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Update: Urban Meyer suspended 3 games


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13 minutes ago, Raves said:

Have you ever lied or did something wrong?  If so then by your own admission you should be punished and possibly fired from your job right?  Does it really matter what it was or what it was about or any of the other details?  You would've lied and/or did something wrong.

I lie plenty, but my lies are harmless. "No Mr. Homeless man I don't have $20 to spare." "No honey, I didn't fart, that was the dog." That's the degree of my lies. If lied to my boss, or I lied to a client, or a potential client, and got caught in said lie, then yea I would be in jeopardy of losing my job. Or to make a more relevant distinction, if I lied to cover for a co-worker and my boss found out about it, I would absolutely be in jeopardy of losing my job. 

Not that any of that is terribly relevant though. I'm not the face of a billion dollar university, who's on trial here for harboring an employee who was beating the **** out of his wife, and then lied to try to cover his backside. That would be Urban [insert middle name here] Meyer. 

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Just now, big poppa pump said:

I'm glad the moral police are here to save the day...where would we be without them?

Well Urban Meyer would still be coach and Zach Smith would probably still be employed considering without people prioritizing morals, no one would have cared that Zach Smith was beating and choking his wife.

In case you were curious, here's how serious the issue is:




  • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been victims of [some form of] physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
  • 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.
  • Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior.
  • 1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year, and 90% of these children are eyewitnesses to this violence.




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11 minutes ago, brownie man said:

Man Urban can’t keep his job after this

Im wondering are they going to vacate wins going back to 2015

and if we get a bowl ban for this and/or next year 

I think they do go back and vacate. And we probably get a post season suspension in 2019

I don't think there's going to be any pressure to vacate wins (and in general, vacating wins is stupid tbh). You had a coach that sheltered a domestic abuser, if the coach is fired and the abuser is fired, the problem is gone.

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29 minutes ago, Texasmade said:

I lie plenty, but my lies are harmless. "No Mr. Homeless man I don't have $20 to spare." "No honey, I didn't fart, that was the dog." That's the degree of my lies. If lied to my boss, or I lied to a client, or a potential client, and got caught in said lie, then yea I would be in jeopardy of losing my job. Or to make a more relevant distinction, if I lied to cover for a co-worker and my boss found out about it, I would absolutely be in jeopardy of losing my job. 

Not that any of that is terribly relevant though. I'm not the face of a billion dollar university, who's on trial here for harboring an employee who was beating the **** out of his wife, and then lied to try to cover his backside. That would be Urban [insert middle name here] Meyer. 

Actually if you have $20 to spare and you dont offer it to the homeless guy you are actually hurting them. 

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So when the fake news defense doesn't work, we change to the "all evil is the same amount of evil" defense. I'm interested to see what comes next. 

Maybe try, "If the universe is actually just a simulation, that mean Urban Meyer didn't do anything wrong because he doesn't really exist."

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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

So when the fake news defense doesn't work, we change to the "all evil is the same amount of evil" defense I see. I'm interested to see what comes next. 

Maybe try, "If the universe is actually just a simulation, that mean Urban Meyer didn't do anything wrong because he doesn't really exist."

Im just countering the point he made and asking a question.  Where does your desire to morally stand above other people end?  With Texasmade it seems to end when he actually has to do give up something/do something about it himself.

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Just now, Raves said:

Im just countering the point he made and asking a question.  Where does your desire to morally stand above other people end?  With Texasmade it seems to end when he actually has to do give up something/do something about it himself.

Not really, you're trying to passive-aggressively draw a false equivalence as a way to say everybody is as bad as Urban Meyer. No one is buying the Glenn Beck "I'm just asking questions" guise.

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4 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Not really, you're trying to passive-aggressively draw a false equivalence as a way to say everybody is as bad as Urban Meyer. No one is buying the Glenn Beck "I'm just asking questions" guise.

So if you are saying that you need to help people and morally stand above people because someone didn't do more than reporting the incident, questioning the person about it, previously offering to help them with getting counseling, and then even his wife offering help, then you need to be held accountable for not offering help when you can. 

If I was in Meyer's shoes I can't say for certain what I would do.  But i do know that when I have been able to help people, i offer what i can/however i can.

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1 hour ago, Raves said:

If I was in Meyer's shoes I can't say for certain what I would do.  But i do know that when I have been able to help people, i offer what i can/however i can.

Kudos bro, beyond all the fake and cosmetic talk,those are some of the realest words spoken on this topic. 

It's easy for someone who's never been a millionaire to say what they would or wouldn't do

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3 hours ago, Raves said:

Thanks for the clarification on the Penn State issue, I wasnt completely sure.

My only point with my statement about firing him would be inregards to the Colorado issue where part of their statement along with stating that it wasnt Title IX was that their inaction didnt create a situation for further abuse to occur.  Obviously keeping him on staff was a huge powder keg that ended up blowing up but with added fuel due to the changing climate from 2015 till now.

Now I'm not saying Meyer wont get fired but at what point do we stop making others responsible for someone elses actions.  Should we hold bartenders responsible for DUIs?  How about the people at the bar that saw someone leaving and getting into their car?  If Urban Meyer reported it as he said, if they talked to the police department and they said there is no investigation and no arrest, then what else should Meyer and the university do besides tell Zach Smith that if they find out otherwise that he's done, which the incident in 2018 apparently is what did him in.

I’m just here to point out that bartenders can be held responsible for DUIs. If they overserve someone and that person goes out and gets into an accident, the bar and bartender can be held responsible. 

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