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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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Whats the deal with the Greyjoys? Their mantra is "What is dead will never die......" So what's that mean?

Theon and his dad died easily enough.....well, perhaps "easy" is the wrong word choice.......but there was nothing supernatural about their deaths.
The new guy - Euron - is he actually dead in some manner?

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5 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Darth Maul went out lame? Dude had one of the best fight / death scenes in Star Wars lmfao

Mmkay the fight sequence.. yes absolutely awesome. The death... Maul was good enough to take out a Jedi Master then gets taken out by a surprise super flipping jump by a Padawan? Come on now...

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Sigh....so many peiple clearly think they know something bc they read or saw somethung on the internet and therefore must be true.  

On the subject of anti-climax.  Yes the show opens with a scene introducing us to the white Walker threat.  The show opens that way bc the books open that way.  Will the books end with the defeat of the NK?  Probably not. How do we know?  Bc we are currently waiting for "Winds of Winter" with "Dream of Spring" to follow.  WoW will almost certainly conclude with the battle for the dawn, with DoS turning its direction south to the Iron Throne. 

On the subject of prophecy - GRRM is an anti-religion atheist.  Prophecy and religion will almost certainly be meaningless in the actual story.  It's all a big red herring, and it's been beautifully set up.  

On the subject of why Arya - GRRM is a noted feminist.  The person ending the NK will almost certainly be female in the books. Why did the show choose Arya.  Well it wasnt done purely for shock value.  Using a misdirect with the audience is not shock value.  According to the writers, they have known since season 3 that it would be Arya.  Interesting, since GRRM was still very actively involved in the direction of the show at that point.  Arya being the one to do it was earned throughout the 7+ seasons.  She starts as a girl who desperately wants to be a warrior in a world where she is told her destiny is to marry a high born and birth children.  Her first teacher is a man from Bravos, the home of the house of black and white, and believer's in the many faced God, whose first lesson to Arya is about the God of Death.  Arya is then taught survival by story's ultimate survivor, Sandor Clegane, who has survived not only brutal torture and disfigurement from the hands of his brother, but also many battles, serving many different men, and ultimately never being loyal to anyone or anything, other than Arya Stark.  He teaches her that survival is about more than being strong, brave, cunning, skilled, it's about being willing to cross lines in order to just survive.  She takes that to the house of black and white who further her training.  Teaching her how to use stealth and subterfuge to defeat the enemy.  And that the God of Death has a price for us all.  She must become no one before she can return home as Arya Stark in super saiyan form.  In the battle for the dawn she uses all the skills that she was taught by her many different masters to survive and ultimately follow instructions of her first, what do we say to the God of Death?  Not today.

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3 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

On the subject of prophecy - GRRM is an anti-religion atheist.  Prophecy and religion will almost certainly be meaningless in the actual story.  It's all a big red herring, and it's been beautifully set up.  

Shoutout to the definitely still alive Renly Baratheon.

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1 minute ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Shoutout to the definitely still alive Renly Baratheon.

The Lord of Light is supposed to be a stand in for the Judeao-Christian worldview.  Yes it will have some significance, especially looking at individual occurrences, but the lord of light is not going to save humanity.  The show demonstrated this by first: lighting the swords of the Dothraki, only to see them extinguished in moments.  Then lighting the trench, only to have the wights find a way past them, again, in short order, then by having the NK completely consumed in dragon fire, to no effect.  Magic and religion ultimately played no role in success or defeat.  It was the humanistic actions of a girl that won the dawn.  Something tells me that this is right in line with what GRRM is writing.

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