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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:


There’s a brewery here that has awesome beer, but they also let people bring their dogs through the restaurant to the patio area.  Not “service dogs”, regular old worthless ones. I love dogs, have a couple myself, but I don’t need them with me at all times.  

And how selfish is it to assume dogs want to be with you?  Like at that brewery, ever think the dog may not enjoy 75 strangers half drunk and trying to pet them all day?  Perhaps they’d rather take a nap on the couch at home while you go hold down a bar stool?

I grew up with dogs I love them but as an adult, I don't want to take care of one, no time for it. I hate when people get mad because you don't want to pet their dogs. One guy who had this big service dog at our building gave me a death look cuz I didn't try and pet his dog when it came up to me. Whatever dude, not everyone wants to pet every dog they see. I pet my friends dogs but not strangers. It's weird, I'm not 5 anymore???

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30 minutes ago, jfinley88 said:

On a kinda different note, I always see entitlement and **** being attributed to ppl that are like 18-30 right now, but 100% see it on display way more in ppl 30+. I don't give af, ppl are all entitled but it's weird when there's general labels thrown on an age group & ppl roll with it. Not to say ppl 18-30 don't suck as much as older older ppl, they suck more tbh. But like outwardly expressing entitlement... I dunno why tf I'm even saying this I should go outside and do something lol 

You’re not wrong.

On a side note, every time a Boomer complains about a millennial I want to strangle them.

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2 minutes ago, steadypimpin said:

I grew up with dogs I love them but as an adult, I don't want to take care of one, no time for it. I hate when people get mad because you don't want to pet their dogs. One guy who had this big service dog at our building gave me a death look cuz I didn't try and pet his dog when it came up to me. Whatever dude, not everyone wants to pet every dog they see. I pet my friends dogs but not strangers. It's weird, I'm not 5 anymore???

It totally depends on the dog.

I don’t mind dogs coming up to me, and usually I pet them.  That said, if I’m out and about and some dog comes up to me slobbering all over the place and looking mangy as hell, I’m going to ask you to get your dog away from me.  I’m not getting your dog’s slobber and hair all over me because you don’t have enough sense to leave them at your house.

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You guys sound like old get off my lawn people.

Im not going to go out of my way to ask someone to pet their dog, but if a dog runs up to me, I’ll pet it. 

I like dogs. But I’d never in real life ask someone to come pet my dog, nor have I ever had someone say “want to pet my dog?”

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3 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

You’re not wrong.

On a side note, every time a Boomer complains about a millennial I want to strangle them.

it's hypocritical cause i think i brought it up, but anytime anyone is talking about boring **** like this i immediately tune out and just agree and then game plan a way outta the convo w/o being a **** lol. it's probably just like an outlier of a situation, but im on campus all day w/ college kids and endure the ****tiest of conversations and then go to my dead-end minimum wage job and everyone there can just bull**** at least a tolerable level of entertainment.. what im saying is that ppl who follow the bull**** path of college (which im currently doing cause i got no idea wtf to do) have a way higher concentration of ppl who're stuck in their frame of mind and can't deviate or form any original thought than the high school drop outs i work with. i dont know how i got on this and dont think it even relates to the post im replying to. considering just deleting this, but it's probably the most productive thing i've done all day, so i'd be robbing myself of my only achievement of the day. 

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12 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

You guys sound like old get off my lawn people.

I sound like that guy because I am that guy.

12 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Im not going to go out of my way to ask someone to pet their dog, but if a dog runs up to me, I’ll pet it. 

At the dog park? Yeah.  Walking around the neighborhood? You bet.  At a restaurant? You and your flea bag can kick rocks.

12 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

I like dogs.

Me too.


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