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The Ben Wade Gang Mafia - It's Day 5


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The Aliens snuck back into camp just before their ship appeared overhead. Some of the men tried tying themselves to trees to avoid the beams pull, but resistance was futile.

@theuntouchable, @Famous Jameis and @Whicker were lifted off the ground and pulled up by the beam.

"These three," a voice from the ship boomed. "I want one of these three dead by nightfall."

It is now Day 4

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Well that is certainly an interesting 3. I would probably guess based on the remaining numbers that there is probably an alien hiding amongst the 3 of us.  I'd say whicker or touch if we are wanting to lynch an alien.  Both have been pretty scummy.  Whicker d1 especially trying to white knight gopher.  

Does anyone have any info or thoughts that might help.....

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