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2 minutes ago, e16bball said:

If Gruden and Doug Williams hadn’t both talked so openly and confidently about getting a RB in the draft, I could be convinced that they’re gonna look elsewhere. 

But the Redskins are not really a smoke screening bunch. If they say something like that with such certainty, you can pretty much take them at their word that it’s their actual mindset. 

Cooley basically called our first round pick for months. They don’t disguise things very well lol

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1 minute ago, lavar703 said:

Cooley basically called our first round pick for months. They don’t disguise things very well lol

So true, as have most of us fans. ? 

I can’t wait to get a starting running back - finally! - we haven’t one since Morris.

It seems like well have several to choose  from, even if Guice and Michel are gone, I’ll be estatic with Chubb. Chubb was the 2nd most impressive RB at the combine behind only Barkley.

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