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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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2 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

He's not the only one that wanted a trial.  I would have loved, loved, loved, loved to see a Trial by Combat where Littlefinger had to fight somebody.  Arya even.  He'd be confident then. 

How would he be confident when he knew she was a part of the Faceless men? He also is a scheming weasel who would have never put himself in the line of fire by choosing to fight. He would have found someone to fight for him. 

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7 hours ago, cddolphin said:

So all my hopes for Euron this season fell completely flat.

Yea, I think I remember the actor or the creators saying Euron was going to make Ramsay look like a saint ir something along thise lines. 


Guy was barely around 

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2 hours ago, TheRealMcCoy said:

Did the Theon fight scene irk anybody else?

Like... his special skill is not being able to be hurt by kicks to the groin? lol

I mean he was getting beat senseless to the point where he was struggling just to stand and suddenly he gets a second wind after realizing not having balls saved him for once. 

I just don't see how those men suddenly believe in Theon now and think that he can lead them on a stealth mission against Euron to save Yara.

With that said, Alfie Allen has done a phenomenal job with Theon over the course of the show. Those scenes with him as Reek were so believable with his facial expressions. He did such great acting with never even saying a word. He's one of the most underrated actors on the show.

So, I understand why people want to see Theon's redemption. I mean I was one of them.

But, with only 6 episodes left. Is the Theon angle and saving Yara really that important?



I think something along the lines of killing Euron himself, having Yara take over the fleet, or she dies before Theon kills Euron and Theon takes over the fleet. 


Sails back towards King Landing to help the north defeat Cersei and take Kings landing. 

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5 hours ago, Forge said:

It's all about perception and the subjective nature of description. It's interesting the different ones that people have about the way he looked. I have always perceived Viserys as being small and thin, so being more brawny than him doesn't necessary mean brawny in comparison to other people. Like, to me, Robert was brawny, and I never viewed Rhaegar (again, in my head) as being that big. Bigger than Viserys? Sure. Just not what I would categorize as being brawny in general. BUt again, this is just in my own head. 

This is actually something that I think that Martin himself has even had fun with in the books - during Catelyn's POV, he claims Jeyne Westerling has good hips for child birth, but during a Jaime chapter, he describes her as narrow hips (I remember when this book first came out and it caused a firestorm of theories that there was a Jeyne Westerline swap lol). 

He's not Hulk Hogan. But like I said. Rhaegar from pretty much everyone besides Robert himself was described as being as manly as can be by physical appearance. Dany I don't think ever said brawny, but you have to bear with me. I was typing from a phone and tried to remember exactly what she said. I was referencing her description of him when she was in the house of the Undying when she compared him to Viserys.

How ever he was tall. And was excellent shape. And being an excellent warrior, wearing full plate armor, and brandishing swords, and jousting. He had to have some weight to him.


So by physical comparison in my opinion of how their physique was. I always thought he would have a body type similar to a Hugh Jackman's Wolverine type physique, while Robert was probably somewhere around Dwayne Johnson type build.

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5 hours ago, The LBC said:

Is the entire Arya storyline, going all the way back to when Syrio was alive and what he had to say about combat, just lost on people? (To be clear, I'm supporting your assertion here.)

Oberyn wore very light armor. Leather infact, and relied on his speed.

People are forgetting Rhaegar was able to be an excellent fighter in fullplate. You have to have some muscle to be able to fight well under that much weight.

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5 hours ago, The LBC said:

I can see why he was a likable character, but he was an oathbreaker, so it wasn't like he was entirely undeserving of death.  Now, going out the manner that he did - watching his wife and unborn child being butchered then killed himself in a hall where he'd been offered food and thus protection?  No.  He probably didn't deserve that.  But Robb didn't stick to his honor the way Ned did - Ned would have upheld his promise to marry the Frey girl even if he was in love with someone else.

Actually, Robb did uphold his honor. He just did it in the wrong way.

Go back and read the conversation between Tywin and Tyrion. Tywin basically had Jeyne's father offer her as bait to Robb to ruin that relationship with the Frey's.

Remember he had slept with her. Thus defiling her, the only honorable thing to do at that point was to marry her and at that point he was that much in love with her. 

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4 hours ago, cddolphin said:

Well.. he didn't deny some of the things mentioned. He admitted to killing Lysa by pushing her through the moon door. He denied other things, but either way.. admitting to killing the acting Lady of the Vale is grounds for an execution.


On a slightly related note, anybody ever wonder how passe all the characters are about shedding blood inside halls and castles and whatnot? How do they clean up all the blood and waste? Sawdust?

Yea but it's Baelish. The guy was as quick as a whip and excelled in telling lies that just rolled off the tongue that everyone just eats up.

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15 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Oberyn wore very light armor. Leather infact, and relied on his speed.

People are forgetting Rhaegar was able to be an excellent fighter in fullplate. You have to have some muscle to be able to fight well under that much weight.

Yes, but so was Loras, who is described in the books as both "lithe" and "slender of frame."  Given that the Highgarden was allied with the Targaryens and were similarly wealthy, I'd say that it's a fair bet their smiths were turning out similar quality armor.

Worth noting Whitebeard's bit on Rhaegar that put into question how great of a warrior he really was.

If anything, I would have thought book readers would have been more upset that Rhaegar's voice wasn't deeper since he was spoken of by several people (including Jamie) as being "iron-toned."

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9 hours ago, skywindO2 said:

I don't know if the scene was that good. Seemed like lazy exposition but I expected it had to be done at some point so nice to get it out of the way. 

It was AWFUL compared to the season 6 finale reveal of Jon being the son of Lyanna.

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8 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Actually, Robb did uphold his honor. He just did it in the wrong way.

Go back and read the conversation between Tywin and Tyrion. Tywin basically had Jeyne's father offer her as bait to Robb to ruin that relationship with the Frey's.

Remember he had slept with her. Thus defiling her, the only honorable thing to do at that point was to marry her and at that point he was that much in love with her. 

Book Robb and Show Robb are two different animals.  Show Robb sullied his honor.

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9 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

He's not Hulk Hogan. But like I said. Rhaegar from pretty much everyone besides Robert himself was described as being as manly as can be by physical appearance. Dany I don't think ever said brawny, but you have to bear with me. I was typing from a phone and tried to remember exactly what she said. I was referencing her description of him when she was in the house of the Undying when she compared him to Viserys.

How ever he was tall. And was excellent shape. And being an excellent warrior, wearing full plate armor, and brandishing swords, and jousting. He had to have some weight to him.


So by physical comparison in my opinion of how their physique was. I always thought he would have a body type similar to a Hugh Jackman's Wolverine type physique, while Robert was probably somewhere around Dwayne Johnson type build.

Would you be able to find these instances by chance? I wasn't able to find much aside from descriptions such as him being tall and beautiful or tall and handsome.


I also found this at the GOT wikia here


When Daenerys Targaryen was in the House of the Undying, one of the visions she saw was a man resembling Viserys but taller than him

Nothing about being bigger as in bulkier, just taller.

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6 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

Yea, that was a weak azz exit. He's scared? They really should have had actual authors write strict guidelines for the episodes then have those Hollywood hacks hash out the dialogue. 

He didn't tuck tail.  It was a ruse.  He went to go get the Golden Company and bring them back.

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