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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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29 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

he still has one arm that he can eat sushi with

And when that falls off I’m sure the conveyor belt places would let him just stand over the belt and grab pieces with his mouth.

i honestly don’t see the problem, you have two full limbs that have to fall off before it’s even a mild inconvenience 

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26 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

i feel weird as a 22 year old talking to freshman man lol 

Well if it makes you feel better, they also feel really weird when you talk to them. So just know that.

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8 minutes ago, TheVillain112 said:

Thanks for having my back @cddolphin.  #TeamDirtyOldMan...


Some interesting excerpts there from a book called Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One's Looking), written by one of OKCupid's cofounders.

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1 hour ago, MrDrew said:

For those that were trying to say that there's something wrong with those of us that don't eat sushi, good luck...



Do you own a dog?


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1 hour ago, FinneasGage said:

damn my bad homie i didn't know you'd be alerted post-edit. i had made a large post that came to mention our community/cult that we were planning to establish over in Oregon. there's a homie that''s been banned that's already living over there that were talking about. he falls within our established code. still scouting looking for individuals that meet the criteria. 2020 we should make the move. start weening away from that biological family and what not. the timeline is progressing.  

plan on paying for league pass as a community. we'll work out the rest of the details later

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17 minutes ago, ET80 said:

This is half the fun - knowing the meal could kill you or maim you. It's the same reason we eat oysters raw...

Sorry, sucking a giant wad of snot out of a shell is even less appetizing than tuna. 

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37 minutes ago, ET80 said:

This is half the fun - knowing the meal could kill you or maim you. It's the same reason we eat oysters raw...

Raw oysters aren't really dangerous if the restaurant buys post-harvest processed oysters and stores them properly. Of course, if they don't, vibrio can kill you if you have stomach issues or are otherwise vulnerable. 

As for sushi, definitely worth the minuscule risk.

17 minutes ago, MrDrew said:

Sorry, sucking a giant wad of snot out of a shell is even less appetizing than tuna. 

Who doesn't like tuna? What's wrong with you?

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28 minutes ago, jrry32 said:

Raw oysters aren't really dangerous if the restaurant buys post-harvest processed oysters and stores them properly. Of course, if they don't, vibrio can kill you if you have stomach issues or are otherwise vulnerable. 

As for sushi, definitely worth the minuscule risk.

Who doesn't like tuna? What's wrong with you?

Tuna steaks are great. That Krang looking garbage in an aluminum can though. Hard pass

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