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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, Tyty said:

Does Jon have a better claim cause he's a male? Cause daughter of the king should have a better shot than grandson otherwise

Well, as @ninjapirate said, Rhaegar's children would come before his siblings. But also yes, the male would come before the female. I believe that was the decision of the Great Council in 101 AC or whatever it was. I believe that Dorne is the only one of the "kingdoms" that doesn't adhere to this. 

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5 minutes ago, Forge said:

Well, as @ninjapirate said, Rhaegar's children would come before his siblings. But also yes, the male would come before the female. I believe that was the decision of the Great Council in 101 AC or whatever it was. I believe that Dorne is the only one of the "kingdoms" that doesn't adhere to this. 

Oh right it makes sense it's like that considering parts of the show are in some ways borrowed from real history. 

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Just now, RavensTillIDie said:

So, I know they set up the preview for next week to make it seem like Arya confronts Sansa on the letter she wrote, possibly evening threatening her. However, I find it HIGHLY unlikely she actually harms her own sister. Wonder what comes of that? Maybe that's how Littlefinger dies?

It looks like they are setting it up for arya to kill baelish. Need to get it over with so that arya can go back around westeros murdering folks. 

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