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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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9 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

I want in. I know stuff about horse lawyerin’ if that’s helpful.

"Is it ever not helpful" is the more appropriate question. 

You can be the yin to my yang - I'm the pimp who knows the streets, you're the horse lawyer who knows the books and horses. 

Then - plot twist - it turns out we're BROTHERS.

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2 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

It worked in Star Wars.

And - as said before - Star Wars is nothing more than Sacred Heart with lightsabers. 

So, our story arc is intact.

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16 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

Wouldn’t be brothers make our guy love remix kinda weird?

The audience only find out at the end of season 4, after I come in 5th Place at the Pimp Olympics. 

You then direct me to the Player's Ball in Vegas (hopefully this will lead to a lucrative spin off show, where you take on a Racer X role to my now Speed Racer-esque pimp character).

We're gonna make ALL the money.

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6 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

The audience only find out at the end of season 4, after I come in 5th Place at the Pimp Olympics. 

You then direct me to the Player's Ball in Vegas (hopefully this will lead to a lucrative spin off show, where you take on a Racer X role to my now Speed Racer-esque pimp character).

We're gonna make ALL the money.

You think people will buy you coming in 5th? I mean, you can only suspend so much disbelief...

Unless it was a setup! Oh snap! I just found our 5th season arc!

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With a name like @Fatgerman, we're getting PAID. I'mma get all those Bitcoins...

9 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

You think people will buy you coming in 5th? I mean, you can only suspend so much disbelief...

Unless it was a setup! Oh snap! I just found our 5th season arc!

EXACTLY! My pimp game is too strong! These streets know that! I'm just here helping people pay rent! It has to be a setup, I got haters in Pyonyang...

Then we have a crossover season where our crime fighting buddies in New Orleans head out to Vegas, only to end the season in New Orleans, with the cliffhanger of a potential season in Pyonyang!

I can practically taste all those Bitcoins!

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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

@Fatgerman, you said you work in the film industry, let’s all get rich.

First of all, I know quite a bit of bird-law, so Im sure I can lawyer for you. And unfortunately, unless youre JJ Abrams or connected, this career is extremely feast of famine, especially since I primarily work on spec, rarily taking assignments. I make a bit here and there punching up flat dialogue with a lil wit or humor, but I refuse to be the jagoff who says sure, you wanna script about a spunky 12 year old who eats a magical unicorn turd, because unicorns crap candy, and is transported to Rainbowland, but cant figure out how to get back home to his sweet old gramma before he himself is transformed into a unicorn. and the whole dam thing is a metaphor 9_9 for consumerism. 

Fing kill me!

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