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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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6 hours ago, scar988 said:

Wasn't house Stark established after Bran the builder built the wall? So he'd be like a pre-stark.

Yes. Bran the Builder is considered the founder and I believe that was the tail end of the age of heroes. Obviously, the Starks had existed prior to this, but I don't know in what capacity. The Children would have created the NK during the dawn age, before the age of heroes, when they were still fighting with the first men and ended with the pact on the isle of faces. That was 4000 years before the long night, which is right around the time Bran the Builder came around, since it was he that put up the wall to prevent the others from crossing over. This was right around the middle - end of the Age of heroes - I think the Andals crossed over about 2000 years later? 

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1 minute ago, sunnygsm said:

I do hope we confirm that Jon is a Targ. With the pacing as it is, it'd be nice to have the reveal earlier and to see it play out more. 

We already had this confirmation.

The Mountain dies, the Hound dies afterwards. Littlefinger dies. Cersei dies after taking out... Greyworm and a huge chunk of Unsullied somehow.

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2 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

We already had this confirmation.

The Mountain dies, the Hound dies afterwards. Littlefinger dies. Cersei dies after taking out... Greyworm and a huge chunk of Unsullied somehow.

I almost put this. Thought about it for a second - it would make a lot of sense for them to essentially kill each other, but I Think the hound is going to stick around for the WW fight. He doesn't have much else to do in the series, but he's a capable fighter and already shown that he was willing to take on this fight with the walkers. So I think that he will join that, and eventually be killled North. 

I don't know that they are going to take out Cersei yet. Its possible...I suppose it depends on how much that they are cramming into this episode, but I Feel like she's hear for the long haul. I'm thinking she dies midseason next year. 

My biggest problem is that I don't know how much fighting is actually going to happen in this episode. I feel like on Cersei's end, this is more of a plotting opportunity rather than fighting opportunity. So far as we know, the Lannister forces are still severely hindered in numbers. So unless she tries a wildfire trick again, I can't see her opening a battle in KL.  For Jon and Dany, this could be more about getting the realm together against the WW, continuing to build their own relationship, etc.

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9 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

We already had this confirmation.

The Mountain dies, the Hound dies afterwards. Littlefinger dies. Cersei dies after taking out... Greyworm and a huge chunk of Unsullied somehow.

I mean more that people find out who he really is. Bran buddy, say something not creepy please. 

I feel like taking out Cersei now is too soon. It'd just be Jon + Dany vs the WW then

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1 hour ago, sunnygsm said:

I mean more that people find out who he really is. Bran buddy, say something not creepy please. 

I feel like taking out Cersei now is too soon. It'd just be Jon + Dany vs the WW then

That's what I think about Cersei...I don't expect her to still be alive and kicking on the series finale - so figure episode 3/4 next year sounds about right. 

The problem with the Jon / Targ thing for me is that I can't figure out where to put it. Does it have a place in this episode? I don't know...I can't see it right now, but at the same time, this episode is like what, 80 minutes long or something like that? They are going to cram this full of stuff, so it's quite possible that it finds it's way in somehow. I just feel like they need more info / supporting docs, otherwise its just a claim. Sam blew past what Gilly was saying a couple of episodes ago, so I feel like we need that scene where he actually realizes what it is he's carrying and holding in conjunction with Bran / Howland revealing the identity. I think this revelation is coming next year as well. 

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18 minutes ago, Acgott said:

The Nights Watch is going to die when the wall comes down 

I'm going to be sad if Edd bites the dust. I don't see it happening in the books, truth be told...he's just too dour for Martin to kill off lol. In the show, I have no idea. 

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6 minutes ago, Forge said:

That's what I think about Cersei...I don't expect her to still be alive and kicking on the series finale - so figure episode 3/4 next year sounds about right. 

The problem with the Jon / Targ thing for me is that I can't figure out where to put it. Does it have a place in this episode? I don't know...I can't see it right now, but at the same time, this episode is like what, 80 minutes long or something like that? They are going to cram this full of stuff, so it's quite possible that it finds it's way in somehow. I just feel like they need more info / supporting docs, otherwise its just a claim. Sam blew past what Gilly was saying a couple of episodes ago, so I feel like we need that scene where he actually realizes what it is he's carrying and holding in conjunction with Bran / Howland revealing the identity. I think this revelation is coming next year as well. 

That sounds about right. Sam will probably mention it to Bran who goes on to confirm it in visions.

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1 hour ago, kingseanjohn said:

Who is Bran the Builder and when was he introduced in the show?

He was one of the First Man and the creator of House Stark, the first King in the North.

Was first mentioned in Season 1 when Arya asked Ned if Bran could still become King while paralyzed. 

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21 minutes ago, iPwn said:

He was one of the First Man and the creator of House Stark, the first King in the North.

Was first mentioned in Season 1 when Arya asked Ned if Bran could still become King while paralyzed. 

I need to change my diet or something. I don't know how you all remember that stuff.

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7 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

I need to change my diet or something. I don't know how you all remember that stuff.


I use that anytime I don’t know something or want to look something up about the show. As long as you’re caught up, it’s spoiler free and is a great source on anything that has happened.

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9 hours ago, BayRaider said:

The good thing with the last two books is it'll be much more evenly paced. All the teleporting right now is killing a lot of build up and making some moments not as great as they should be.

Yeah...I don't know how to tell you this...but there is zero chance the book series gets finished, at least not by Martin. He's 68 years old and isn't exactly a beacon of healthy living. He's also stated publicly that he never wants anyone else writing about the universe...although he admits that once he dies it's not up to him anymore. 

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My friend said he heard an interview with Martin that said he has a few co-writers that he respects that he has given strict outlines for how he sees the last 2 books going (much more detail than he gave the show runners) in case he does pass away before he finishes.  Can anyone corroborate that?  I can't find anything except for 2 people who helped him write the "A Song of Ice and Fire" encyclopedia.

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