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  1. I have 3 players I'm considering as my keepers. I can only keep 2 players. Do I keep: Round 2: Josh Jacobs Round 5: Pollard Round 8: Tee Higgins
  2. As someone who has bounced up and down in weight since teenage years, what has worked for me, is getting enough protein, water, water, and more water, move more. Moving is where I struggle the most, as I have a desk job, and it's stressful, so I sit all day, and once I'm home, I'm tired. Partially it's an excuse, but partially it's true. I do go to a dance class once or twice a week, but even just talking a mile walk around the block helps tremendously.
  3. This bad air quality that is making me cough for two weeks straight can stop at any moment. I'm not sick, it's the air is getting rather old.
  4. Update. I went to the court hearing, they changed it from speeding 13 over to improper turn signal at stop sign. Fine remained the same, but took it from 4 points to 0 points, so insurance shouldn't go up. Expensive lesson....
  5. Not if I knew my car insurance wouldn't go up. But from reading, after a speeding ticket, insurance is likely to go up up to 37% higher, and that would be worth it to me.
  6. Last month I was issued a ticket for 13 over. 38 in a 25. I want to fight this ticket. This was in an area of the village that goes from 25 to 35, and 35 to 45 in a very short period of time. The 35mph couldn't have been more than 500 feet in front of me. While I was speeding, I feel like I received a $175 ticket and 4 points for going 3 over, even though technically it was 13 over. I misjudged the 35mph sign by 300-500 feet. My question(s) is, I'm not sure what to even expect, in court, which is coming up. Do I plead guilty, innocent, or no contest? Can I meet with the DA prior to the court date? Do I meet with anyone before going in front of the judge, or do I only go in front of a judge, by myself? I haven't been pulled over in over 20 years! I don't want to waste my time or look stupid if I have zero chance. Is there a chance to get the points removed? Or a lower fine? If anyone knows how it might work, or what to expect, I'd appreciate it. Bonus if you know what to expect in the state of Wisconsin, since that is where the ticket happened.
  7. Honeycrisp Honeycrisp and Honeycrisp
  8. In typing classes I took, I learned you should double space. It's been a hard habit to break.
  9. I'm being offered: Adam Thielen, NIck Chubb, James Robinson for: Melvin Gordon and Jonathon Taylor Thoughts on this deal. who gets the better end? I've also been offered from the same person Thielen and Chubb for Jonathon Taylor
  10. Really? What about Taylor becoming the starter?
  11. Team one gives up: Melvin Gordon and Jonathon Taylor Team two is offering team Team one: Adam Thielen NIck Chubb James Robinson It should also be noted, the Chubb was drafted in Rd 14 and we have a keeper league, so the person receiving Chubb could keep him again in Rd 14 next year.
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