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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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43 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

At least if they end up winning her fate is up to her choices. If they lose, she's helpless no matter what.

I think at least one of the dragons survive. Maybe Dany, Jon or both perish and it just flies off so they may still not get help from it. But but everything magical with the world comes from the dragons themselves.

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21 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

I think at least one of the dragons survive. Maybe Dany, Jon or both perish and it just flies off so they may still not get help from it. But but everything magical with the world comes from the dragons themselves.

well we already know the dragons can basically teleport to wherever Dany (and Jon?) are, so who knows maybe Dany will just tell them to teleport away from the battle.

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Obviously I would never be Cersei and make the decisions she has, but if I was in her shoes, I wouldn’t help either. I would think even if I ally with the North they are gonna kill me or imprison me forever regardless. Cersei can never be trusted. 

Her only chance is if the North defeats the White Walkers and loses 90% of their forces and possibly a dragon. 

I feel the final episode will be Dany/Jons forces versus Cerseis forces and it’ll be much more competitive than you think due to 85-90% of Danys army being gone. 

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1 minute ago, BayRaider said:

Obviously I would never be Cersei and make the decisions she has, but if I was in her shoes, I wouldn’t help either. I would think even if I ally with the North they are gonna kill me or imprison me forever regardless. Cersei can never be trusted. 

Her only chance is if the North defeats the White Walkers and loses 90% of their forces and possibly a dragon. 

I feel the final episode will be Dany/Jons forces versus Cerseis forces and it’ll be much more competitive than you think due to 85-90% of Danys army being gone. 

My theories keep changing with each episode. Right now I am thinking there will be a massive loss at Winterfell. They all flee south with the next few episodes of the retreating, maybe Jon or Dany dead with Cersei marching north in a surprise attack at the neck thinking Moat Callin will give her the best defense against either the living or dead army and in a absolutely Fubar scenario there is one massive battle that settles everything between all 3 armies.

That is actually my hope so that Cersei is not the last enemy which would make the threat of the WW's for the last 8 seasons a complete sham with them being the 2nd to last enemy.

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2 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

My theories keep changing with each episode. Right now I am thinking there will be a massive loss at Winterfell. They all flee south with the next few episodes of the retreating, maybe Jon or Dany dead with Cersei marching north in a surprise attack at the neck thinking Moat Callin will give her the best defense against either the living or dead army and in a absolutely Fubar scenario there is one massive battle that settles everything between all 3 armies.

That is actually my hope so that Cersei is not the last enemy which would make the threat of the WW's for the last 8 seasons a complete sham with them being the 2nd to last enemy.

Just because they were 2nd to last doesn’t mean they weren’t the greatest enemy. Sometimes the greatest triumph in a show isn’t in the finale. 

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Just now, BayRaider said:

Just because they were 2nd to last doesn’t mean they weren’t the greatest enemy. Sometimes the greatest triumph in a show isn’t in the finale. 

Yea they already did that with Baelish and it sucked.

The last episode or 2 should be them picking up the pieces and reminiscing. One massive battle would be far more appropriate rather then "whew thank God that's over I didn't think anyone would survive.......ah damn we still gotta go do that one thing down south".

I just think any battle afterwards with Cersei will be just anti climatic compared to what happens with the WW's. It was ok with Ramsey and the Battle at the Wall because the ending episodes still left a anxious gloom of things to come like the WW's. So after them, Cersei is just.......Cersei. I know they built her into the Mad Queen. But really she's nothing special other then being the hard place between the good guys and the rock (WW's).

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I personally think EP3 will be a huge battle maybe minus the first 10 minutes. They will eventually retreat as the White Walkers  will be too much. Some main characters will definitely die. Greyworm probably dies, Theon dies completing his redemption arc, and I could possibly even see one big death like Arya. 

EP4 will be more of a dialogue episode where they regroup and prepare for the next battle. Perhaps Red Hair chick shows up and has an answer on how to win. 

EP5 Rematch, where the good guys win this time. Jon or Dany could die. Or Jon becomes a White Walker in some weird twist. I definitely don’t see both dying. 

EP6 The first half of the episode they march into Kings Landing, pretty good battle, kill Cersei, and claim the Throne. Second half of the episode they wrap up everyones character arc with their specific ending. This is a 90-95 minute no commercial episode after all. Basically a movie. 

We shall see...

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Ill go different.

Ep4. Living force is shattered. Head south into the Riverlands and episode ends running head on into Lannister forces.

Ep5. Dany Jon forces split in 2 by attack. Dany/a dragon and a group make way to regroup at Dragonstone. Jon and his group fall back and are caught between Lannister forces and the dead. Last ditch effort, Jon decides to make a surprise run at the NK with Lannister forces on his tail. They get the NK and are overwhelmed by the Lannister army.

Ep6. Dany shown making way to Dragonstone. Hearing about Jon and his forces last stand. As shes arriving. The GC had been set up there and springs the trap they set. Killing the last dragon and crushing her forces. Show wraps up with it being years later. Proving as Jaime said to Olenna. It doest matter who sits the throne if the people have had peace.



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Y'all realize that there won't be a second battle if they lose Winterfell, right? Everyone who dies at Winterfell adds to the army of the dead and if they lose Winterfell and give the undead Unsullied, Dothraki, probably another dragon and even more soldiers, the second battle is going to be like watching Dothraki fight the Tyrell army.

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9 minutes ago, amac said:

Jon should've waited to break the Targaryen news. You have a battle for humanity coming up within hours, not the best time to be jeopardizing that unity. 

Remember that time Jon was negotiating a truce between the North and Cersei and was all like "oh hey and by the way I've already bent the knee to Dany" and it ruined EVERYTHING? Yeah, he has a great way with timing.

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