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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. How the **** do people not want to play the easiest mafia game of their lives.
  2. Man that sucks. Hope the ravens do like a meeting of all the past o-line he coached to help the young guys get through this or something (and make sure his family doesn't have to worry about his funeral)
  3. 5/7 140 kid would be untouchable. Darrell Douchette I think is his name.
  4. Paying your all-pro center is the best move you can in football. Now if only the chiefs could find a good QB....
  5. That would make you cool. I was calling you funny.
  6. ......Why not see at least if he gels with your rookie QB man? This feels like giving up way too early when the WR cupboard is bare AF.
  7. Will Disguy join my fantasy league for a bribe of your favorite snack bundle in bulk. Standing offer available until friday, redeemable by anyone in BDL. (Espn, PPR, just need a body so we can do a draft lmao)
  8. Long Live Bo Nixon. Maybe he can get the EPA started or something.
  9. Feel like the logic is let Minshew stink it up so AOC can come to the rescue later but it's not like Minshew isn't a top 25 QB in this league. Feel like they should've let AOC take the reigns just to see if there's anything there and when/if it goes to **** Minshew can be the steady hand. AOC had a solid rookie year and could build on it you know what Minshew is (Borderline starter, top tier backup)
  10. Expected since it's a licensed property. 1 year exclusive probably. Still looks like a hell of an uncharted game with Indiana Raider.
  11. I feel like the KOTOR remake is the most we'll get if that ever gets out of developmental hell. Maybe some comics or a book here or there to tie in but that is basically dead in the water since the "High republic" media died on the streaming vine. Old Republic MMO still brings in money so who knows we can dream.
  12. When new projects fail they fall back on classic IPs and legacy characters. It's Disneys creative MO. There is no main storyteller it's managing a bunch of executives and letting the creatives do their work, executives usually just collect a paycheck and pretend to manage while just signing documents. Main thing is dealing with the producers and greenlighting projects. Outside of like Resistance and the rise of sky walker we've gotten anywhere from really good **** (Mandalorian) (Andor) (Clone Wars, animated stuff) to mediocre projects and like 12 announcements that died before seeing production. Star Wars is profitable that's all that matters no one cares about the critical reception if it prints money.
  13. Annnnnnnd now we're gonna get re-hashes of old characters and nothing but the mando verse for the next decade. Yoda TV show spinoff about dealing with the Jedi Council and it's a comedy incoming. Wasn't the best but they could've made it anthology or something and learn from the first season. Oh well at least we're getting Andor Season 2.
  14. Healthy Aaron Rodgers>Trevor Lawrence Rodgers achilles and brain may have gone the way of the dodo but his Arm is still good.
  15. The chiefs just 4peated in my madden sim. This does not bode well for 2025. May the injury gods not strike down the chiefs but instead the curse of Medicore Mahomes finally showing up for two years in a row.
  16. Both of his brothers are kickers so here's to a family of kicking footballs for a living.
  17. They'll be fine this is a long term project and the vikings ownership is patient. Last year wasn't their fault as Kirk Cousins did a jesus and died on sunday. Talented young QB dies in the pre-season=flyer year. They'll realistically get this year+2 more to evaluate McCarthy's progression and see where the roster is headed. They'll get extended before 2024 is over, you don't let both of your guys just walk unless you wanna blow up the roster offense is way too talented to do that.
  18. I'm not saying Mahomes should take a year off but like I wouldn't be upset if he abruptly retired and came back a year later. Let KC fans miss ya a little bit.
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