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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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I never get the the parents who think/want to make celebrities and athletes "teachers" and "role models" . 

There terrible people usually. The laziest people who mask there laziness with outrage. 

Edited by Bednarik60
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31 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

Sounds like a parenting problem, not a Kyrie Iriving problem. 

It would be nice if it were that simple. Kyrie Irving shouldn't be a role model, but he is. Kyrie Irving should be ignored when he talks about anything but basketball, but he isn't. Pretending that a kid listening to a moron like Kyrie is simply a parenting problem is ignorant and naive.

Do you think every kid who gets into drugs didn't have parents who warned them about drugs, who were involved in their lives, and who did everything they could to keep them away from drugs? 

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2 minutes ago, jrry32 said:

It would be nice if it were that simple. Kyrie Irving shouldn't be a role model, but he is.e.


it really is that simple. Its basketball, its a meaningless game on TV(meaningless). Your projecting your own experience on others as if that is the only choice when its just not. 

You can turn the TV off and spend some time with your kid, you can teach your kid its TV and meaningless , you can teach them science is more important then athletes in games etc.. 

My sister who is very educated and wealthy, my dad was telling me her kids have no clue who anyone in the NFL or NBA is or who Michael Jordan or Tom Brady are, her husband who is very educated doesn't know a thing about sports, he couldn't tell you Kyrie  Irving from Stephen Curry, i guarantee her kids have never even heard/seen him say that and if they did they wouldn't have a clue who he is or care. 

All up to you as a parent , dont let the TV-ESPN-TMZ or ESPN.com  or NBA.com raise your kids. 


Do you think every kid who gets into drugs didn't have parents who warned them about drugs, who were involved in their lives, and who did everything they could to keep them away from drugs? 

So if people make dumb choices or decisions, that isn't there fault? 

Its call freewill bro and sometimes it goes wrong. Other people can help you, but they can't live your life for you. 

and my take is they probably warned them but never really talked them about it before hand. outside of "drugs are bad" "they will make you a bad person". 

Bringing it back to Kyrie Irving and Flat Earth  

If you educate your kids , give them all the tools to learn and you work with them to learn, you get them into good schools etc, and they see Kyrie Irving on a friends TV saying the Earth is Flat and that moves them or they believe it or whatever, that is there life, there choice. 

And what is the worst thing that is going to happen? if you did your job as a parent they will just keep on the natural course of trying to learn-educate themselves and  there going to google current map , sailing maps,  atmospheric science, space science, NASA, etc.. If Kyrie is so wrong, they will figure it out. Its not like heroin where your first time you do it you could end up dead lol. 

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5 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

 if you did your job as a parent they will just keep on the natural course of trying to learn-educate themselves and  there going to google current map , sailing maps,  atmospheric science, space science, NASA, etc.. If Kyrie is so wrong, they will figure it out.

How about they just look at the sky at night and say "Where tf is the sun???". On the other side of the GLOBE.

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People on TV, Youtube, Celebrities and Athletes say crazy stupid things all the time, so are they all role models, should i have a fear of my kids hearing something there going to say, is it out of my control and there going to corrupt my kids forever lol??  NOPE. 

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3 minutes ago, NS922 said:

How about they just look at the sky at night and say "Where tf is the sun???". On the other side of the GLOBE.

That would be great, but the TV and ESPN has my kids right now, and i can't turn the TV/ESPN off, i asked the TV/ESPN but they said "no bro, later, maybe..." 

So i'm chilling right now waiting on all that to happen so i can parent bro. 

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I can honestly say that growing up even though I was in love with several sports I never idolised a single player, and thus never really had a sporting role model. My parents and grandparents were the greatest role models I could ask for. 

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13 hours ago, Bednarik60 said:

it really is that simple. Its basketball, its a meaningless game on TV(meaningless). Your projecting your own experience on others as if that is the only choice when its just not. 

You can turn the TV off and spend some time with your kid, you can teach your kid its TV and meaningless , you can teach them science is more important then athletes in games etc.. 

My sister who is very educated and wealthy, my dad was telling me her kids have no clue who anyone in the NFL or NBA is or who Michael Jordan or Tom Brady are, her husband who is very educated doesn't know a thing about sports, he couldn't tell you Kyrie  Irving from Stephen Curry, i guarantee her kids have never even heard/seen him say that and if they did they wouldn't have a clue who he is or care. 

All up to you as a parent , dont let the TV-ESPN-TMZ or ESPN.com  or NBA.com raise your kids. 

Your solution simply isn't a useful one. I'm not going to keep my future kids from watching sports because of idiots like Kyrie Irving.(especially since idiots spewing ignorance aren't contained to just sports) But that may not keep them from believing the crazy things that moron spews.



So if people make dumb choices or decisions, that isn't there fault? 

Its call freewill bro and sometimes it goes wrong. Other people can help you, but they can't live your life for you. 

and my take is they probably warned them but never really talked them about it before hand. outside of "drugs are bad" "they will make you a bad person".


 Your take is wrong. 

But you'd understand why people would be rightfully angry if some idiot celebrity or athlete was on TV telling their kids to do drugs, right? Maybe you wouldn't, but rational people would be.



Bringing it back to Kyrie Irving and Flat Earth  

If you educate your kids , give them all the tools to learn and you work with them to learn, you get them into good schools etc, and they see Kyrie Irving on a friends TV saying the Earth is Flat and that moves them or they believe it or whatever, that is there life, there choice. 

And what is the worst thing that is going to happen? if you did your job as a parent they will just keep on the natural course of trying to learn-educate themselves and  there going to google current map , sailing maps,  atmospheric science, space science, NASA, etc.. If Kyrie is so wrong, they will figure it out. Its not like heroin where your first time you do it you could end up dead lol. 


It's really not their choice. During their formative years, it's our duty as a society to make sure children are educated and knowledgeable. Yes, they'll likely eventually outgrow it, but even that's not guaranteed. Morons like Kyrie Irving didn't outgrow it. It has nothing to do with doing or not doing your job as a parent. 

99% of the world knows Kyrie is wrong and idiot. But that doesn't stop the 1% from believing it. Parents have every right to be angry that some idiot athlete is spreading ignorance to their children. Even if only 1% of kids believe, the world is being done a disservice.

Your belief that it's simply bad parenting lacks any sort of nuance. You can have great parents and still be influenced by the wrong people (that issue goes far beyond Kyrie's ignorance).

Edited by jrry32
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13 hours ago, NS922 said:

How about they just look at the sky at night and say "Where tf is the sun???". On the other side of the GLOBE.

It'd be nice if it were that easy. But if it were that easy, the flat-Earth idiots wouldn't exist. People tend to believe stupid things, and the harder you try to show them that they are wrong, the harder they entrench themselves into the ignorant belief. 

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19 minutes ago, jrry32 said:

It's really not their choice. During their formative years, it's our duty as a society to make sure children are educated and knowledgeable. Yes, they'll likely eventually outgrow it, but even that's not guaranteed. Morons like Kyrie Irving didn't outgrow it. It has nothing to do with doing or not doing your job as a parent. 

And even if they outgrow the earth is flat nonsense, the underlying mistrust of scientific data could mean they are more likely to believe tons of other delusional crap.

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

And even if they outgrow the earth is flat nonsense, the underlying mistrust of scientific data could mean they are more likely to belief tons of other delusional crap.

Exactly. People have every right to be angry that Kyrie is spreading ignorance and mistrust of science to kids. But yea, blame the parents for Kyrie being an idiot.

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