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The Ben Wade Gang Mafia - It's Day 5


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Just now, Famous Jameis said:

have to no vote or vote for me, whicker or touch......the aliens have us 3 hovering in the air right now

Oh that's going on again. 

@MathMan how do you know Fj has a special role??

fj because I suspect math 

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On 4/21/2018 at 4:38 PM, domepatrol91 said:

“We’ll attack tonight... two hours before dawn, we’re getting boss outta there.” Charlie (Outlaw Muscle) looked down the canyon at the Pinkerton Camp. The campfire was nearly out and the canyon was getting darker. “They got a Detective and two Agents. I hope those boys remember to say their prayers tonight.”

“Let’s go Charlie, they can see us up here.” Campos (Outlaw Sharpshooter) whispered. He clicked his heels and his horse started trotting back to camp.

Back at camp a few hours later, most of the men had fallen asleep, Charlie looked up at the stars and tapped his foot impatiently. “Alright. Let’s get packed up.” He kicked one of the snoring Goons boots. “Wake up. We’re gonna go kill us some Pinkertons.”


The gang worked their way down the trail towards their boss’s captors. The fire was just coals now and the Pinkertons were sound asleep. Charlie crept towards the stagecoach that held prisoner the infamous outlaw Ben Wade himself.

Charlie whispered at first, “Hey boss! *pssssst*” his voice was a hiss, “Bosssss! We’re busting you out!”

“Sorry, Charlie.” Ben Wade’s voice replied from the stagecoach. “I had no way to warn you.”

“Evening Mr. Prince.” The Pinkerton Detective, Mr. Grayson Butterfield, emerged  from the shadows of the stagecoach and pulled back the hammer of his revolver. “Hands where I can see them... or I’ll shoot you where you stand.”

A couple of Pinkerton Agents emerged from the trees, revolvers drawn and pointed at the Outlaw Gang. The thought-to-be-sleeping Agents sat up from their blankets with weapons at the ready. The Gang looked around for a moment, and then surrendered.


The Agents were in the middle of handcuffing the Outlaws when a beam of light appeared overhead, it hummed with energy. A luminous pillar shot to the ground and a figure emerged, all the men froze. The figure  was tall, slender and grey. It had sharp claws that hung near it’s knees on abnormally long arms and it was completely hairless. It had large black eyes that took up over half of its face, and no visible mouth to speak of. It stared at the group of Outlaws and Law Officers for a moment, but when it tried to speak the men opened fire.

The Alien creature crumpled under the gunfire, it fell to its knees and let out an unearthly scream. After a few dozen bullets quit ricocheting around the canyon, the men waited for the dust to settle. After a short moment the creature was visible again, still on it’s knees. It slowly stood up and the men could see that it hadn’t even been wounded. The Alien calmly walked over to the Pinkerton Agent that had been arresting Campos and picked up the Sharpshooter’s rifle. It squeezed the gun with one hand and the barrel collapsed, it grabbed ahold of the gun’s stock with the other hand and folded the gun in half like a sapling.

"Well." The Alien spoke perfect English. "That wasn't the greeting I was hoping for." It reached into a cloth pouch on its side and pulled out what looked like a fountain pen with a red light illuminating on the tip. "Everyone look at this." The light flashed brightly and the men looked around, confused.


After a few moments of confusion the men looked around. There were more of them in the Canyon than before.

“Uhhhhh, there were only ten guys down here by my count,” The Detective said.

One of the Outlaws counted out loud, “....nine, ten, eleven, twelve and Boss in the stagecoach makes thirteen….. I think we’ve got a problem folks. Where did that thing go?”

Thirteen men in cowboy hats and leather boots suspiciously eyed each other, hands resting on their weapons. Looks like we got ourselves an old fashioned standoff.

read this.

there are like 4 pinkerton agents.

only 1 outlaw goon

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