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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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2 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

"Hey what do you think is in that door? That door marked 'Pirate'?"

G r e a t t h i n g that net neutrality is being killed, so we’ll see how long that lasts.

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1 minute ago, iPwn said:

G r e a t t h i n g that net neutrality is being killed, so we’ll see how long that lasts.

I've already got a VPN, but even if I didn't have one, I'd get one the day NN dies. Screw letting your cable company know what I use my data on, much less be able to throttle stuff they don't like. None of their business.

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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I've already got a VPN, but even if I didn't have one, I'd get one the day NN dies. Screw letting your cable company know what I use my data on, much less be able to throttle stuff they don't like. None of their business.

They would still know you’re using a VPN, so welcome to their $60/month VPN plan.

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Just now, iPwn said:

They would still know you’re using a VPN, so welcome to their $60/month VPN plan.

The corporate world would revolt if they start charging extra for VPNs given that basically all corporate traffic is VPN'd. I really don't think you'll see that happen. Maybe I'm wrong.

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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

The corporate world would revolt if they start charging extra for VPNs given that basically all corporate traffic is VPN'd. I really don't think you'll see that happen. Maybe I'm wrong.

Don’t worry, that’s *bundled with all Comcast Business accounts. 

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Got a call from Comcast last night because I had dropped TV from them but kept internet since I am switching to Youtube TV. Customer retention calls, hey, we want to give you some TV and the exact same internet and access to HBO all for $20 less per month. Okay, sounds good to me.


30 minutes later, Comcast Customer Retention: hey, we saw that you just dropped TV and we can get you a good deal. Me: thanks, just got the deal. Comcast: Oh, we can slash off at least another $10 from it for the exact same deal as before. Me: Sure, why not.

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6 minutes ago, iPwn said:

Don’t worry, that’s *bundled with all Comcast Business accounts. 

If there was a law up for debate that said Comcast executives weren't allowed to own property, vote, and made it legal to beat them with rocks, I'd vote for it.

6 minutes ago, Mossburg said:

Your internet providers have been logging your traffic for some years now (at least officially, probably all is logged way before that), there was a law passed like 4-5 years ago. Net neutrality repealed or not won't make a difference.

Hence the VPN.

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1 minute ago, Mossburg said:

Your internet providers have been logging your traffic for some years now (at least officially, probably all is logged way before that), there was a law passed like 4-5 years ago. Net neutrality repealed or not won't make a difference.

Logging traffic isn’t the real issue with net neutrality. The issue is that they could then block access to certain websites at their discretion, or make you pay more to access them. Comcast could slow down your speeds when accessing Netflix to a crawl so that they can get users to use their streaming service at a higher speed. They can bully startups out of the market by making it impossible for every day users to access their sites. They could limit the types of news you’re able to see. They could create tiered internet where you can only access certain sites if you pay for the add on package that the site is a part of. 

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5 minutes ago, iPwn said:

Logging traffic isn’t the real issue with net neutrality. The issue is that they could then block access to certain websites at their discretion, or make you pay more to access them. Comcast could slow down your speeds when accessing Netflix to a crawl so that they can get users to use their streaming service at a higher speed. They can bully startups out of the market by making it impossible for every day users to access their sites. They could limit the types of news you’re able to see. They could create tiered internet where you can only access certain sites if you pay for the add on package that the site is a part of. 

But Comcast told me we need to repeal NN to keep the internet free. They wouldn't lie to me would they!?

EDIT: It's seriously depressing when the strategy to repeal a perfectly functioning law is "old people are stupid and opinionated, so we can lie right to their face and we'll win enough of the PR battle that we'll also win the war."

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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^Comcast's argument has always been that they're not against NN, they just want Congress to pass the law, not have the FCC make the ruling which can be undone by a different FCC under a different administration. In theory, that seems perfectly fair. The problem is they have heavy investments (aka bribes) in Congress which would make a permanent law go in their favor that no FCC can undo.

EDIT: Not to single out Comcast, that's pretty much the entire industry. There's some crazy numbers about the amount of lobbying they've done.

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47 minutes ago, iPwn said:

Comcast could slow down your speeds when accessing Netflix to a crawl so that they can get users to use their streaming service at a higher speed.

They already did this. They bullied Netflix into paying to create direct connections to them because they didn't like paying the data fees to Netflix's providers, even though it was their customer's data. Now imagine what's going to happen when it's in the law that ISP's can do stuff like this. 

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