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The Ben Wade Gang Mafia - It's Day 5


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1 minute ago, MookieMonster said:

Is it possible he got him N1 and waited to reveal?

that was n1. rather, before n1 ended.

thats when he heavily pushed ltbf for no reason.

my guess is that jfinley didnt know exactly what happened, and then someone filled him in the chatroom and he raged at ltbf

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8 minutes ago, MathMan said:

you are still in my top 3 posters even though i suspect you

3 minus jfin equals 2. So the odds are at 2 to like 60,000 I made the cut there. Feeling hella stressed atm

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Just now, MathMan said:

you dont have a guilty report on ltbf, do you fin?

you dont just get granted information that you want because you want it. im telling you he's mafia. my instinct fails me almost every time in life. if you wanna go on that ride with me, vote for ltbf. im not confident. i dont remember what made me jump on it. but i remember that was my last feeling and he's still alive and i've formed no more opinions. every time you go after me, you're mafia. so i think you're mafia as well. but it's late in the night. i've had a rough time and my phone is dry. you're my only confidant on this ****ty wednesday night and i dont wish to argue with you. so you know what... maybe you should show a similar respect and politely back off me as i've failed my family name today in the academia world. and some more things that i'll leave on the backburner as you soft **** can't handle my late night breakdowns here on the internet. holy **** im still typing and didn't answer your question lmao

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