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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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Just now, Adrenaline_Flux said:

If you mean the gopher thing, I wanted gopher as HOH and as a close ally. At the time, it was just good fortune you wanted him HOH as well. 

You're REALLY going to hate the next few DRs.

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1 minute ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Remember, this was around the time I got nominated after each comp. My posts are more about survival at this time...

Haha no I know but this is like before the game started. I would just like to share it as basically another diary room type thing lol

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43 minutes ago, MathMan said:

Jason's only DR session:


I’m afraid I won’t have much to say this season bc I’m trying to keep quiet. There are so many dumb ***** in the house it is hard to do. GMen4ev is more retarded than Eli Manning. I thought he might be clever but no- it’s just non stop useless dribble begging for attention.


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3 minutes ago, MathMan said:

Now guys like @Dwight_Schrute and @SovereignNazgul - they want to keep this game to an inner circle. That stifles growth, makes people who do choose to play grow uninterested. I don't think that's the best for this, so I've got to do what I can to keep them engaged and prepared to defend themselves. 

Maybe that's been Dwight's strategy - but never mine. I started playing in BB3, and I have never been part of an alliance really. For whatever reason (even before I destroyed the hopes and dreams of everyone in BB6), nobody would offer an olive branch my way like they did for my brother. That was whatever to me. But, I've never cared about an inner-circle or any of that mumbo jumbo. I've mostly played every game solo.

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ET's DR session (a @Raves reference)


Hello America!

So, got dumped on with the Oscars HoH, but that is to be expected. If it's not an animated and/or a Marvel movie, I'm probably not watching it (I did see I, Tonya and Get Out. I also saw Red Sparrow this weekend, but that's another discussion).

Flux did pull out the W, so I know I've got little to worry about. We're discussing who to put in the Veto challenge, and the names Whicker and Raves come up. Raves? Have yet to hear from him, so not too worried. Whicker? He's been a loyal ally since the start, so I'm stumping for him. The actual plan is to put Whicker in (he's got the votes to move forward) and if one of our guys are in along with Whicker and Flux, game the Veto to plop Utley in Whickers' place.

Now, I have a cease fire with Utley (I think) but if I show weakness towards him, I'll lose a ton of credibility with my power groups. Simply can't afford that.

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ET dishes on @utley4568 again


Now...onto Utley.

You remember basketball in the mid to late 80s? East v West meant the Celtics v Lakers. That was personified by Bird v Magic. Those two were heated rivals on the court, pushing themselves to a point to where it was victory or death. You felt them pushing beyond limits. It was must see TV. This being said - there was an immense respect between Bird and Magic that developed into a deep friendship between the two. Even now, those two remain great friends - and will probably do so well beyond their mortality.

At first, I was legit heartbroken over Utley turning on me. I actually pleaded with him to reconsider. He said no. As the pressure turned up, so did my efforts. I've never been good at comps, but my social game is ironclad - and it kicked up a few notches. Utley's campaign against me has made me a better player. Rivalries such as this make champions. 

As the days go on, Utley is gonna be coming up court, and he'll see me at the top of the key, eyes locked on him. He's gonna know that if he wants this bucket, he's gonna have to work. I know that if I want to stop him, I'll have to work. He'll smile. I'll smile. Then we'll go to work.

Tip o' the cap to my rival. He's going to wage war against me, and I won't expect anything less.

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1 minute ago, SovereignNazgul said:

Maybe that's been Dwight's strategy - but never mine. I started playing in BB3, and I have never been part of an alliance really. For whatever reason (even before I destroyed the hopes and dreams of everyone in BB6), nobody would offer an olive branch my way like they did for my brother. That was whatever to me. But, I've never cared about an inner-circle or any of that mumbo jumbo. I've mostly played every game solo.

... social game is a real thing.

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28 minutes ago, MathMan said:

Gmens DR session


I want that Hulk Hogan hot dog like skin



I forgot I sent you that. 

I'm dying

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ET's DR (trouble in paradise?)


Welp, Utley got word on the bait and switch. He's pretty angry, from what I see. I find it humorous, he guns after me pretty hard, then gets his thong in a bunch when I move on him. Funny part is, he thinks it was MY idea. Gotta thank Flux and GMen for that idea. I would have stumped Dwight over Utley in the bait/switch, but after Utley's lil tirade, I really have no reason to keep him around.

Utley (or one of his acolytes - Jfin and Gopher) is going to try to convince Flux that I'm controlling him and that he shouldn't trust me. I wonder how they'll react when they find out Flux and I are friends IRL and talk on a daily basis outside of the forum... I'm sure that'll go over VERY well.

Now, onto Gopher. He's taken to this game very well - almost to the point to where I have to worry about his loyalty. He's been active, and (hopefully) he's turning in diary entries. I hope he doesn't become an enemy, because he's my strongest ally so far.

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