps the player.  I still offered both players more signing bonus than any other team. So if I understand the equations (which once again, I am not sure I am fully comprehending them), it comes down to guaranteed (signing bonus) $$$ at the end of the day (and meeting APY).

I offered $60M SB to Solder (next closest was $40m).  I offered $40M SB to Fuller (next closest was $14.4M).

My simple solution and one that @ny92jefferis suggested is to eliminate the roster bonuses and work out bonuses from the equation.

Basic contract + signing bonuses = offer.  The more guaranteed $$$ that is given to a player will win.

That's just like IRL.

I want to make it clear that I was not trying to cheat the sim in anyway.  Once again, if I match APY on those contracts and with the amount of signing bonuses that I have to pay either way to those players.  Texans would have still won them.

Answer me this.... If I had, had constructed a 6 year, $120M contract ($60M SB) for Solder and a 6 year, $72M contract for Fuller ($40M SB) would there be the same level of rancor by the crowd?  Because that what was I had constructed before.  Still outlandish contracts.  Both still end up in Houston.

I offer my apologies to @ny92jefferis because I know how much energy he puts into this sim (and because he had the next highest bid on Solder).  I definitely didn't want to create any more work for him.

And if the other GMs want, I am perfectly fine with the commissioner's office @Forge putting those players back in the FA pool.

TL;DR Put Fuller & Solder back in FA pool.  I am fine with that and I am prepared to bid to win them again.

I've see the commissioner's office disallow contracts before so he does happen IRL.


Sorry, I meant I would have won had we disallowed your contract offer all together. Yeah, if you had changed it (depending on how you changed it), you may still have won them both. 

As for your other contracts - people would have raised eyebrows at Solder, but largely would have been considered just an overpay, but not at fuller. 6 for 72 is  reasonable. That's only 12m/annual, and I wasn't too far off that myself. I've said it several times that I think that he gets a contract comparable to AJ Bouye's, which was 5/67.5. Given that fuller gets the extra year, that's slightly below the Bouye conract on an apy basis. 

I'm not putting them back in the FA pool, they are yours, because as you said, it's completely possible that you win them anyway. And as unrealistic as the contract structure is, the truth of the matter is that you gave them better long term stability than anyone else did lol. I mean, you're locked in to both for 4 years...I think I could have gotten out of Fuller's deal after like year 2 or 3 pretty easily. 

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17 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

the problems with putting maxes in is if two teams offer the max, there's no where else to go

Good point. Didn't think about that. But it would be pretty insane to have two gms max out the allowed salary for the same player every subsequent year. But I can see that happening 

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