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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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1 minute ago, EliteTexan80 said:

My only regret is that we went this path late - her first two years in school, she was focusing on working towards her RN. We didn't switch paths until about a year ago, so I wonder if we'd be done if we went down this road from the beginning.

It all works out in the end...

Exactly, it always does somehow. 

I wish you guys the best of luck. My brother has autism, and I feel like he got the short-end of the stick based on where we live and the things we were going through during his childhood. My mom tried her best, but in some ways I think she inhibited him as well. He's 20, and essentially spends his time on his X-Box 24/7. No degree, no work experience, no real friends. 

He's high-functioning, but really behind the curve...though hopefully that'll be changing now that my mom found someone who's willing to help her get him on the right track. 

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6 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Okay. You're driving on a parallel road to me but we're not quite understanding each other.

I'm not rejecting cultural context. I am saying that the logic of "This behavior is okay because it's steeped in their culture" isn't applied consistently; nor should it be, because both sides of that coin are an oversimplification.

Yeah, I’m still not understanding.

You said it either applies all the time or doesn’t apply at all. And now it shouldn’t be applied consistently? 

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8 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

My only regret is that we went this path late - her first two years in school, she was focusing on working towards her RN. We didn't switch paths until about a year ago, so I wonder if we'd be done if we went down this road from the beginning.

It all works out in the end...

Yeah funny how it all works out like that. I'm gonna be going to college for engineering I believe and pretty much 3 years of borderline undeclared classes in college are all going to be unusable towards it 

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5 minutes ago, iPwn said:

Yeah, I’m still not understanding.

You said it either applies all the time or doesn’t apply at all. And now it shouldn’t be applied consistently? 

Why y'all bein so vapid

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13 minutes ago, iPwn said:

You said it either applies all the time or doesn’t apply at all. And now it shouldn’t be applied consistently? 

Perhaps I should have said, "Unless it applies all the time, it shouldn't be used as the sole rationale."

Since it doesn't apply universally, using cultural as the only justification for *whatever* is not a reasonable stance.

 Would you take issue with this hypothetical person's logic:

For example, I would take issue with Sally Sue picketing in front of a organization that promotes "traditional marriage" for stated reasons of it being a "remnant of past cultures which should have no bearing on modern times", but who also thinks it's peachy that women in Saudi Arabia aren't allowed to drive because "it's their culture".


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16 minutes ago, Desperado82 said:

Exactly, it always does somehow. 

I wish you guys the best of luck. My brother has autism, and I feel like he got the short-end of the stick based on where we live and the things we were going through during his childhood. My mom tried her best, but in some ways I think she inhibited him as well. He's 20, and essentially spends his time on his X-Box 24/7. No degree, no work experience, no real friends. 

He's high-functioning, but really behind the curve...though hopefully that'll be changing now that my mom found someone who's willing to help her get him on the right track. 

Always appreciated, and good luck for your brother. It's tough, especially given we still don't know everything there is to the spectrum - but getting that help to develop is key, and sounds like your brother is getting that.

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20 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Always appreciated, and good luck for your brother. It's tough, especially given we still don't know everything there is to the spectrum - but getting that help to develop is key, and sounds like your brother is getting that.

The kid is highly intelligent, he wants to get his GED and go to college to be a computer programmer or a game developer - which I think would be perfect for him. So, here's hoping. 

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36 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Perhaps I should have said, "Unless it applies all the time, it shouldn't be used as the sole rationale."

So what’s the rationale for us not eating horse, but other cultures eating it? I can find any.

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Wanted to share this...the people who had Lem before they returned him to his breeder(s) said he was kid-aggressive because he bit their son while he was playing fetch with him, when in reality it was probably an accident with Lem trying to go for the frisbee. 

As you can see, he hates kids. 


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15 minutes ago, Desperado82 said:

The kid is highly intelligent, he wants to get his GED and go to college to be a computer programmer or a game developer - which I think would be perfect for him. So, here's hoping. 

There it is - we as society are getting more and more educated on how to work with people on the spectrum, so the path to this goal is there.

I'm pulling for him. :D

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1 minute ago, EliteTexan80 said:

There it is - we as society are getting more and more educated on how to work with people on the spectrum, so the path to this goal is there.

I'm pulling for him. :D

Appreciate it, ET. Hoping the best for your little guy as well. 

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1 hour ago, EliteTexan80 said:

She's working towards her BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) so she'll be starting as a BCBA Assistant at my son's school. She gets to work with Autistic kids on things like Behavioral, Occupational and Speech therapy.

Hey, that’s what my wife does as well!  Well, now she works mostly supervising other therapists and writing behavioral plans for them to implement.  She received her BCBA a year ago.  It seems like a good career move as she had been able to almost double her salary in a couple years time and is always getting recruitment offers with great opportunities. 

Good luck to her!

Edited by jonu62882
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19 minutes ago, iPwn said:

So what’s the rationale for us not eating horse, but other cultures eating it? I can find any.

I'm having a hard time figuring out why you're locked into this example but ignoring the rest of my post, when addressing it would aid my understanding? It comes off like you're intentionally trying to sail your ship past mine in the darkness.

I laid out a very clear example of the type of logic I'm referring to. What part of it is unclear?

26 minutes ago, Desperado82 said:

said he was kid-aggressive because he bit their son while he was playing fetch with him

Had these people owned dogs before? My dog has accidentally nipped my hands half a dozen times, we play this game where I spin a toy around and when he lunges up to grab it on my command I pull it upwards out of his reach, when we're both moving fast sometimes he'll get my hand instead of the toy, but he has always released quicker than I can even process his teeth are on me and has never broken skin or even come close.

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2 hours ago, cddolphin said:
3 hours ago, EliteTexan80 said:


oatmeal raisin please

You  must be a psychopathy, raisins do not belong in baked goods or salads.  The only thing they are good for is middle school lunches and making prison hooch.

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14 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

I'm having a hard time figuring out why you're locked into this example

“Unless it applies all the time, it shouldn't be used as the sole rationale.”

I’m asking for the rationale with this example because this example shows that culture absolutely can be the sole rationale.

Culture can absolutely justify certain behavior without then being strong enough to absolve other behavior. There is a line that you’ve drawn. You accept that culture can define which animals people can eat, even if it’s animals you don’t believe you should eat. But you don’t believe it should impact human rights. You’ve drawn a line where one side culture can justify, whereas on the other side, it cannot. Not everyone has drawn that line in the same place. That’s where a debate is to be had. Not that it’s all or nothing.

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