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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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You expect me to believe numbers from the University of Florida?  How many pages on Google did you have to go through to find that? 

Looks like it's accurate.  I have to amend my statement:

You're a girlie man if you're afraid of a spider that is non-venomous. 

ET wins.  This time.  For now.  But no... I meant worldwide.  Worldwide, snakes are much more dangerous. 

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1 hour ago, EliteTexan80 said:

You're missing the forest for the trees. Nobody here is afraid of spiders to the point you're assuming. You're taking this waaaaaaay too seriously.

Seriously, the internet might be too much for you. May I suggest the directions on a box of Hot Pockets?

I heard the forest for the trees line twice today and I don't know why it keeps happening 

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23 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Just got tickets to a Rugby match this weekend. Never watched Rugby, but they have a position called a Hooker. 

This might become my favorite sport.

I'm terrified of rugby. It's such a dangerous sport. There's nothing more dangerous than rugby. 

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Ugh just sprayed sriracha all over my counter cause the bottle was clogged. It kinda reminded me of when you try to pee in the morning after a long night of thinking of Bucs' sister. 

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30 minutes ago, RamRod said:

We still talking about snakes or nah?


Bader badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom 

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