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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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Since everyone is getting all feely and talking about life and goals I’ll take advantage of the mood.


So telling my SIL she can’t move in with us is easier than kicking her out later, right? Were very conflicfed cause she’s in a bad spot (again) and doesn’t really have a place to live. 

Problem is, she consistently gets herself in these bad spots and does little to get herself out of them or improve her life. She’s terribly depressed and doesn’t want to put the work in to get better. She just jumps from house to house living with whoever will take her until they’ve had enough and kick her out. It usually ruins the relationship with whoever it was

She’s easy to get along with most of the time but has bipolar swings every so often, she’s not taking care of her mental health at all. She’s mooched off people her whole life and at 24 years old has paid rent for a total of 4 months

 I’m all but certain her moving in would just be another cycle where she quits paying shortly after moving in and basically forces us to kick her out.

Someone tell me I’m right please lol if I’m wrong just lie to me

.I’m looking at all of our families relationship long term, having to kick her out would do some serious damage to the family and I don’t want to have to do that 

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7 hours ago, jfinley88 said:

i say "dog" w/o realizing it a lot when i make posts. but when i catch myself doing i think back to a @Tyty reply of him saying "good dogs get treats" and that **** still makes me giggle lol. that post probably made me laugh harder than any post i've read on here for some reason. 

I aim to please but I always miss

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@domepatrol91 you'd let me move in tho right?


youre in the right, homie. Same exact situation for my dad from 2007-present. He moved in with my uncle for a few years under the context he'd be fixing up their upstairs to make it an apartment. He didn't, only built one room. Then he went to my cousins house to live in his one bed room schoolhouse on his property under the same rules pretty much but he only put in a tiny bit of work. Then went to his sister's house and then went to jail for a while for no paid child support, got out, never got a job and has a warrant, and has been off the grid for two years. No idea where he is or has been tbh. Very weird and bizarre situation but a very telltale showing of mental illness. Growing up, he was a great dad and everyone loved him. He taught all the kids in the entire neighborhood how to ride a bike and they all referred to him as their uncle because they liked him so much. Now no one likes him. 

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1 minute ago, Tyty said:

@domepatrol91 you'd let me move in tho right?


youre in the right, homie. Same exact situation for my dad from 2007-present. He moved in with my uncle for a few years under the context he'd be fixing up their upstairs to make it an apartment. He didn't, only built one room. Then he went to my cousins house to live in his one bed room schoolhouse on his property under the same rules pretty much but he only put in a tiny bit of work. Then went to his sister's house and then went to jail for a while for no paid child support, got out, never got a job and has a warrant, and has been off the grid for two years. No idea where he is or has been tbh. Very weird and bizarre situation but a very telltale showing of mental illness. Growing up, he was a great dad and everyone loved him. He taught all the kids in the entire neighborhood how to ride a bike and they all referred to him as their uncle because they liked him so much. Now no one likes him. 

Yeah that’s tough and sounds very similar to my SIL. 

She’s super fun, friendly and a good person to have around about 80% of the time. When she hits her downswing she’s absolutely toxic. 

My wife and I have been best friend since 14 so I’ve known my SIL since she was in grade school. I love her like a sister, but feel like offering her a room would just enable her at this point.

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9 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

Yeah that’s tough and sounds very similar to my SIL. 

She’s super fun, friendly and a good person to have around about 80% of the time. When she hits her downswing she’s absolutely toxic. 

My wife and I have been best friend since 14 so I’ve known my SIL since she was in grade school. I love her like a sister, but feel like offering her a room would just enable her at this point.

Exactly, you're right. Just because you're family doesn't mean you owe her any favors or need to bend over backwards for no reason 

still waiting to see if you'll let me move in tho. You curiously didn't seem to see that pertinent part of my comment 

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8 minutes ago, Tyty said:

still waiting to see if you'll let me move in tho. You curiously didn't seem to see that pertinent part of my comment 

I’m game. 

Gotta let this SIL stuff die down.

”hey you can’t move in, we decided. I’m sorry” 

”uhhhh, who is that?”

”that’s Tyty. We don’t REALLY know him, but he’s our new roommate”

*meltdown ensues*

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1 minute ago, domepatrol91 said:

I’m game. 

Gotta let this SIL stuff die down.

”hey you can’t move in, we decided. I’m sorry” 

”uhhhh, who is that?”

”that’s Tyty. We don’t REALLY know him, but he’s our new roommate”

*meltdown ensues*

He's secretly a serial killer that taxidermies the neighbors dogs but at least he pays rent 

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1 hour ago, domepatrol91 said:

I love her like a sister, but feel like offering her a room would just enable her at this point.

This. Unless you make it very clear that she has to get a job, start seeing a therapist, and have a predetermined timeline on when she needs to have her own place.

You can help her, but only if she starts helping herself.

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4 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

Since everyone is getting all feely and talking about life and goals I’ll take advantage of the mood.


So telling my SIL she can’t move in with us is easier than kicking her out later, right? Were very conflicfed cause she’s in a bad spot (again) and doesn’t really have a place to live. 

Problem is, she consistently gets herself in these bad spots and does little to get herself out of them or improve her life. She’s terribly depressed and doesn’t want to put the work in to get better. She just jumps from house to house living with whoever will take her until they’ve had enough and kick her out. It usually ruins the relationship with whoever it was

She’s easy to get along with most of the time but has bipolar swings every so often, she’s not taking care of her mental health at all. She’s mooched off people her whole life and at 24 years old has paid rent for a total of 4 months

 I’m all but certain her moving in would just be another cycle where she quits paying shortly after moving in and basically forces us to kick her out.

Someone tell me I’m right please lol if I’m wrong just lie to me

.I’m looking at all of our families relationship long term, having to kick her out would do some serious damage to the family and I don’t want to have to do that 

It seems like a no-win situation. It's too bad nobody can get through to her about her mental health.

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